Science at its worst


New member
GregJennings said:
6days said:
Whales are designed to live in the ocean.
They are adapted well to aquatic life, I agree. But you've yet to show any evidence of that being the result of God
You have seen the evidence Greg, but you deny things which contradict your religion. Things which appear designed, containing complex sophisticated information systems ALWAYS have a designer. We have the evidence from God's Word... and the evidence of His creation.

GregJennings said:
6days said:
The human hand is a marvel of engineering... The worlds best engineers and designers have not been able to build anything close to competing with the God made version.
I'm fairly certain robotic hands do as well. Do you actually have anything to back up your statement here?
Like always Greg..... You believe things but without evidence or knowledge.
Show me a mechanical hand that is remotely close to human hand functionality, and I will point you to a very very impressive team of designers.

A team of researchers recently were impressed by the capabilities of our hands. PLOS ONE, published a paper recently by a team of four researchers,three in China, one in USA. "The paper dealt with everyday topics such as how human hands grasp objects, and showed these actions that we take for granted require “complex biomechanical architecture”. But this would hardly have been controversial if not for its ‘unfortunate’ use of some extremely taboo language: the researchers in multiple places referred to the Creator.”

"The many protests and threats of resignations have their way. “Paper Containing Creationist Language Pulled” was the title in “The Scientist. ....This incident should serve as a perfect response to any such challenge, and a ‘test case’ for what happens in such a circumstance. Far from giving due consideration, the so-called scientific community does the exact opposite: they scorn and bully anyone who would dare attempt to suggest a Creator, and do their best to prevent any such evidence from seeing the light of day. There would be pressure to remove any editor who allowed this to be published.

“This is the same type of behavior documented in Ben Stein’s movie Expelled, as well as the book Slaughter of the Dissidents by Dr Jerry Bergman. The simple truth is, the secular academic world is not open to considering evidence for a Divine Creator. The very concept of intelligent design is anathema to them, and they will stop at nothing to prevent any hint of such a Creator from breaking through the pages of secular scientific literature. The oft-cited ‘amazing admission’ by Dr Richard Lewontin once again is relevant here......"Our willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science and the supernatural. We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.

It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.

The eminent Kant scholar Lewis Beck used to say that anyone who could believe in God could believe in anything. To appeal to an omnipotent deity is to allow that at any moment the regularities of nature may be ruptured, that Miracles may happen. "

GregJennings said:
6days said:
Awesome!! Evidence of design.
As long as you admit that the design comes via evolution, then sure
God's Word tells us where the design came from.....our Creator. Logic and experience tell us that design which results from a code, ALWAYS has a designer.

In the beginning, God created.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Cabinethead contradicts himself on a post-by-post basis.
You are a liar. You parse people's posts to turn them into something they were not. It's dishonest. Worse, it is you bearing false witness against your neighbors, your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Greg Jennings

New member
You have seen the evidence Greg, but you deny things which contradict your religion. Things which appear designed, containing complex sophisticated information systems ALWAYS have a designer. We have the evidence from God's Word... and the evidence of His creation.

Like always Greg..... You believe things but without evidence or knowledge.
Show me a mechanical hand that is remotely close to human hand functionality, and I will point you to a very very impressive team of designers.
I can't believe how dishonest you are. You quote-mined me. I said the chimpanzee hand first, then mentioned the robotic hand as a possible contender. So how about you answer the actual question and tell me how our hand is so much more special than a chimp's? And don't quote mine me again ok?

God's Word tells us where the design came from.....our Creator. Logic and experience tell us that design which results from a code, ALWAYS has a designer.

In the beginning, God created.
Yet you can't find any non-YEC sources, papers. studies.....anything really.....tat comes anything close to backing up your absurd statements. Maybe there was w creator, and maybe there wasn't. Pretending that there is evidence to prove one way or the other is idiotic. It's philosophy, and unlike in science verification is not necessary and oftentimes not possible


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You are a liar. You parse people's posts to turn them into something they were not. It's dishonest. Worse, it is you bearing false witness against your neighbors, your brothers and sisters in Christ.

You say God created evil, then you agreed with the statement that God is not the author of evil. :idunno:


New member
GregJennings said:
6days said:
You have seen the evidence Greg, but you deny things which contradict your religion. Things which appear designed, containing complex sophisticated information systems ALWAYS have a designer. We have the evidence from God's Word... and the evidence of His creation.

Like always Greg..... You believe things but without evidence or knowledge.
Show me a mechanical hand that is remotely close to human hand functionality, and I will point you to a very very impressive team of designers.
I can't believe how dishonest you are. You quote-mined me. I said the chimpanzee hand first, then mentioned the robotic hand as a possible contender.
Greg..... Its hard to take you serious sometimes. If you want to discuss something, don't keep trying to move the goalposts.

Lets Review

I said "The human hand is a marvel of engineering... The worlds best engineers and designers have not been able to build anything close to competing with the God made version"

You replied... "The chimpanzee hand competes pretty well with it"

HUH??? Give your head a shake man..... The chimp hand has nothing to do with this world's engineers and designers.

SHEESH!! (BTW... The chimp hand is also designed very well for things that chimps do)

GregJennings said:
6days said:
God's Word tells us where the design came from.....our Creator. Logic and experience tell us that design which results from a code, ALWAYS has a designer.

In the beginning, God created.
It's philosophy, and unlike in science verification is not necessary and oftentimes not possible

Very good..... That is much the same as something I often say. Evolutionism and creationism are not science. They are beliefs about the past. Both sides examine the exact same EVIDENCE, but interpret it to fit their beliefs. Neither side comes to the table as a blank slate.

GregJennings said:
........Pretending that there is evidence to prove one way or the other is idiotic.
BTW..Suggestion for you..... Why don't you make your statement about evidence your signature line. I think that would fit every post of yours when you try convince others of your beliefs ..."Pretending that there is evidence to prove one way or the other is idiotic.". Ha..... I don't necessarily agree but it would go well with your posts.

Greg Jennings

New member
Greg..... Its hard to take you serious sometimes. If you want to discuss something, don't keep trying to move the goalposts.

Lets Review

I said "The human hand is a marvel of engineering... The worlds best engineers and designers have not been able to build anything close to competing with the God made version"

You replied... "The chimpanzee hand competes pretty well with it"

HUH??? Give your head a shake man..... The chimp hand has nothing to do with this world's engineers and designers.

SHEESH!! (BTW... The chimp hand is also designed very well for things that chimps do)
I said the chimp hand because you seem to think that humans are made perfectly when they aren't (though our brains are close). If you agree that chimp hand design is no better than human hand design, why bring it up? Talk about strawmen and moving goalposts, you started that whole tangent! Nobody ever said that humans are capable of creating human-quality hands to date. That is what you might call a strawman. You'd think you would avoid those, as much as you whine about them (usually incorrectly I might add)

Very good..... That is much the same as something I often say. Evolutionism and creationism are not science. They are beliefs about the past. Both sides examine the exact same EVIDENCE, but interpret it to fit their beliefs. Neither side comes to the table as a blank slate.
You quote-mined again. Here is what I said. Feel free to respond to that:

"Yet you can't find any non-YEC sources, papers. studies.....anything really.....tat comes anything close to backing up your absurd statements. Maybe there was w creator, and maybe there wasn't. Pretending that there is evidence to prove one way or the other is idiotic. It's philosophy, and unlike in science verification is not necessary and oftentimes not possible."

BTW..Suggestion for you..... Why don't you make your statement about evidence your signature line. I think that would fit every post of yours when you try convince others of your beliefs ..."Pretending that there is evidence to prove one way or the other is idiotic.". Ha..... I don't necessarily agree but it would go well with your posts.
And another quote-mine. I even took the trouble to bolden my statement above so that it can be seen in context.
Are you proud of yourself when you do this?


New member
I said the chimp hand because you seem to think that humans are made perfectly when they aren't (though our brains are close).
No you said "chimp hands" to try move the goal posts. It had nothing to do with my statement "The human hand is a marvel of engineering... The worlds best engineers and designers have not been able to build anything close to competing with the God made version"