Robb Elementary School shooting


Well-known member
Looks like you're out of step with your dearly beloved Church:

For many years, the USCCB has supported a number of reasonable measures to address the problem of gun violence. These include:
  • A total ban on assault weapons, which the USCCB supported when the ban passed in 1994 and when Congress failed to renew it in 2004.
  • Measures that control the sale and use of firearms, such as universal background checks for all gun purchases;
  • Limitations on civilian access to high-capacity weapons and ammunition magazines;
  • A federal law to criminalize gun trafficking;
  • Improved access to and increased resources for mental health care and earlier interventions;
  • Regulations and limitations on the purchasing of handguns;
  • Measures that make guns safer, such as locks that prevent children and anyone other than the owner from using the gun without permission and supervision.
Church councils and leaders are not always wise. There are good gun laws and bad ones. It seems democrats keep insisting on implementing bad gun laws in spite of the fact that those laws would not address the problem nor fix it.


Well-known member
For centuries Americans have interpreted the Constitution as supporting the right of Americans to keep and bear arms for personal protection as well as for sport and recreation. Just because some Johnny-come-lately leftist liberals don't see it that way anymore makes no difference. Americans still have the right to keep and bear arms regardless of what misguided Marxists and leftists want us to believe.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

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Greatest poster ever
I don't need "this guy" to tell me it says A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

There's no notes in the appendix.
"This guy" is U.S. Marine Marksmanship Instructor and Arizona Sec. of State candidate Adrian Fontes. All he does is literally quote from the Constitution to prove his point, and you hate it because you hate the Constitution.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"This guy" is U.S. Marine Marksmanship Instructor and Arizona Sec. of State candidate Adrian Fontes. All he does is literally quote from the Constitution to prove his point, and you hate it because you hate the Constitution.
And so this man's interpretation I should be taking over the Supreme Court's interpretation, is what you're telling us?

Be clear if that's what you mean. Yes or no.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
And so this man's interpretation I should be taking over the Supreme Court's interpretation, is what you're telling us?

Be clear if that's what you mean. Yes or no.
The Supreme Court's interpretation differs from one Justice to the next, but the Constitution says what it says. The people have a right to bear arms within the context of "a well-regulated militia." This tells us two things: 1) Militias are to be well-regulated, and 2) You are not a militia unto yourself.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The Supreme Court's interpretation differs from one Justice to the next, but the Constitution says what it says. The people have a right to bear arms within the context of "a well-regulated militia." This tells us two things: 1) Militias are to be well-regulated, and 2) You are not a militia unto yourself.
Ugh. So your answer is yes, I should take "this guy's" personal interpretation over the Supreme Court's de facto Constitutional interpretation.

The Supreme Court's ruling is that the prefatory clause basically doesn't matter when interpreting the operative clause.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Ugh. So your answer is yes, I should take "this guy's" personal interpretation over the Supreme Court's de facto Constitutional interpretation.

The Supreme Court's ruling is that the prefatory clause basically doesn't matter when interpreting the operative clause.
And the Supreme Court can overturn prior decisions.



Well-known member
The immature always resort to childish insults when they realize they've lost the argument.
Any moron who advocates the removal of freedoms and rights given by God and guaranteed by the Constitution is a raving madman for arguing that patriotic Americans give up their powerful defensive weapons so crooks, thugs, murderers, fascist communist oligarchs, and terrorists will have major advantages over the poor, disarmed citizens


Get used to it.
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Is this about the concept of "well regulated"?...Please tell me we aren't still beating this long dead horse?