Has anyone seen his Twitter work? One of the most recent had a Winston Churchill photo and quote, followed by the former sheriff's,
"This meme epitomizes the attitude of the LYING LIB MEDIA and their goon liberal followers. Two UNFOUNDED twitter complaints were made yesterday against me as I PUNKED THEM OUT for a drive-by hit job they did with FAKE NEWS. When they get hit back they run to mommy to whine."
That, folks, is the maturity level I've been speaking to.
[FONT=&]"Patriot Frederick Douglas embodied the same spirit and courage I have and we should ALL have against the suppression of speech in political discourse by the left. He died working to give all of us freedom of expression regardless of what some find uncomfortable about what is said."
Notice that his lead is self-aggrandizement first, point second?
[/FONT][FONT=&]"I will NOT be Intimidated into silence by LYING LIB MEDIA. I will NOT be intimidated by LIBERAL hyper partisan government HACKS who weaponize government authorirty to go after people whose views they don't like. I will STAND AND FIGHT for TRUTH & what I believe is RIGHT. JOIN ME."
I wonder if he realizes who controls the government these days and which news media is the self-proclaimed leader from which most Americans get their news...and shouldn't that be "Join the fight"?
Or this gem:
[/FONT][FONT=&]"Poor Lizzie will never live down the FACT, that she LIED on application to get a teaching position! Has she paid Harvard back for taking money under FALSE PRETENSE? Pathetic!"
Except she didn't lie about it and the claim advanced by her family never actually got her a teaching position at Harvard or anywhere else.
A personal favorite, because it does go back to Clarke's idea of reasonable responses to things he doesn't like.
[/FONT][FONT=&]"I keep warning the LYING LIB MEDIA and their liberal goons NOT TO POKE THE DOG because I BITE BACK. They continue to think I will take their DRIVE-BY HIT SMEARS lying down. I WASN’T BUILT TO BACK DOWN. They are not used to THIS conservative’s style of SMASH-MOUTH POLITICS [/FONT]#MAGA[FONT=&]."[/FONT][FONT=&]
And yes, that's the photo he attached.

lain: Back to his idea of reasonable response. And the drive-by smear is especially funny given his use of social media, both with Mr. Black and presently.