Sandy Hook Families Sue Evil Gun Maker For Selling Evil Gun That Shoots People .....


Connecticut demolishes home of Newtown shooter

All that’s left now of Newtown massacre gunman Adam Lanza’s former home is an empty lot.

Connecticut’s Department of Public Works demolished the home where Lanza, who was responsible for the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, lived with his mother. Earlier this year, local lawmakers in Newtown voted unanimously to destroy the white Colonial home in an effort to remove the constant reminder of the tragedy that occurred in their community. Workers on Tuesday knocked down the structure and cleared the rubble.




Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
26 shots in 5 min.?....I've got news for them; that can be done with just about any repeating firearm...Including pump, bolt, or lever actions. If that is all they are posting their hope on then they are bigger fools than I previously thought. :think:

I had a single barrel, breech-loading shotgun as a kid that could fire at that rate. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
not thrown out

returned from the federal level to the state level:

Sandy Hook lawsuit sent back to state court

A U.S. District judge on Wednesday sent the wrongful death lawsuit brought by 10 families of Sandy Hook victims against Bushmaster Firearms back to state court.

A wrongful death lawsuit filed by 10 Newtown families against Bushmaster Firearms has been sent from federal court back to state court, where it may have a better chance of succeeding.

U.S. District Judge Robert Chatigny, in Hartford, returned the case to state court on Wednesday — a decision called an important victory by the families’ lawyers. Federal courts have consistently refused to hold gun manufacturers liable or permit lawsuits against gun manufacturers for injuries caused by third parties.

The lawsuit claims Bushmaster AR-15, the assault rifle used to kill 20 first-graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, is too dangerous to sell to the general public.

The gunmaker disputes the claims. Shortly after the families filed suit last year, its lawyers had the case moved to federal court.

In addition to Bushmaster, the defendants include firearm distributor Camfour, based in Massachusetts, and Riverview Gun Sales, the East Windsor store where gunman Adam Lanza’s mother legally purchased the rifle in 2010.

Bushmaster urged the court to find the plaintiffs’ claims against Riverview were meritless and Riverview had therefore been “fraudulently” named as a defendant in the case.

Removing Riverview from the lawsuit would mean none of the defendants are from Connecticut, and therefore, federal court was more appropriate, Bushmaster lawyers argued.

The district court’s ruling on Wednesday was an unequivocal rejection of that argument, said Josh Koskoff, an attorney for the families.

“All my clients seek is an opportunity to present their case to a Connecticut jury,” he said. “This ruling brings them one step closer to that goal. It is a major setback for the gun industry in their attempt to avoid responsibility for tragedies like Newtown.”

The families’ complaint further argues that Bushmaster, which is the nation’s largest supplier of civilian semiautomatic rifles, and the other defendants should be held accountable for their decision to entrust a highly lethal assault weapon to the general public without any of the safeguards that are present in the military or law enforcement.

Lanza, who had struggled with rage, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder, took just 264 seconds to fire 154 bullets from the Bushmaster .223 he took from his mother's unlocked closet, according to the lawsuit.

“The AR-15 assault rifle was designed as a military weapon,” said attorney Katie Mesner-Hage, who also represents the families. “The defendants chose to make that weapon available to Connecticut citizens and to market it in explicitly militaristic terms — even in the wake of Columbine, Aurora and countless other tragedies.

“A Connecticut jury should have the opportunity to evaluate that choice and decide whether defendants bear some responsibility for what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School.”


New member
It is going to get thrown out, its a publicity stunt aimed at drawing peoples attention to the lack of anyone doing anything to limit the chances aces of another sandyhook happening again.

I heard the brother of one of the victims talking on our radio yesterday, he talked about how unaware he was of the level and extent of gun violence in the US before the massacre.

To us who haven't grown up in the states its an appalling waste of human life, I guess to you its normal always been there and doesn't seem odd. It usually happens to those guys down the road and not you and your associates.

And yet gun violence is decreasing, and most gun deaths are suicides, and there have ALWAYS been guns in the US, yet only now is there a large political outcry against them. When there were more guns, as when I was growing up, there was nowhere near the problems you claim with them, which shows the problems are not guns, but something in the culture.


New member
Hall of Fame
And yet gun violence is decreasing, and most gun deaths are suicides, and there have ALWAYS been guns in the US, yet only now is there a large political outcry against them. When there were more guns, as when I was growing up, there was nowhere near the problems you claim with them, which shows the problems are not guns, but something in the culture.
