ECT Rom. 8:9 and the "Mind of Christ."


Romans 8:9 says "And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ."

Now if the Spirit of Christ is not ours, and Christ is not ours, that means that Gods Word can't be ours either.

So it's very important that one has the Holy Spirit if he is going to talk about God and His Word as if it's their own.

Gods Word also says, "that if you have the Spirit of Christ, you have the mind of Christ."

The great think about this understanding, is that one can't just go into Gods Word and parrot what it says "the mind of Christ " is, and what it does. And thats because it's not in there, one has to have the true experience of receiving the Holy Spirit to know what the "mind of Christ" feels like and what it does to that person.

So i'm asking the question to this group, What does the "mind of Christ" feel like, and what is it doing to you as you grow in Christ?


Well-known member
Romans 8:9
So i'm asking the question to this group, What does the "mind of Christ" feel like, and what is it doing to you as you grow in Christ?

Hi and here is what 1 Cor 2:16 means when talking aabout the MIND of CHRIST !!

For who new ( the ) lord's MIND ? Who will Instruct Him ? But we have 9THE ) MIND of Christ !!

#1 , The first verb is HATH KNOWN and that speaks to the beginning of the Grace Age ONLY as it is written to the Body of Christ !!

#2 , The second verb is WHO MAY INSTRUCT Him , is in the FUTURE TENSE and means NOL ONE can Instruct God !

The third Greek verb is HAVE / ECHO and is in the Greek PRESENT TENSE which means Only Grace believers who belkieve in the Revelation of the MYSTERY will ever know the Mind of Christ Rom 16:25 and verse 26 !!

dan p


Hi Dan p,

Do you have the Spirit of Christ? If so,you also have the "mind of Christ." What does the "mind of Christ feel like, and what happens when you have it?


Romans 8:9 says "And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ."

Now if the Spirit of Christ is not ours, and Christ is not ours, that means that Gods Word can't be ours either.

So it's very important that one has the Holy Spirit if he is going to talk about God and His Word as if it's their own.

Gods Word also says, "that if you have the Spirit of Christ, you have the mind of Christ."

The great think about this understanding, is that one can't just go into Gods Word and parrot what it says "the mind of Christ " is, and what it does. And thats because it's not in there, one has to have the true experience of receiving the Holy Spirit to know what the "mind of Christ" feels like and what it does to that person.

So i'm asking the question to this group, What does the "mind of Christ" feel like, and what is it doing to you as you grow in Christ?

Paul to the Corinthians, If you have the Spirit of Christ you have the Mind of Christ.

Paul to the Philippians, Let this Mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.

Lazy afternoon

Paul and company had the mind of Christ, and was speaking to those who did not--

Php 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
Php 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Php 2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:


Well-known member
Hi Dan p,

Do you have the Spirit of Christ? If so,you also have the "mind of Christ." What does the "mind of Christ feel like, and what happens when you have it?

Hi and THE MIND of Christ /NOUS is a Greek translitated word with many means ,like :

#1 , Understanding

#2 , The intellectual facutl

#3, Judging soberly

#4, Calmy and impartially

#5 , Feeling

#6, Purposes

#7, understand what God has written !!

dan p


Paul and company had the mind of Christ, and was speaking to those who did not--

Php 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
Php 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Php 2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

This thread is for you to answer a question. Do you have the Holy Spirit? If so , you also have the "Mind of Christ." What does it feel like to have the Mind of Christ, and what is happening to you as the result of having the Mind of Christ?


Hi and THE MIND of Christ /NOUS is a Greek translitated word with many means ,like :

#1 , Understanding

#2 , The intellectual facutl

#3, Judging soberly

#4, Calmy and impartially

#5 , Felling

#6, Purposes

#7, understand what God has written !!

dan p

Thats twice you've had the chance to answer the question. I'll just take that as a no, you don't have the Holy Spirit, or the Mind of Christ.

patrick jane

Hi Dan p,

Do you have the Spirit of Christ? If so,you also have the "mind of Christ." What does the "mind of Christ feel like, and what happens when you have it?
It's a spiritual, calm feeling having increased love, patience, compassion and leads to a better understanding of God's word.


Well-known member
Thats twice you've had the chance to answer the question. I'll just take that as a no, you don't have the Holy Spirit, or the Mind of Christ.

Hi and I am so mis-understood , by Acts 2 and the MINIONS of PENTECOSTALS !!

Tell you what and just How did God SAVE YOU ??OR , Here is a soft ball for you EXPLAIN how God saved Paul kn Acts 9:6 with verse and Explanation , IF YOU CAN if you really are a Faither OR maybe NON-Faither !!

Yes you can and I will say before you can say it , Paul saw the LIGHT , beat you to that one LOL

dan p
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Hi and I am so mis-understood , by Acts 2 and the MINIONS of PENGTECOSTALS !!

Tell you what and just How did God SAVE YOU ??OR , Here is a soft ball for you EXPLAIN how God saved Paul kn Acts 9:6 with verse and Explanation , IF YOU CAN if you really are a Faither OR maby NON-Faither !!

Yes you can and I will say before you can say it , Paul saw the LIGHT , beat you to that one LOL

dan p


I have no idea what your talking about. This thread is about answering what should be a simple question.

Maybe you could re-read the OP and see what i'm asking of those here in the group.


Well-known member

I have no idea what your talking about. This thread is about answering what should be a simple question.

Maybe you could re-read the OP and see what i'm asking of those here in the group.

Hi and I will tell you what the Mind of Christ is , and did give and here is another one in Eph 3:9 , To make all see what is the FELLOWSHIP of the MYSTERY which from the BEGINNING of the World hath been HID IN GOD and if you do not what the MSTERY is you are OUT of the LOOP , PERIOD !!

Is this clear for you and why are you not teaching the MYSTERY and Col 1:25 and 26 are just a few verses !!

dan p

dan p


Hi and I will tell you what the Mind of Christ is , and did give and here is another one in Eph 3:9 , To make all see what is the FELLOWSHIP of the MYSTERY which from the BEGINNING of the World hath been HID IN GOD and if you do not what the MSTERY is you are OUT of the LOOP , PERIOD !!

Is this clear for you and why are you not teaching the MYSTERY and Col 1:25 and 26 are just a few verses !!

dan p

dan p

No, thats not what the "mind of Christ" feels like, or what happens when residing in a saint of God. (one being perfected)

I'm not sure what your communication problem is, but i'm going to have to put you on my ignore list with a few others.

Anyone who can answer the questions, go for it. Do you have the Holy spirit? If so, you also have the "mind of Christ'. What does it feel like to have the mind of Christ? And what is happening as the result of having the mind of Christ?

Gods Word doesn't give us a detailed account of what the Mind of Christ is like in a faither. Gods Word says if you have the Spirit of Christ, you have the "mind of Christ." So if you think you have the Holy spirit, you should be able to tell what the Mind of Christ feels like, and what is happening as the result of this state of being.


Romans 8:9 says "And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ."

Now if the Spirit of Christ is not ours, and Christ is not ours, that means that Gods Word can't be ours either.

So it's very important that one has the Holy Spirit if he is going to talk about God and His Word as if it's their own.

Gods Word also says, "that if you have the Spirit of Christ, you have the mind of Christ."

The great think about this understanding, is that one can't just go into Gods Word and parrot what it says "the mind of Christ " is, and what it does. And thats because it's not in there, one has to have the true experience of receiving the Holy Spirit to know what the "mind of Christ" feels like and what it does to that person.

So i'm asking the question to this group, What does the "mind of Christ" feel like, and what is it doing to you as you grow in Christ?

No one knows what it's like to have "the Mind of Christ"? Not a good testimony for TOL.


TOL Subscriber
No one knows what it's like to have "the Mind of Christ"? Not a good testimony for TOL.

Any soul indwelt with the Holy Spirit, has the mind of Christ.

In that, they are enabled to comprehend the things and Word of God. I Cor. 2:9-16

This is not a mystical gift or change, but a spiritual and intellectual reconciliation between God and men, which is the effect of their heavenly adoption, worked by God in the process of sanctification. Romans 8:14-17

I will testify to the above as being the experience of my regenerated life in Christ Jesus.


Any soul indwelt with the Holy Spirit, has the mind of Christ.

In that, they are enabled to comprehend the things and Word of God. I Cor. 2:9-16

This is not a mystical gift or change, but a spiritual and intellectual reconciliation between God and men, which is the effect of their heavenly adoption, worked by God in the process of sanctification. Romans 8:14-17

I will testify to the above as being the experience of my regenerated life in Christ Jesus.

Gods Word doesn't specifically say what happens when one has the "mind of Christ." It does give details of what happens when the Holy Spirit indwells us. I'm looking for that personal experience, that would prove one has both the Holy Spirit and "the mind of Christ." The answer is not in Gods Word, but in the heart of a temple of the Holy spirit.


TOL Subscriber
Gods Word doesn't specifically say what happens when one has the "mind of Christ." It does give details of what happens when the Holy Spirit indwells us. I'm looking for that personal experience, that would prove one has both the Holy Spirit and "the mind of Christ." The answer is not in Gods Word, but in the heart of a temple of the Holy spirit.

I believe one good description of a saint with the mind of Christ, is found in Galatians 5:22-25.


Well-known member
No one knows what it's like to have "the Mind of Christ"? Not a good testimony for TOL.

Hi and in Phil 2:5 , Let this MIND bi in you , which was in Christ Jesus !!

#1 , In verse 6 , we Represent God !!

#2 , Be a servant !!

#3 Be Humble !!

And you have accused TOL But , do you have the MIND of Christ ??

In Rom 8:16 it reads The Spirit Himself beareth witness with OUR spirit that we are the children of God !!~

If all believe that they are saved have this witness !!

The Greek verb BEARETH WITNESS and the Greek verb WE ARE are in the Present tense which puts all that are in the DISPENSATION of the Grace of God !!

It is you that is NOT a GOOD TESTIMONY !!

dan p