Robert's Gospel According to the Apostle Paul

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You make ALL kinds of FALSE claims about the gospel of the grace of God.

Nowhere in scripture does it say that "Jesus kept the law on our behalf". That is just a stupid myth that you are madly in love with.

You are in denial of the Gospel and justification by faith.

All that Jesus is and all that Jesus did was for our salvation and justification. What do you think that he did it all for himself?


New member
Jesus was a teacher of the law. When Jesus died on the cross the law was abolished, Colossians 2:14.
really because then you cant say this:

The law does not make anyone righteous, "By the law is the knowledge of sin" Romans 3:20.

Because if the law was abolished it is no longer able to point out without it there is NO KNOWLEDGE OF SIN

So there is no need of a savior...

You best stick to what you conceded...the Law remains written in the hearts and minds...we want to please Him...

and please Him by doing His will His work He gave us...not our own...because we are saved by Him...not our works...

We want to...If you love Him...


New member
You are in denial of the Gospel and justification by faith.

All that Jesus is and all that Jesus did was for our salvation and justification. What do you think that he did it all for himself?

Actually what He did was vindicate His Father...”It is finished” was proving His Father was worthy of worship...perfect PLEASING worship...and now as a side effect or a by product of that mission our belief in Him proving that SAVES US...

His death proved whosoever believes that Yah so loves the world will have eternal life...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Actually what He did was vindicate His Father...”It is finished” was proving His Father was worthy of worship...perfect PLEASING worship...and now as a side effect or a by product of that mission our belief in Him proving that SAVES US...

His death proved whosoever believes that Yah so loves the world will have eternal life...

When Jesus said, "It is finished" what he meant was that he had done all that he could do for the salvation of fallen man. We are complete in him, Colossians 2:10.

The only ones that are going to be saved are those that believe that Jesus has provided salvation for them. They have ceased from their own works and are resting in Christ work for them.

"For he that has entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his" Hebrews 4:10.

I don't think that you are there.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
really because then you cant say this:

Because if the law was abolished it is no longer able to point out without it there is NO KNOWLEDGE OF SIN

So there is no need of a savior...

You best stick to what you conceded...the Law remains written in the hearts and minds...we want to please Him...

and please Him by doing His will His work He gave us...not our own...because we are saved by Him...not our works...

We want to...If you love Him...

The law has been abolished only for Christians. The unsaved are under it and will be judged by it.

God is only pleased with Jesus Christ. We are pleasing to God by being "In Christ". The law whether written or in our heart will not save or justify you. Jesus and Jesus alone is the savior and justifier.

Right Divider

Body part
Are you going to start with name calling? It shows your immaturity, like your friend JW.
Just telling the truth RP.

If Jesus had not fulfilled the law no one could be saved.
That is your silly myth. The BIBLE does not say that.

We are saved by the righteousness of Christ, Romans 3:26.
Christ was NOT righteous BECAUSE He kept the law. He was ALREADY the righteous God.

Do you think that God would have accepted Jesus into heaven if he had sinned?
Jesus was NOT righteous because He did not sin. Jesus did not sin because He was righteous.

You have it BACKWARDS!


New member
When Jesus said, "It is finished" what he meant was that he had done all that he could do for the salvation of fallen man. We are complete in him, Colossians 2:10.
and once completed we live is not once saved always saved...belief is not enough as even satan and the demons believes

The only ones that are going to be saved are those that believe that Jesus has provided salvation for them. They have ceased from their own works and are resting in Christ work for them.

"For he that has entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his" Hebrews 4:10.
you missed verse 9 where it is clear a Sabbath keeping remains for His you consider yourself His?...

And how did God enter His rest? HE CEASED ( do know Sabbath means cessation yes?) from His works...He did something NOT just believed or had faith

And look at verse 11 “Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.”

You have to be diligent to enter a faith? Diligent belief? Ha

And how do you fail to enter? DISOBEDIENCE...hmmm by NOT the Israelites did not do something thus did NOT enter their promised rest...

See NOT doing His will reveals a lack of faith or a false belief...

I don't think that you are there.
none of us are in that promised land be diligent ok?

He is coming again with rewards for your WORKS...not revelations...there He is quite clear “Blessed is he who KEEPS the words of this book” NOT he who has faith...

Oh and “My reward is with Me to give to everyone according to his WORK”...see work NOT faith...

So be diligent persevere to the end...finish the race says Paul...John is clear

“Here are they that KEEP the commandments of Yah and the faith OF Yahushua”

Yup...please read that last chapter...

“Blessed are those who DO His commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life....and may enter through the gates into the city...but outside are dogs...and whoever loves and practices a lie”...your “law is abolished” is a lie

Dont be a dog...dont add or take away from the Word...


New member
The law has been abolished only for Christians. The unsaved are under it and will be judged by it.
ALL HAVE SINNED...thus ALL ARE JUDGED...because the Law remains as the standard to judge with...and the law must remain to reveal sin to us...

How else do you know you are led by the Spirit or “in Him?”

Abolished only for Christians...LOL they are the only ones that WANT to keep it because they realize they have been saved...

God is only pleased with Jesus Christ. We are pleasing to God by being "In Christ".
how do you know you are in does the world know?...

The law whether written or in our heart will not save or justify you. Jesus and Jesus alone is the savior and justifier.

That is true...written in our heart we WANT to keep the Law because Yahushua ALONE saved and justified us...

And its by this Law we are to die and live in He did OBEDIENT TO HIS FATHERS WILL

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Is a jewish lie...false testimony...

Titus 1:14 “ no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth.”


No matter how much scripture that I show you, you still cannot believe that the law has been abolished.

"Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith is come, we are no longer under the schoolmaster" Galatians 3:24,25.

To be under the law is to be under a curse, Galatians 3:10.


New member
No matter how much scripture that I show you, you still cannot believe that the law has been abolished.
because I hunger for bread and you give me stone...and jewish lies

"Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith is come, we are no longer under the schoolmaster" Galatians 3:24,25.
so when you graduate from your schoolmaster all you were taught is abolished? You don’t need to use it? Or can change it?

As if He counters His Father’s will..

To be under the law is to be under a curse, Galatians 3:10.

Yes we are no longer under a Him we are not cursed...but lawful duh

The law is not removed its curse is...


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Oh...and BTW...the Bible does relate how in Acts 15 the apostles came up with 4 rules for the gentiles to be able to come into their synagogues and hear Moses and his laws read every Sabbath...

These 4 rules were ALREADY expected of the foreigner in the nothing new...

Later Paul takes a vow and pays for sacrifices of 4 others to PROVE he did not teach the law was abolished...

3 times Paul claims to keep the law and teaches only Jesus Christ resurrected as the ONLY reason jews wanted him arrested...Imagine if Paul was teaching the customs from moses were changed...he could not claim he was innocent and many witnesses could have testified to it...

So well past chapter 8 of acts Paul insists he keeps the law...and teaches others to do so...
Right from the start, the Church was known for 'closed marriages,' which is the most important part of abstaining from fornication Hebrews 13:4 KJV. (Pagan marriage was more likely to be 'open.') Nobody sacrifices to idols anymore, and nobody consumes blood, and as for things strangled, idk, is that a typical way that abattoirs slaughter livestock for meat? I don't think so.


New member
Right from the start, the Church was known for 'closed marriages,' which is the most important part of abstaining from fornication Hebrews 13:4 KJV. (Pagan marriage was more likely to be 'open.')
and now the church teaches some are not to marry

Nobody sacrifices to idols anymore,
oh really?

and nobody consumes blood,
rare meat...tartar...blood pudding...etc

and as for things strangled, idk, is that a typical way that abattoirs slaughter livestock for meat? I don't think so.
right is your CLEAN meat killed kosher? (please don’t argue that killing a pig kosher and draining all its blood and not sacrificing it to idols make swine clean to eat...)

And the bigger point remains namely rules were in place since OT times and remain even after the cross...despite the JEWISH LIES and false witness that Stephen and Paul taught the cross abolished the law

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You have been calling us who say being faithful to Jesus is requirement for salvation as wolves.

How about it [MENTION=9508]Robert Pate[/MENTION]?

When did Mads change? or just John W changed?
Slower-know your/Pate's own "argument."

No, you missed it. I have never argued, that the law was followed/kept/observed, "post cross," as a basis for justification. My argument is based upon the faulty, made up premise, that some promulgate, such as Pate, that the holy law of God was abolished/destroyed/eliminated/done away with/made void, at the cross. Neh-the law still exists today, for the purpose for which it was given(explained by me/others, eloquently on other threads)-but not for the purpose of justification, attaining righteousness.

Good day to you sir, and may the LORD God rain lightning bolts upon you, and that stupid hat.


Slower-know your own "argument."

No, you missed it. I have never argued, that the law was followed/kept/observed, "post cross," as a basis for justification. My argument is based upon the faulty, made up premise, that some promulgate, such as Pate, that the holy law of God was abolished/destroyed/eliminated/done away with/made void, at the cross. Neh-the law still exists today, for the purpose for which it was given(explained by me/others, eloquently on other threads)-but not for the purpose of justification, attaining righteousness.

Good day to you sir, and may the LORD God rain lightning bolts upon you, and that stupid hat.

It seems that you have been dishonest about your own faith.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
because I hunger for bread and you give me stone...and jewish lies

so when you graduate from your schoolmaster all you were taught is abolished? You don’t need to use it? Or can change it?

As if He counters His Father’s will..

Yes we are no longer under a Him we are not cursed...but lawful duh

The law is not removed its curse is...

You remind me of an old hard headed Jew. Those old hard headed Jews followed Paul everywhere that he went and persecuted him. Like you they could not believe that the law had been abolished. To them the law was the way, the truth and the life. They said that the law was the light that lighted every man.

To be under the law is to be under a curse.

"For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse" Galatians 3:10.

The reason that they are under a curse is because the law is in conflict with the Gospel and justification by faith.

In the Gospel Jesus justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5. Not the law.

In the Gospel believers are given the Holy Spirit. Not the law.

In the Gospel we are justified by Christ, Not the law.

In the Gospel we are born again by the word of God. Not the law.

In the Gospel we are reconciled to God, Not by the law.

Paul wrote, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believes" Romans 10:4.

The law has been replaced with the Holy Spirit.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
really because then you cant say this:

Because if the law was abolished it is no longer able to point out without it there is NO KNOWLEDGE OF SIN

So there is no need of a savior...

You best stick to what you conceded...the Law remains written in the hearts and minds...we want to please Him...

and please Him by doing His will His work He gave us...not our own...because we are saved by Him...not our works...

We want to...If you love Him...
Pate: The law was abolished/destroyed/made void at the cross, and no longer exists, but, it still shows the lost what sin is,today,and serves as as a schoolmaster to lead the lost to Christ, today, although today the law no longer exists.

Pate has either dementia, or demon infested-no other option, as no sane person can spam what he does.

Get Pate another straight jacket for Christmas.