Law is PRACTICED. And it's in the practice of it that the racism becomes apparent.
Also, classism is very often also racist. So laws that unfairly punish the poor are often also laws that unfairly punish being black, even when they also effect poor white people.
You have imbibed freely of the cool aid.
I think classism is one of the most destructive parts of any society as it separates and pits people against each other based on externals such as family you're born into, the money your family has, etc.... I've thought this since I was a kid and watched these prejudices at play long before anyone ever heard of wokeness. Nobody ever had to tell me they were wrong. I figured that out on my own. Yet your in wokeness you most likely consider me racist.
Racism doesn't become apparent in the practice of law. It becomes apparent through the habits of life. Jesus did away with racism for Christians when He healed the Phonecian woman and when he asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water. Paul said there is neither Jew nor Greek in Jesus Christ.
It's pretty sad that you need to go to the broken cisterns of popular culture to find out somerhing is wrong when God has already demonstrated in scripture it is wrong.