Rightwing Lunatics Harass Marine Veteran on Memorial Day


New member
So much for "support the troops," eh conservatives?

Open Carry Dingbats Harass Marine Veteran on Memorial Day

James, who asked that his last name not be used, knows his way around guns. He served for four years in the US Marines infantry, where he earned several awards for marksmanship. He is a gun owner, he told me, and a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and concealed-carry rights. But while carrying rifles publicly is legal in Texas, he felt that these guys—supporters of a movement that seeks to legalize the open carrying of handguns—were crossing a line.

The men, members of the groups Open Carry Texas and Open Carry Tarrant County, asked him which news network he was with. When he said he wasn't, things began turning frosty. They pressed him about what he thought of their demonstration, and he replied with an unvarnished opinion that included profanities, language he told me he regrets having used.

"I'm all for responsible gun owners," he says. "What I was taught was not to wear it around like a gold chain. What they're doing is irresponsible. It intimidates the public, and people have just as much right to be comfortable in their public environment as these guys have a right to own their firearms."

Suddenly he was surrounded by about a half-dozen armed men. They started badgering him with questions and accusing him of being anti-American. "I said, 'Are you kidding me? I served in the military.' They were trying to intimidate me, and when I didn't cower that upset them," he said. But he was starting to feel nervous and decided to disengage and walk away.

James shared his story only reluctantly, but he is also adamant, he says, that what the gun activists are doing is wrong. And he's far from alone in that view: He has since also received many positive calls and messages of support, he says—including from a couple of vocal open-carry supporters, one of whom invited him to go to a firing range together.

This is just disgusting.

Especially posting his personal information online and then CONTINUING to harass him in that medium when he fought back.


Well-known member
The "us vs. them" mentality in this country is reaching the level of mental and emotional illness. People are becoming so identified with their pet causes that they are losing all sense of reason and proportion. Anyone who dares to disagree with their pet cause is viewed as insulting them personally because they can't seem to separate their own identity from their causes and ideologies.

What is happening to people that they're losing their sense of personal integrity like that? I don't understand it.


New member
Hall of Fame
Being a Marine does not give that veteran the right to harass the people that were peacefully assembled to support the right to bear arms.

He also should not be such a baby as to whine over having his harassment of them turned back on him.

Is it possible for you to ever, I mean ever, come down on the right side of an issue?


New member
Being a Marine does not give that veteran the right to harass the people that were peacefully assembled to support the right to bear arms.

He also should not be such a baby as to whine over having his harassment of them turned back on him.

Did you not read the article?

He was there trying to film the demonstration, not harass ANYONE.
They started harassing him when they realized he wasn't from some big news station that would put their faces on TV.

The article also clearly stated that he provided this story reluctantly.


New member
Hall of Fame
I always come down on the correct side of an issue.
You need to pull your head out of the sand in order to see it.

Either you're totally dim or playing stupid. This Marine wasn't "harassing" anyone--he was being harassed. It's as though you deliberately go out of your way to look like a fool or you're just incapable of ever making a correct judgment call.

This guy served his country and the chickenhawks he called out treated him like the enemy. Screw them.


New member
Did you not read the article?
Yes, I did.
The Marine took a camera to the demonstration to harass the demonstrators.

When they started filming him and publishing their footage, he got upset because they made him look like a complete moron, which is obviously what he intended to do to them.


New member
Either you're totally dim or playing stupid. This Marine wasn't "harassing" anyone--he was being harassed.
He went there to harass the demonstrators.
The tables were turned on him.

I know this does not fit your mindless drone mentality, but it is what happened.


New member
Hall of Fame
Did you not read the article?

He was there trying to film the demonstration, not harass ANYONE.
They started harassing him when they realized he wasn't from some big news station that would put their faces on TV.

The article also clearly stated that he provided this story reluctantly.

He nailed it when he said these chumps use their guns like bling. Nailed it. Irresponsible paper tigers strutting their guns around like they're heroes. Bunch of macho buffoons who got unnerved when someone who actually served called them out on their stupidity.


Well-known member
The demonstration is the instigation. That is IT'S PURPOSE. So if or when someone voices their disagreement, it has been INVITED by the action of the demonstration.

But what sense does it make to demonstrate for a cause, in public, and then harass and insult anyone who dares to disagree with that cause? That is the complete idiocy being displayed, here.

When you demonstrate for a cause, the whole point is to garner support for that cause, not intimidate "enemies". When you are demonstrating for a cause, and someone comes along to disagree, the whole point is to try and show them why they should be in support of your cause. And you can't do that by insulting, intimidating, or otherwise trying to belittle them.

And when people demonstrate for a cause, they must expect that some of the people who witness their demonstration will disagree with their cause. Otherwise, there would have been no point in demonstrating their support for it in the first place.

The marine had every right to voice his opposition, as his opposition was being INVITED by the fact of the demonstration. And the demonstrators were idiots to respond as they did because it negates the whole purpose of their demonstrating in the first place.