Rubio: sodomites are born that way

Arthur Brain

Well-known member


Well-known member
We are pretty much at the place where every poiticain needs to tow the party line on this, if they want to be elected. :idunno:

True. I'd have more respect for any candidate who claims to believe the Bible who said he/she believes it is sin, but the issue should be left up to each state to decide for itself. The old libertarian argument is that states and gov't in general should have never had any business involving itself in marriage anyway, but that boat has long sailed. We are where we are.


Well-known member
Or maybe he's just applying common sense as I've certainly not met anyone who claimed they 'chose' their orientation.

Lots of ex-homosexuals will tell you exactly that. Not all, but a lot.

I certainly didn't 'choose' heterosexuality, it chose me so to speak. Could you choose to start being attracted to other men Musterion?


Nope, as I tried explaining to you. But we've had this conversation already.


Well-known member
Um, Sen. Rubio,

1.)Dr. Dean Hamer who failed to find a "gay gene":

"Homosexuality is not purely genetic. Environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay. I don't think that we will ever be able to predict who will be gay."

2.) Dr. Dean Hamer was asked by Scientific American if homosexuality was rooted solely in biology. He replied:

"Absolutely not. From twin studies we already know that half or more of the variability in sexual orientation is not inherited. Our studies try to pinpoint the genetic factors, not negate the psychosocial factors."

("New Evidence of a "Gay Gene," by Anastasia Toufexis, Time, November 13, 1995, Vol. 146. Issue 20, p.95)

3.) British researchers generated comparable results in an identical-twin study. Their conclusion? The suprisingly low odds that both twins were homosexual.

The study by them: "confirmed that genetic factors are insufficient explanation for the development of sexual orientation."

(King, M and McDonald, E. Homosexuals Who Are Twins: A Study of 46 Probands. British Journal of Psychiatry. 160: 407-409 (1992).

4a.)Homosexual researcher Simon Levay, who studied the hypothalamic differences between the brains of heterosexuals and homosexuals:

"I didn't show that gay men are born that way the msot common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain."

4b.)Dr. Simon Levay: The most widely held opinion [on causation of homosexuality] is that multiple factors play a role.

Levay, Simon (1996). Queer Science, MIT Press.

5.) Dr. J. Satinover:

"Research studies on homosexuality by Dr's Dean Hamer, Michael Bailey, Richard Dillard, Simon Levay. Laura Allen and Roger Gorski have failed to show proof of a gay gene. There is no scientific evidence that shows that homosexuality is genetic. The media has sensationalized and perpetuated the myth of a homosexual gene."

Satinover, J. M.D. (1996) Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth. Grand Rapids. Baker Books

6.) Another of Dr. Jeffery Satinover's conclusions in "The Gay Gene":

"There is no evidence that shows that homosexuality is genetic--and none of the resaerch itself claims there is. Only the press and certain researchers do when speaking in sound bites to the public."

(Jeffery Satinover, M.D. The Journal of Human Sexuality, 1996, p.8)

7.) The American Psychological Association:

"Many scientists share the view that sexual orientation is shaped for many people at an early age through complex interactions of biology, psychological and social factors."

(The American Psychological Association's pamphlet "Answers to Your Questions About Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality."

8.) The American Psychiatric Association (2000):

"no replicated scientific studies showing any specific biological etiology for homosexuality."

9.) Sociologist Steven Goldberg:

"I know of no one in the field who argues that homosexuality can be explained without reference to environmental factors."

(Goldberg, Steven (1994) When Wish Replaces Thought: Why So Much of What You Believe is False. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books.

10a.) Science, 1994:

"Time and time again, scientists have claimed that particular genes or chromosomal regions are associated with behavioral traits only to withdraw their findings when they were not replicated. "Unfortunately," says Yale's [Dr. Joel] Gelernter: "It's hard to come up with many findings linking specific genes to complex human behaviors that have been replicated...all were announced with great fanfare, all were greeted unskeptically in the popular press; all are now in disrepute."

(Mann, C. "Genes and Behavior." Science 264: 1687 (1994), pp. 1686-1689.)

10b.) "The interactions of genes and environment is much more complex than the simple "violence genes" and "intelligence genes" touted in the popular press."

Mann, C. op. cit. pp. 1686-1689

11.) Two genetics researchers, one at Harvard, commented in Technology Review, July 1993 p. 60 concerning twin study's.

"While the authors interpreted their findings as evidence for a genetic basis for homosexuality, we think that the data, in fact, provide strong evidence for the influence of the environment."

(Billings, P. and Beckwith, J. Technology Review, July 1993. p.60)

12.) P. Scott Richards:

"Some environmental and psychological factors that may play a causal role in the development of homosexuality include: (1) cross-gender effiminate behavior in childhood. (2) gender-identity deficits (3) hostile, dteached or absent fathers (which leads to "defensive detachment" from the father and other males) and (4) overly close, controlling or dominating mothers.

(P. Scott Richards, "The Treatment of Homosexuality: Some Historical, Contemporary and Personal Perspectives," AMCAP Journal. Vol 19, No. 1, 1993, pg. 36)

13.) Lesbian biologist Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling of Brown University, responding to the "born that way" argument:

"It provides a legal argument that is, at the moment actually having some sawy in court. For me, it's a very shaky palce. It's bad science and bad politics. It seems to me that the way we consider homosexuality in our culture is an ethical and a moral one."

14.) Camille Paglia, lesbiam activist: "Homosexuality is 'not normal'. On the contrary it is a challenge to the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single, relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction. No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous. Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait."

Camille Paglia: " Is the gay identity so fragile that it cannot bear the thought that some people may not wish to be gay? Sexuality is highly fluid, and reversals are theoretically possible. However, habit is highly refractory, and once the sensory pathways have been blazed -- a phenmenon obvious in the struggle with obesity, smoking, alcoholism or drug addiction...helping to learn how to function heterosexually, if they wish, is a perferctly worthy aim."

Camille Paglia: " We should be honest enough to consider whether homosexuality may not indeed be a pausing at the prepubscent stage where children anxiously band together bt gender...current gay cant insists that homosexuality is 'not a choice'; that no one would choose to be gay in a homophobic society. But there is an element of choice in all behavior, sexual or otherwise. It takes an effort to deal with the opposite sex; it is safer to deal with your own kind. The issue is one of challenge versus comfort."

Boys victimized by older men are far more likely to be homosexual as adults, and the cycle often repeats itself. More environmental factors.

15.) Noted child sex-abuse expert David Finkelhor found that "boys victimized by older men were over four times more likley to be currently engaged in homosexual activity than were non-victims. The finding applied to nearly half the boys who had such an experience. Further, the adolescents themselves often linked their homosexuality to their victimization experiences."

(Bill Watkins & Aaron Bentovim, "The Sexual Bause of Male Adolescents: A Review of Current Research, " Journal of Child Psychiatry 33, (1992); in Byren Finkelman, Sexual Abuse(New York: Garland Publishing, 1995), p. 316

16.) The Archives of Sexual Behavior:

"One of the most salient findings of this study is that 46% of homosexual men and 22% of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender."

(Marie, E. Tomeo "Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescent Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons." Archives of Sexual Behavior 30 (2001): 539)

17.) A study of 279 homosexual and bisexual men with Aids and control patients reported:

"More than half of both case and control patients reported a sexual act with a male by age 16 years, approximately 20% by age 10 years."

(Harry W. Haverkos, "The Initiation of Male Homosexual Behavior," The Journal of the American Medical Association 262 (July 28, 1989): 501)

18.) A stduy of 229 convicted child molesters found that:

"86% of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual."

(W.D. Erickson, Behavior Patterns of Child Molesters, Archives of Sexual Behavior 17 (1988): 83)

19.) A National Institue of Justice report states that:

"the odds that a childhood sexual abuse victim will be arrested as an adult for any sex crime is 4.7 times higher than for people...who experienced no victimization as children."

(Cathy Spatz Widom, "Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse - Later Criminal Consequences, Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse Series: NIJ Research in Brief (March 1995): 6)

20.) A Child Abuse and Neglect study found that 59% of male child sex offenders had beenvictims of contact sexual abuse as a child.

(Michelle Elliott, "Child Sexual Abuse Prevention: What offenders Tell Us" Child Abuse and Neglect 19, (1995): 582)


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
We are pretty much at the place where every poiticain needs to tow the party line on this, if they want to be elected. :idunno:
This is the gutless scoundrel argument that attempts to use a person's "homophobia" against him. It won't work! It is true that, absent of some sort of gateway perversion I could never imagine myself being sexually atracted to a man. So what! Show me a person who has never been attracted to sin and you might have a point.


New member
Rubio's a Catholic isn't he? The RCC doesn't believe it's a sin. They love to have homos preach from their pulpits, and they do anything they can to protect their reprobate priests when they rape children. Rubio is an instrument of the devil.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
We are all born sinners, examples of such manifesting themselves of all manner of licentiousness. Fortunately, this choice can be corrected (1 Cor. 6:9-11). :AMR:



New member
Reading just the thread title I was going to say that Rubio's got one thing right and a thousand things wrong at this point, but reading the actual article shows it's more like half a thing right and 10,000.5 things wrong.

"The fact that the Republicans are coming out so strongly against gay marriage shows that they are serious about losing the 2016 election."
-Andy Borowitz

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This is the gutless scoundrel argument that attempts to use a person's "homophobia" against him. It won't work! It is true that, absent of some sort of gateway perversion I could never imagine myself being sexually atracted to a man. So what! Show me a person who has never been attracted to sin and you might have a point.

If you're straight then that attraction simply wouldn't come about. This apparent argument that promiscuous behaviour etc can alter a person's orientation is weak at the very best and bordering on the ludicrous even then. You may very well be able to choose to sleep around and indulge in sexual temptation - in much the same way as you may choose to steal, lie, gossip etc, but your temptation is with the opposite sex. If you can entertain the notion of sexual congress or intimacy with your own gender then you simply ain't straight.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you're straight then that attraction simply wouldn't come about. This apparent argument that promiscuous behaviour etc can alter a person's orientation is weak at the very best and bordering on the ludicrous even then. You may very well be able to choose to sleep around and indulge in sexual temptation - in much the same way as you may choose to steal, lie, gossip etc, but your temptation is with the opposite sex. If you can entertain the notion of sexual congress or intimacy with your own gender then you simply ain't straight.

All sins are chosen behavior. One doesn't have to have sex. They will not die.


Well-known member
For obvious reasons it's somewhat impossible to choose to become gay if straight.

Not true, AB. A person often chooses to continue stealing once they've stolen. A person often chooses to kill another person once they've killed someone. An abused child often becomes an abuser himself.