Maximeee's Husband
Not only does He see what happens but He knows the jack is not seated properly, how much the car weighs, how much time the man has to live when it falls, He has all the power to hold the jack up for a few minutes longer without lifting a finger, etc.
Of course this is all true but does not imply that He ordained that all of it would happen. Whats more, His "seeing" of all this is extraneous when He has willed it all to be anyway.
How does He get off without being held ultimately responsible?
Because He isn't.
But you still didn't answer my question. Evil is not to be done so that good can come of it.
Basically it was:
-Does God abide by His own righteous standard?
I appreciate your posts. I'm just really trying to get at the heart of this idea. Its really on my mind right now...just trying to fathom why God would will such evil (and original sin to boot). I'm not seeking to understand why God would/did ordain such things because (simply because I don't believe it)...I'm trying to understand how a Christian could believe it.
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