Satan, Inc (TOL's heretic's list)


New member
Last chance to take my answer...

If you had been converted you would want to give testimony to the grace and trust received. The fact you are not giving honour and praise to The Saviour means you don't know Him. You are in fact denying Him before man and He will deny you before the Father.


If you had been converted you would want to give testimony to the grace and trust received. The fact you are not giving honour and praise to The Saviour means you don't know Him. You are in fact denying Him before man and He will deny you before the Father.


P.s. Is there ever a chance you'll learn to use the "quote" feature properly?


New member
I keep trying to think of a testimony where there was a stark change from one moment to the next.

I too did the sinners prayer many times and it was always as a result of someone shaming me , saying I was not right with God or not living for the Lord etc..... Nothing really changed each time but I did get bitter at all these holier than thou folks who seemed to want to keep me in perpetual works bondage.

I have always valued truth over security. I can also spot evil when I see it. I just can't pinpoint a time when that wasn't so. In fact, I have improved in those attributes over time and I have come to despise religiosity. I can probably think of many of my faults if I try hard enough and I cannot see much change in them over time except in some areas and they were big.

One of the biggest things recently was giving up on seeking a certain thing in my life and accepting a slight variation of it. I was at the brink of suicide before it and now, I have everything to live for. In this change, I have totally lost concern for myself and I am totally absorbed in caring for others. That's my biggest life change.


I keep trying to think of a testimony where there was a stark change from one moment to the next.

I too did the sinners prayer many times and it was always as a result of someone shaming me , saying I was not right with God or not living for the Lord etc..... Nothing really changed each time but I did get bitter at all these holier than thou folks who seemed to want to keep me in perpetual works bondage.

I have always valued truth over security. I can also spot evil when I see it. I just can't pinpoint a time when that wasn't so. In fact, I have improved in those attributes over time and I have come to despise religiosity. I can probably think of many of my faults if I try hard enough and I cannot see much change in them over time except in some areas and they were big.

One of the biggest things recently was giving up on seeking a certain thing in my life and accepting a slight variation of it. I was at the brink of suicide before it and now, I have everything to live for. In this change, I have totally lost concern for myself and I am totally absorbed in caring for others. That's my biggest life change.

What you have written here... is Abraham Lincoln... Riding on a Grisly Bear... With a Machine Gun and a founding document of the United States... AWESOME!



The only quote I want off you is a testimony. You know, the one you don't have.

The only thing you're going to get from me is about Jesus. If... and I mean... If... You properly divide the Light from the Dark... perhaps I will share with you one day. But... until you grow past the "Devil is God's Puppet" belief system... I'm probably not going to ... ahem... "trust" you with personal matters that are core to my very being.

- EE


New member
The only thing you're going to get from me is about Jesus. If... and I mean... If... You properly divide the Light from the Dark... perhaps I will share with you one day. But... until you grow past the "Devil is God's Puppet" belief system... I'm probably not going to ... ahem... "trust" you with personal matters that are core to my very being.

- EE

You have nothing to share that involves the evangelsim of salvation. Only that which is parrot fashion.


Paul gave his testimony.

You just couldn't help yourself...

Well... here's your reward... look... it's an OP from your Theological Cousin... Squeaky's Satan is God's Wrath Thread

Leaning in and whispering... "you're welcome"

No take backsies...


I'm a free will Theist. I also see God differently than you and it offends me when Satan is credited to God as God's doing.

I appreciate your patience in dialogue... but I'm calling it like I am clearly discerning it. Satan is malevolent! God is not!

Satan is the prince of the power of the air, but he is not exercising his own will, but the will of Him who works all things after the counsel of His own will. Satan is a puppet and no more.


New member
You just couldn't help yourself...

Well... here's your reward... look... it's an OP from your Theological Cousin... Squeaky's Satan is God's Wrath Thread

Leaning in and whispering... "you're welcome"

No, take backsies...

It is the will of the Eternal Almighty to judge wicked sinners.

It is the will of the Eternal Almighty to utilise all means at His disposal.

Satan is one means at His disposal.

The Almighty uses the wicked to deceive and destroy the wicked. You are proof of that.
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It is the will of the Eternal Almighty to judge wicked sinners.

It is the will of the Eternal Almighty to utilise all means at His disposal.

Satan is one means at His disposal.

The Almighty uses the wicked to deceive and destroy the wicked. You are proof of that.


You are a hateful chap. I sense it as I read your words. You judge souls as if you were God Himself and glorify wickedness as God's will. I see you saying some things that are correct... but I see you making horrible theological errors that erase 1 John 4:8 and 1 Cor. 13.

You, B57 and Nang are all cut from the same cloth... in my assessment. I've tried and given much time to you... but the Damage you do... seems to outweigh the good.

I can see that the hate, hostility, anamocity and bitterness you harbor is more than enough retribution for your error.

You can have the last word on this one...

- EE


New member

You are a hateful chap. I sense it as I read your words. You judge souls as if you were God Himself and glorify wickedness as God's will. I see you saying some things that are correct... but I see you making horrible theological errors that erase 1 John 4:8 and 1 Cor. 13.

You, B57 and Nang are all cut from the same cloth... in my assessment. I've tried and given much time to you... but the Damage you do... seems to outweigh the good.

I can see that the hate, hostility, anamocity and bitterness you harbor is more than enough retribution for your error.

You can have the last word on this one...

- EE

Your aversion is to the truth as found in the revealed will of Elohim. My post highlights The Sovereign Will of Elohim in judgement, justice and mercy. Your problem is not with me, but with the message of the evangelism.

"For the wrath of Elohim is revealed from heaven against all irreverence and injustice of humanity, who hold the truth in injustice;"​