Scientists baffled by a perfect example of Biblical kinds


New member
chair said:
So you agree with the basic concept of evolution. You just think that the mechanism is different, and that it takes place extremely fast.

Uh...... no.

Evolutionists like to use rubbery words so they can equivocate.

God's Word tells us common ancestry is false. Science helps to confirm common ancestry beliefs are impossible.

Mechanism? We know that organisms adapt to various environments through pre-existing information and mechanisms. There is no mechanism to tweak the genome of a carrot to turn it into a carpenter...that is pseudoscience....and anti-Biblical.*

Jose Fly

New member
Reshuffling of the genes. Not new genes.

According to what 6days has posted here previously, during the flood there was a single breeding pair for each "unclean kind" that would later rapidly give rise to all the species within that "kind".

And now since you're saying no new genes arose, that means the breeding pair also had all the genes necessary for all the subsequent species that would arise post-flood.

Correct so far?

Jose Fly

New member
It makes perfect sense, because that is the context in which the word 'kind' is being used.

~kind: a particular type or variety of person or thing~

It is "being used" in the context of biological classification. The definition you posted does nothing in that context.

It's like if you and a biologist went to Africa and you said "Let's classify everything by kinds". He'd naturally ask what a "kind" is. If you answered "a particular type or variety", that wouldn't help at all.

That's what we're asking for. Creationists like to claim that God created everything by "kinds" and as a result everything can be grouped according to their "kinds". If that's true, it should be trivially easy to post a useful definition and/or criteria for such a grouping.


it should be trivially easy to post a useful definition and/or criteria for such a grouping.




Well-known member
There is no mechanism to tweak the genome of a carrot to turn it into a carpenter...

You say this, then have the nerve to point a finger at "evolutionists" and say "Evolutionists love creating strawmen."

Take a look in the mirror.


New member
You say this, then have the nerve to point a finger at "evolutionists" and say "Evolutionists love creating strawmen."

Take a look in the mirror.
I was being generous giving you a carrot to start with. Perhaps I could have argued that atheist believe dentists are descendants of dust... and, that the dust magically popped into existence. If that isn't an accurate portrayal of atheist beliefs (apart from the word 'magical').... please enlighten us where dentists came from.


New member
JoseFly said:
ccording to what 6days has posted here previously, during the flood there was a single breeding pair for each "unclean kind" that would later rapidly give rise to all the species within that "kind".

And now since you're saying no new genes arose, that means the breeding pair also hadall the genes necessary for*all*the subsequent species that would arise post-flood.

Correct so far?

Wow... pretty good, Jose!

Not necessarily the genes, but the pre-existing genetic information allows adaptation and speciation.

It would be impossible for natural processes to assembke even a single gene (50,000 component parts?). But its possible a mutation can duplicate or corrupt what already exists.*


Well-known member
I was being generous giving you a carrot to start with. Perhaps I could have argued that atheist believe dentists are descendants of dust... and, that the dust magically popped into existence. If that isn't an accurate portrayal of atheist beliefs (apart from the word 'magical').... please enlighten us where dentists came from.

You are pretending that "evolutionists" said that men can be descended from carrots. No scientist says that. it is a straw man.
The theory of evolution does not say anything about where matter comes from, or where life comes from. Another straw man.
And "evolutionists are all atheists"- simply not true.