Robert's Gospel According to the Apostle Paul


New member
That would be you, for the reasons I outlined, child of the devil, as you say that to everyone, that disagrees with your satanic "doctrine," perverter of the gospel of Christ, who asserts that Christ did not die for our sins.

Habitual liar, as yes I do, but not for the satanic reason you argue,i.e., that He lived the law, to become righteous, not because He is God, and that this walk in the law is imputed to us-that
"vicarious law keeping" doctrine of demons, is from the pits of hell, which I, countless others, have shown you, from the book, but you keep satanically spamming your father, the devil's, company line. The Lord Jesus Christ kept the law, not to become righteous, as you devilishly assert, and not so the law makes one righteous, as you also, on record, spam, but to be qualified to be the perfect sacrifice, the "lamb without blemish," i.e., the doctrine of propitiation, a doctrine of which you are clueless.

Correct, as no scripture asserts that the law was abolished, destroyed, made void, eliminated, and no scripture asserts satanically, as you do, that Christ died not for our sins, but died to destroy/eliminate/make void the law, so that there is no sin debt, for which necessitates His death.

That would be you, as devil child Pate asserts, on record, that the Saviour did not die for our sin debt/IOU, paying our debt, in our place, as the solution, and, instead, asserts, on record, that this "Jesus" is an incompetent, impotent fool,UNABLE TO DIE FOR ALL OF OUR SINS, future sins, as is God the Father, for even sending Him to die, as devil child Pate's "solution" to the sin/sins problem, is to eliminate the law that defines the sin/transgression, thus, "presto," there is no offense/transgression/sin for which to die, instead of the Saviour dying for our future sin debt. Do you all "get that," TOL audience? That, in simple terms, is this satanist "argument," breaking it down. Again, Pate asserts that the solution to the sin/sins issue, is not that the Saviour died for our sin debt in the future, which is contrary to us, for breaking the LORD God's perfect,good, holy,just, spiritual law, and a reflection of His character to both the saved and lost, and not that we are the problem, but the problem is with the law, as it is not perfect, it is not good, it is not holy, it is not spiritual, as laws against murder, rape, lying, stealing......are all contrary to us, so, instead of the Saviour dying in our place, to satisfy the debt/IOU, abolish the law, so that there is no offense/transgression/sin for which He should die, and thus abolish the Saviour's work, as Pate asserts that the Saviour DID NOT DIE FOR OUR FUTURE SINS, SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DIE, for our future sins/sin debt. Thus, Pate asserts he died in vain, for nothing, as his "solution" is to abolish/eliminate/destroy/make void the law, so that there is no future sin/transgression/offense, and associated/corresponding wage/sin debt to be paid for. Again-Pate-Christ died in vain.

Pate argues that the solution to the sins issue, is not Christ dying for our sins, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, to blot out/wipe out/pay for the sin debt, both past/future, "man's IOU" for breaking the good, holy, spiritual law of God, per Paul, in Romans 7, which Paul asserts is not void, as the problem is not with man, but with the God's law, as he asserts that it is not perfect, it is not good, it is not holy, it is not just, it is not spiritual, as it is the law, that is contrary/against us, according to Pate, those troublesome prohibitions against murder, rape, sodomy, theft, adultery, lying......and not the sin debt/IOU that is contrary to/against us; Again, Pate denies that the sin debt/IOU is contrary/ against us, as He asserts that God's laws against murder, lying, rape, sodomy, theft, adultery,......................................are contrary/against us, are not for our benefit, are not good, not holy, not spiritual; His "solution" is for the LORD God to destroy/abolish/make void the law, so there is no offense to break, in the future, not Christ dying for our sins, He paying the debt/IOU for us, in our place.

Thus, Pate, on record, asserts that Christ died in vain, there was no reason to die, as He did not need to die to pay our IOU/sin debt, as all the LORD God had to do, was destroy/abolish/make void/eliminate the law, so there would not be a sin debt/IOU. Thus, he then,like the devil attempts to ...

Delete "the handwriting of ordinances" of Colossians 2:14 KJV, replacing it with "law/ordinances," thus perverting, corrupting the scriptures, making it look like Paul says that Christ blotted out, made void, the law/ordinances, making it look like Paul is saying that the law/ordinances are contrary/against us, not for our benefit, instead of Paul saying that the sin debt/IOU was blotted out, as that is what is contrary to us, against us, as Paul asserts that the law is perfect, good, holy, just, spiritual, not void, in Romans 11, and the problem is with man, and the sin debt/IOU for breaking a good, holy, spiritual law, not the law itself.

Pate says the opposite, asserting that the problem is with the law, as it is not prefect/good/holy/spiritual,as he asserts that it causes us to sin, as it is sin, and the problem is not with man/him, and he asserts that the solution is to assert that Christ came to destroy/abolish/blot out the law, not to die for man's breaking the good, holy, spiritual, law of God.

The "secular" example of Pate's "reasoning::

Pate gets a speeding ticket. He goes to court, and, in front of the judge...

Pate:Judge, I demand that you abolish/destroy the law against speeding. It is not a good law, because I/others cannot keep it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This law is not for my benefit, or society's-it is contrary to/against me/society!!!!!!!!!! Abolish it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And, if you do not abolish it, it automatically condemns me, judges me, as guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The judge: No, the laws are good, and are for everyone's benefit, including yours. They are not against you, are not contrary to you, they are not against society, they are not contrary to society, -they stand. The problem is with you/others breaking these good laws, and the debt you/others must pay for these offenses(sins) you committed. That is what is contrary to/against you/others. Pay the fine. The law cannot condemn you, just because it is in place.

Pate: No!!!!! Abolish the law!!!!!!!

The judge: Either pay the fine, or go to jail-the law stands.

Pate: No!!!!The laws are not good-they are the problem, not me!!!!

Benevolent, gracious judge: Tell you what, Pate. Someone just paid your fine/debt/IOU(sin, offense, transgression) on your behalf. Justice is served. You are free to go(Christ died for our sins....paying the sin debt, IOU)

Pate: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That person need not have paid my fine/debt!!!!!(Christ need not die to pay the sin debt/IOU). The solution is to abolish, destroy, make void, the laws against speeding(fill in the blank), so that we will not have to "do" these laws, obey them, and the solution is not the fine being satisfied(Christ-propitiation)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benevolent, gracious judge: Lock up this man for dementia, contempt of court, lunacy-put him in a straight jacket.

And now, in wickedness, attempt to delete Genesis-John. You will lose, demon:

Matthew 24:35 KJV Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

1 Peter KJV
25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

The above will send you packing to hell demon....

John 5:39 KJV Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

Romans 3:21 KJV
21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, including the law, since it testifies to the righteousness of God without the law, and I need to prevent this teaching, on orders from my daddy the devil.

Luke 24:44 KJV And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

Psalm 40:7 KJV Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,

Hebrews 10:7 Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

1 Corinthians 10 KJV

11 Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

Romans 15 KJV

4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

No, no, no, Paul!!!!!!!You are trying to use Old Testament scripture to make your point. There is a problem with that. The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished, Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!.And no, Paul, the things that happened to others in the Old Testament for examples, for our admonition, and those things written for our learning in the Old Testament, to teach us patience, and provide us hope, do not!!!!!!!!!They no longer exists, as the Old Testament scriptures have been abolished!!!!!

You wicked bible hater/deleter.

All good stuff...hope he reads...others are...

Might I contribute:

2 Timothy 3:15-17

...that from childhood you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Doubtful any of the NT was being referred to here by wasnt compiled and called scripture until much later...

Oh and yup “throughly furnished unto all good works”...good WORKS not good faith...and how do we know they are good?...because of that standard some here claim was abolished at the cross...

How could we know they are good works if that standard is abolished...


It's hearing the word of God that leads men to Him....the Gospel specifically.

How can they believe unless they hear, and how can they hear without a preacher?

That's pretty basic right there.

I agree with that.
That piques my interest.
Where do you stand on predestination vs free will, specially.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There are two ways to live.

1. By laws, rules, religion. Paul said that this way is under a curse, Galatians 3:10

2. By the Holy Spirit and the Gospel. Paul said that this way is the way of joy and peace, Galatians 5:22.

Paul also said, "If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law" Galatians 5:18.

If you are full of hate and contention you are under the law, simply because the law works wrath, Romans 4:15.


New member
There are two ways to live.

1. By laws, rules, religion. Paul said that this way is under a curse, Galatians 3:10

2. By the Holy Spirit and the Gospel. Paul said that this way is the way of joy and peace, Galatians 5:22.

Paul also said, "If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law" Galatians 5:18.

If you are full of hate and contention you are under the law, simply because the law works wrath, Romans 4:15.

Because when Robert graduated elementary school he no longer needed to follow laws of grammar or math those were abolished because he had advanced to the next stage...even the laws of philosophy or morals...or logic...did not apply to him anymore...

As fully demonstrated in this thread...

When he graduated from his schoolmasters...he no longer lived under their yoke and could now be free...go contrary to what he was taught or make up his own...

Robert is “in the Spirit”...he is freeeeeee to do whatever...even things NOT expedient...

Robert even rejects the easy yoke and the light burden provided by his Master...

“I aint no slave to nobody” Robert claims...”Now gimme my reward anyway”


New member
The satanic, on record assertions of this demon:

The feasts, "the appointed times," according to the law in Leviticus 23, The Old Covenant, The Old Testament

Leviticus 23 KJV

Passover-Fulfilled-The Lord Jesus Christ's death

verse 5

Unleavened bread-Fulfilled-The Lord Jesus Christ's burial

verse 6

Firstfruits -Fulfilled-The Lord Jesus Christ's Resurrection

verses 9-11

Weeks/Pentecost-Fulfilled in early Acts, with the outpouring of The Holy Spirit, "the promise of the Father"

verses 15-16

Trumpets/"Rosh HaShanah"

verses 23-25

Day of Atonement("the second time"-Acts 7:13 KJV, Hebrews 9:28 KJV)/"Yom Kippur"

verses 26-28


verses 33-34, 42-43

Tell us, Pate, since you assert that "Jesus fulfilled the law, and then abolished the law, including the feasts contained within the law in Leviticus 23 KJV, and the entire OC/OT, when did He come back, the second time, to fulfill "The Fall Feasts," including the second coming? Where is the testimony of His return?

No need for the second coming...there is no more law...He is free to avoid us...

As according to Robert the command to Love no longer exists...if we dont have to why should He? His Love is lawless right?


New member
A few posters, at least, seem to be under that vice.
Also as Paul calls it,
the yoke of slavery

More hate and contention has resulted from those claiming to be “in the Spirit” above the Law...

“The man who says I know Him but does NOT do what He commands is a LIAR and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys His word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in Him; whoever claims to live in Him MUST walk as Jesus did”...

1 John 2: 4-6

And just like He what He when He as He did...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
More hate and contention has resulted from those claiming to be “in the Spirit” above the Law...

“The man who says I know Him but does NOT do what He commands is a LIAR and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys His word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in Him; whoever claims to live in Him MUST walk as Jesus did”...

1 John 2: 4-6

And just like He what He when He as He did...

Trying to be like Jesus will make you a first class hypocrite.

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" Galatians 5:16.

To walk in the Spirit is to walk in the Gospel. In the Gospel we are ALREADY perfect and complete "In Christ" Colossians 2:10.


New member
Trying to be like Jesus will make you a first class hypocrite.

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" Galatians 5:16.

To walk in the Spirit is to walk in the Gospel. In the Gospel we are ALREADY perfect and complete "In Christ" Colossians 2:10.

Ummm...nope trying to be like Him is what the Spirit is helping to do...

because when you walk in the Spirit you shall NOT fulfill how you used to be or like the world who lives lawless...without Him...

to walk in the Spirit is exactly to walk in Him and the Gospel and less like the world or your former are now not under the law because you are not breaking it...duh...

You are walking according IN HIM by the SPIRIT according to the law in your new heart and new mind given to you when you live His Way

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Ummm...nope trying to be like Him is what the Spirit is helping to do...

because when you walk in the Spirit you shall NOT fulfill how you used to be or like the world who lives lawless...without Him...

to walk in the Spirit is exactly to walk in Him and the Gospel and less like the world or your former are now not under the law because you are not breaking it...duh...

You are walking according IN HIM by the SPIRIT according to the law in your new heart and new mind given to you when you live His Way

I have bad news for you. If we are ALREADY perfect and complete "In Christ" then your trying to be like Christ is a denial of the Gospel. You have not entered into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. You are striving and working to please God. God is already pleased with Jesus Christ. You can never be like Christ because you were born into sin.


New member
I have bad news for you. If we are ALREADY perfect and complete "In Christ" then your trying to be like Christ is a denial of the Gospel. You have not entered into his rest, Hebrews 4:10. You are striving and working to please God. God is already pleased with Jesus Christ. You can never be like Christ because you were born into sin.

Now I have bad news for you too. If you are indeed IN CHRIST you will WANT to rest the rest of Heb 4:9...a sabbath keeping God worked and then entered His seventh day rest...Heb 4:10 so be deligent and fall not as others did who in disobedience failed to enter their rest...

I do wish to please Him...being pleased with His Son means His Son can determine who He chooses to be with Him...BTW NOT those that cry LORD LORD but those that DO His Fathers will...

He seeks a bride who is FAITHFUL and OBEYS...keeping His Fathers commandments and having the SAME FAITH as He does...

The marriage does NOT start the Love but the Love comes first thus the desire to marry and well STAY MARRIED...

Please dont insist that after you fall in love and get married you can keep living your single life ways as if there were no wife to please...

“If you love me...” what Robert? What must we do IF we Love Him?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
More hate and contention has resulted from those claiming to be “in the Spirit” above the Law...

“The man who says I know Him but does NOT do what He commands is a LIAR and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys His word, God’s love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in Him; whoever claims to live in Him MUST walk as Jesus did”...

1 John 2: 4-6

And just like He what He when He as He did...
What are your thoughts on the Eucharist/Communion/the Lord' table? Do you think it's something Christians should be doing together?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Now I have bad news for you too. If you are indeed IN CHRIST you will WANT to rest the rest of Heb 4:9...a sabbath keeping God worked and then entered His seventh day rest...Heb 4:10 so be deligent and fall not as others did who in disobedience failed to enter their rest...

I do wish to please Him...being pleased with His Son means His Son can determine who He chooses to be with Him...BTW NOT those that cry LORD LORD but those that DO His Fathers will...

He seeks a bride who is FAITHFUL and OBEYS...keeping His Fathers commandments and having the SAME FAITH as He does...

The marriage does NOT start the Love but the Love comes first thus the desire to marry and well STAY MARRIED...

Please dont insist that after you fall in love and get married you can keep living your single life ways as if there were no wife to please...

“If you love me...” what Robert? What must we do IF we Love Him?

The most pleasing thing to God is faith in his Son and his Son's Gospel.


New member
What are your thoughts on the Eucharist/Communion/the Lord' table? Do you think it's something Christians should be doing together?

WWJD? and of course WWJNOTD?

So DID He do it? Teach to do it?

And in this case when to do it?

This last one is interesting as Eastern othodox eats with leavened bread and western churches with unleavened the former think it NOT the Passover meal and the latter claim it is...

Now what Jesus did NOT do was teach it was to be done every Sunday morning transfering the holy day from Sabbath to Sunday...nor did He follow it up with a nice juicy Ham dinner

nor did the bread actually change into His body to eat that night as He hadn’t even died yet...Peter was clear “you have the WORDS of life” John 6:68 NOT “You are the flesh of life to eat”


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
WWJD? and of course WWJNOTD?

So DID He do it? Teach to do it?

And in this case when to do it?

This last one is interesting as Eastern othodox eats with leavened bread and western churches with unleavened the former think it NOT the Passover meal and the latter claim it is...

Now what Jesus did NOT do was teach it was to be done every Sunday morning transfering the holy day from Sabbath to Sunday...nor did He follow it up with a nice juicy Ham dinner

nor did the bread actually change into His body to eat that night as He hadn’t even died yet...Peter was clear “you have the WORDS of life” John 6:68 NOT “You are the flesh of life to eat”
That may not be what Peter said then, but confer John 6:54 KJV.


New member
The most pleasing thing to God is faith in his Son and his Son's Gospel.

Yes and preferably a living faith not a dead one ya dig? Faith without works is dead...

BTW His Son returns with rewards for good works...following a good faith to be sure...


New member
That may not be what Peter said then, but confer John 6:54 KJV.

Peter also didn’t walk on Him when He taught “I am the Way” nor did Peter look for a handle when He taught “I am the door”

Peter understood the spiritual...”ears let him hear”...well mostly

He was still corrected when he confused other spiritual metaphors with temporal...


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Peter also didn’t walk on Him when He taught “I am the Way” nor did Peter look for a handle when He taught “I am the door”

Peter understood the spiritual...”ears let him hear”...well mostly

He was still corrected when he confused other spiritual metaphors with temporal...
Why is eating and drinking "unworthily," tantamount to being "guilty of the body and blood of the Lord," and that someone who eats and drinks "unworthily," "eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body?" Why is Paul so serious about this that he writes such threats?


New member
Why is eating and drinking "unworthily," tantamount to being "guilty of the body and blood of the Lord," and that someone who eats and drinks "unworthily," "eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body?" Why is Paul so serious about this that he writes such threats?

Because worship is serious and holy is holy...

Just because it’s made of wood doesn’t mean the crucifix is not venerated or prayed through yes?

Or a just because a painting of a saint is not actually the saint depicted does not stop the orthodox from claiming it is holy and kiss it as if it were holy...

Some would call that idolatry as much as making a golden calf and claiming it is the god that saved them...

Just like the second temple was considered holy despite the Spirit not in the holy of Holies

Just like the bronze snake healed but then was an idol...

The thing is considered despite not being it...

Paul wanted His metaphors He gave to be seriously treated AS IF they were actually His flesh and blood...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Why is eating and drinking "unworthily," tantamount to being "guilty of the body and blood of the Lord," and that someone who eats and drinks "unworthily," "eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body?" Why is Paul so serious about this that he writes such threats?

Some of the Corinthians thought that taking the sacraments was like going to McDonalds for lunch. They did not see that it pointed to the crucifixion of Christ. The reason being was that they were not saved and did not understand the Gospel.