Ron Paul is pro-choice on abortion, state by state


New member
Just because your Dad was right about one thing does not mean he is right about other things.
Bob knew GWB was a liar (liberal) before he was elected the first time.

True. I wish I had listened to believers like Stephen's dad and Bob Enyart. I wouldn't have wasted my vote or my time with George W. Bush.

Instead I listened to a lot of other pastors and pro-lifers that I respected, and I listened to Bush himself. I was still fairly new to a lot of things back in 2000 and had only been living for God for a few years. If I knew then what I know now, I would have NEVER voted for Bush.

And I thought I was voting for a man with conviction. I heard the man give his testimony as to how he had received Christ as Savior.

Bush was fleecing the Christian pro-life community, just as Ron Paul is doing to some who refuse to see it.


New member
including the murder of homosexuals. have you given thought to the fact that if it is not murder for the state to kill a homosexual then (consistently) it is not murder for them to kill an unborn child either.

Why do you keep bringing this up in discussions about stopping the innocent from being slaughtered mercilessly?


New member
S†ephen;1633224 said:
And all the brainwashed Christians say "hail bob" and follow mindlessly?

I can't believe you are saying this stuff. It doesn't sound like the polite young man, Stephen Dale, I've known and watched grow up for years. It's rude and inappropriate. Nobody in Bob's church acts like that. I love and appreciate Bob Enyart and his ministry and you are just wrong to make statements like this.


New member
S†ephen;1633201 said:
I don't understand Mr. K... My dad tells you GWB is a bad guy. You say no no he's good, and you are proven wrong. Now my Dad says Ron Paul is a good guy and you say no no he's wrong. If he was right before why is he not right now? You should consider more angles than Bob Enyart's.

Question: Did Bob approve of GWB?

If I were listening to Bob back in 2000 I might have heard a lot of information that would have encouraged me NOT to vote for Bush. The reasons your dad gave me at the time had more to do with political views than moral or Biblical views. I'm pretty sure he voted for Bush as well, albeit more reluctantly than myself.

Do you realize that your dad's political views have changed greatly since the time I met you guys? Sometimes I hear the things you guys are saying and it blows my mind because you don't even sound like the same guys I've known for years.
Ron Paul is more like GWB in 2000 than you realize, and yet you aren't seeing it, and it is me warning you against supporting a bad candidate.

In 2000 your dad was a much more mature believer in Christ than I was at the time, and I looked up to him greatly. I had only been walking with the Lord for a couple of years, and your dad had been a Christian for some time. Your mom and dad were people that my wife and I adored because of their strong testimony and willingness to serve God and homeschool their children. (And because they're great people)

I just hope that you all don't let all of this anti-government hatred change you too much more. The liberal media has poisoned your perspective, and I know it's a direct result of what your dad did for a living and the media types he was always around. I pray and hope that this whole sour attitude against Christians who stand for Biblical truth isn't something that you are going to stick with either, and that I'll wake up from this bad dream.


Well-known member
False. It was legal in several states before it became legal across the nation.

It was legal yes. But you do know it was going federal, so some states tried to out flank the Courts. Here is Ron Paul's position on ABORTION.

Abortion on demand is the ultimate State (READ ANY STATE) tyranny; the State (READ ANY STATE) simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law. The State (READ ANY STATE) protects the "right" of some people to kill others, just as the courts protected the "property rights" of slave masters in their slaves. Moreover, by this method the State (READ ANY STATE) achieves a goal common to all totalitarian regimes: it sets us against each other, so that our energies are spent in the struggle between State (READ ANY STATE)-created classes, rather than in freeing all individuals from the State (READ ANY STATE). Unlike Nazi Germany, which forcibly sent millions to the gas chambers (as well as forcing abortion and sterilization upon many more), the new regime has enlisted the assistance of millions of people to act as its agents in carrying out a program of mass murder.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
including the murder of homosexuals. have you given thought to the fact that if it is not murder for the state to kill a homosexual then (consistently) it is not murder for them to kill an unborn child either.
I understand that you don't believe that homosexuality should be a capitol crime, but do you not believe in capital punishment at all?


New member
S†ephen;1632187 said:
And you're sinning against God by allowing the feds to murder homosexuals.

Paul stands for states rights and you say he's lusting after power? You support a monarchy and that's not supposed to be lusting after power?:doh:

THAT is a barefaced lie.

Stephen Dale it is amazing to me that you charged right into this thread with no substance to your argments. You have always been an articulate and well-spoken young man, and yet none of those things were evident in your comments above.

My point in bringing this up is to ask you to seriously consider WHY you are unwilling to openly and honestly discuss your issues with Pastor Bob's statements on Ron Paul and the SUBSTANCE of our arguments against why Paul should not be elected or supported by Christians who love God's Word.

You can debate issues with other believers in Jesus without resorting to calling them mindless and saying that they are following Bob and not God.

In a discussion where there are opposing views, the side that is most interested in pleasing God and that builds their arguments around God and His Word is the side that is always right. :think:


New member
I can't believe you are saying this stuff. It doesn't sound like the polite young man, Stephen Dale, I've known and watched grow up for years. It's rude and inappropriate. Nobody in Bob's church acts like that. I love and appreciate Bob Enyart and his ministry and you are just wrong to make statements like this.

I'm sorry... but my statement is true.


New member
I understand that you don't believe that homosexuality should be a capitol crime, but do you not believe in capital punishment at all?

No, I believe in capitol punishment for those who commit capitol crimes upon others.

Murder is a capitol crime because the murderer is taking someone's life against their consent. Homosexuals do not murder people.


New member
Stephen Dale it is amazing to me that you charged right into this thread with no substance to your argments. You have always been an articulate and well-spoken young man, and yet none of those things were evident in your comments above.

How so?

My point in bringing this up is to ask you to seriously consider WHY you are unwilling to openly and honestly discuss your issues with Pastor Bob's statements on Ron Paul and the SUBSTANCE of our arguments against why Paul should not be elected or supported by Christians who love God's Word.

I am. That's what I've been doing.:D

You can debate issues with other believers in Jesus without resorting to calling them mindless and saying that they are following Bob and not God.

If you follow someone without questioning them at all what would you call that?

I'll change terms if you like but that is what seems to be the usual pattern.

In a discussion where there are opposing views, the side that is most interested in pleasing God and that builds their arguments around God and His Word is the side that is always right. :think:

The hard part is figuring which side that is:think:


New member
I'm pretty sure he voted for Bush as well, albeit more reluctantly than myself.


Do you realize that your dad's political views have changed greatly since the time I met you guys?

That's a good thing.
Means we aren't brainwashed.

Ron Paul is more like GWB in 2000 than you realize, and yet you aren't seeing it, and it is me warning you against supporting a bad candidate.

Did Bush support stopping wars, destroying the IRS, FBI, CIA, ATF, etc..?

Did he support a different foreign policy? Did he support removing power from an already abusive Federal government?

In 2000 your dad was a much more mature believer in Christ than I was at the time, and I looked up to him greatly. I had only been walking with the Lord for a couple of years, and your dad had been a Christian for some time. Your mom and dad were people that my wife and I adored because of their strong testimony and willingness to serve God and homeschool their children. (And because they're great people)

So.... do you believe he's stagnated during your growth?

I just hope that you all don't let all of this anti-government hatred change you too much more. The liberal media has poisoned your perspective,

I don't read much Liberal media. I just look at what our government does and draw my decisions from there.

and I know it's a direct result of what your dad did for a living and the media types he was always around.

And how can you call his decisions wrong?

I pray and hope that this whole sour attitude against Christians who stand for Biblical truth isn't something that you are going to stick with either, and that I'll wake up from this bad dream.

Just make sure the Christians you stand with are really standing for Biblical truth.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Do you believe that abortion should be classified as murder, and that the punishment therefore should be death?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Ron Paul: "while Roe v. Wade is invalid, a federal law banning abortion across all 50 states would be equally invalid." 1-31-06

Paul's Christian supporters are in denial. First, they deny that Paul is against a federal ban on abortion, even though he attempts to codify that position in his misnamed "Sanctity of Life" bills. And once they concede his godless position of allowing the states to systematically murder the innocent, then they fall prey to Paul's invalid and contradictory states' rights rhetoric against the unborn. Paul rejects the inalienable, God-given right to life of the unborn. He rejects the personhood of the tiniest humans. He betrays his supposed commitment to the Constitution by refusing to uphold its commitment to our posterity, and its demand that no innocent person shall be deprived of life without due process. (And supposedly, Paul believes the unborn are people who have the right to life.)

Ask a mayoral or gubernatorial candidate about abortion, and they say, "that's a federal issue." Ask most Republican candidates about abortion, and they say, "that's a state issue." Both sides are punting; like cowards, punting the most critical and controversial issue that stands today before government. No other right can be exercised if the right to life is denied.

Paul sins against God in his apathetic position of allowing the states to murder children. And to the extent that Paul knows in his heart that abortion is wrong, to that extent he is also a traitor to his nation, and even its Constitution, lusting after power instead of standing for the right to life of the vulnerable. Ron Paul is not qualified to teach Sunday School, let alone lead a nation.

The inalienable right to life trumps states' rights, and no state has the right to legitimize the owning of blacks, killing of Jews, or aborting children. If you support Ron Paul, you support tolerance of the massacre of innocence, and I call on you to repent.

-Bob Enyart

Ron Paul not only supports the state's right to kill innocent babies but advocates the abolishment of the death penalty for the guilty.

"Over the years I've held pretty rigid to all my beliefs, but I've changed my opinion of the death penalty. For federal purposes I no longer believe in the death penalty. I believe it has been issued unjustly. If you're rich, you get away with it; if you're poor and you're from the inner city you're more likely to be prosecuted and convicted, and today, with the DNA evidence, there've been too many mistakes, and I am now opposed to the federal death penalty." - Ron Paul at Tavis Smiley's All-American Forum debate at Morgan State September 27th, 2007