Scientific proof: TheologyOnline will make you smarter

Memento Mori

New member
I'd just like to point out that that much brain activity probably means a seizure...

[patiently waits for someone to call me boring or make a joke] :plain:

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Clearly more testing needs to be done but we are excited about the results. Please feel free to add your own predicted results to this thread.
Addition to the above submitted for consideration:

View attachment 14952




New member
On the other hand

On the other hand

Addition to the above submitted for consideration:

View attachment 14952



I believe posting on TOL is, generally, guaranteed to raise my blood pressure to volcanic heights! Up until I began posting on TOL no one had ever called me a moron! Therefore, I can only suppose that my IQ level is regressing. Perhaps the antidote is to increase my own forays into name calling and labeling? Gasbags beware! bybee


Well-known member
Hmmm... this one is odd. I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm wondering if this spider wed one fits me. I'm a (soon to be) old-timer. I'm doing the best I can ... but that leaves plenty of room in my head for the Holy Spirit of My Lord to fill in the blank spaces with his truth.


Active member
I don't know. Clearly, participating on TOL has made some flaming liberals even dumber.

(Is it just coincidence that those brain scans match TOL's color scheme?)

You've got it all wrong. It is relative to I.Q. before and after...

In other words, some of us have a lot farther to go than others.

Trust me, I read the pre-release to the study!


I identify as a Christian
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A current list of users and how their posts affect the brain.
