Science-Reality or Delusion


As you will appreciate, I am not a follower of the christian hobby, I prefer test cricket. So the pleasure I have gained from following cricket would have been less had I devoted more time to christianity (although many atheists do appear to invest quite a bit of time trying to understand christianity anyway!).

You are not quite laying Pascal's Wager on me, but nearly. I think Pascal was cheap, a coward perhaps. Could he not just stand up for his convictions? What kind of god should be impressed by someone who has a bet each way? I stand by my conviction that the universe is brutal but beautiful and contains no observation or reason that should compel anyone to go for a conspiracy theory of sky beings running the show. And I'm sure you wouldn't accuse me of not having thought about it, right?

Now, if your god really exists, and views the way I have lived my life as worthy of burning in sulfur, why would I want to spend 'an eternity' with it?


I said
You only have one of two choices. Eternal in heaven with the Lord. Or the eternal lake of fire. I don't know exactly what heaven will be like, but anything has to be better than an eternal lake of fire. I keep thinking about that eternity thing. Hundreds and thousands of years burning.


New member
I said
You only have one of two choices. Eternal in heaven with the Lord. Or the eternal lake of fire. I don't know exactly what heaven will be like, but anything has to be better than an eternal lake of fire. I keep thinking about that eternity thing. Hundreds and thousands of years burning.
And who is this dictator claiming I have only two options? Don't you live in the land of the free?

You must know by now that I bear no ill will to others personally and am only really curious to discover what is really going on in the universe; you could not claim reasonably that I am worthy of punishment.

Yet here you are using the most threatening language, I suppose in your view as a well-meant warning.

My hobby of cricket does not involve warning people with threatening language or nailing humans to trees.

If your god wants to burn me in sulfur then I cannot see how anyone could call it a just god.



And who is this dictator claiming I have only two options? Don't you live in the land of the free?

You must know by now that I bear no ill will to others personally and am only really curious to discover what is really going on in the universe; you could not claim reasonably that I am worthy of punishment.

Yet here you are using the most threatening language, I suppose in your view as a well-meant warning.

My hobby of cricket does not involve warning people with threatening language or nailing humans to trees.

If your god wants to burn me in sulfur then I cannot see how anyone could call it a just god.


I said
I am not claiming anything. Your sharing what you believe, and I'm sharing what the bible believes. I can by reasoning of the bible show you what God says. It amazes me how people like you can not see your own deception. You have this whole world to look at. And the universe. And know someone created it. And you couldn't create one blade of grass from nothing. And you think in your own little mind that you can figure out that you know the truth about life.


New member
I said
I am not claiming anything. Your sharing what you believe, and I'm sharing what the bible believes. I can by reasoning of the bible show you what God says. It amazes me how people like you can not see your own deception. You have this whole world to look at. And the universe. And know someone created it. And you couldn't create one blade of grass from nothing. And you think in your own little mind that you can figure out that you know the truth about life.
People like me??

You seem to be agreeing that a 'creator of the universe' should have the right to create things that feel pain then burn them in sulfur at its own pleasure. What a terrible act of creation that would be. It would be better if that kind of totalitarian universe just didn't exist at all.

The universe looks too beautiful to have been created by anything with an agenda.



People like me??

You seem to be agreeing that a 'creator of the universe' should have the right to create things that feel pain then burn them in sulfur at its own pleasure. What a terrible act of creation that would be. It would be better if that kind of totalitarian universe just didn't exist at all.

The universe looks too beautiful to have been created by anything with an agenda.


I said
ROFLOL Take another look at your logic.

Rom 9:20

But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?”

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


New member
I said
ROFLOL Take another look at your logic.

Rom 9:20

But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?”
I am Stuart. I will not be enslaved, no matter what grand claims are made for the slave owner, or indeed slave maker.



I am Stuart. I will not be enslaved, no matter what grand claims are made for the slave owner, or indeed slave maker.


I said
lolol You are already a slave to the devil. Jesus said you cant straddle the fence.

Matt 12:30
30 "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.


New member
I said
lolol You are already a slave to the devil. Jesus said you cant straddle the fence.
Are you saying that Jesus has failed?

Matt 12:30
30 "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.
I remember George W Bush saying something similar, just before he did something really stupid.



Are you saying that Jesus has failed?

I remember George W Bush saying something similar, just before he did something really stupid.


I said
Are you telling me you can remember what Bush says, but you cant remember what the bible says.


New member
I said
ROFLOL Are you saying the bible is wrong and your right?
The bible is wrong about lots of things. I am right about some things, but unlike the bible I am interested in facts that are supported by evidence, and so what I know is provisional on whether any evidence comes to light that changes that knowledge. That happens sometimes, but not very often.



The bible is wrong about lots of things. I am right about some things, but unlike the bible I am interested in facts that are supported by evidence, and so what I know is provisional on whether any evidence comes to light that changes that knowledge. That happens sometimes, but not very often.


I said
The bible is perfect. I know from experience.