Return to Oneness


New member
No I don't agree with their agenda, which is a one world religion and goverment.

Thats one view found among christians, I am not among those who believe in eternal punishment.

I am glad for the latter, and I hope this is something that more Christians will come to realize as well ... that God is not with malicious intent for His creation.

As for the former in the above, I am not ignorant of oppressions ... far from it. And I would not, and can not negate the difficult circumstances of those who are suffering and/or afflicted due to oppressions. I even understand how difficult it is to remember the goodness of God when looking around, especially since there seems to be so much that speaks to hopelessness and almost even it can feel like a type of abandonment ... nevertheless, I am always brought back to the rememberance of Who is the One "holding me in the Palm of His 'Hand.'" I am reminded that His Creation ALWAYS begins first in me (you surly are aware of the parable that teaches how the inside of the cup must first be made clean) ... then, you should understand what is meant when we say 'esoterically speaking,' of course. We learn from those who "govern" over us, whether it be by force of a few or by the will of the majority. I only know to take the lessons to heart, but first as it applies to me. Mostly, it is in our best interest to know that we CAN and should trust in God.

I think God so loved the world that He sent His Son as a substitutional sacrifice for the off spring of adam, all are dead in old adam without hope.

The judgments are the key to understanding the goodness of God as the Creator, Genesis 3. The judgments of God are good for knowledge, understanding, and ultimately for Wisdom. The foreknowledge (insight) of God into His creation can clearly be seen by the conceptual allegory of Genesis 2-3 when one takes the time to try and understand (without preconceived notions given to us of others) the rest of the Tanach (especially according to Proverbs 2:1-11).

Who is the Son of God? Exodus 4:22-23 ... and this is the one who is given to know the judgments of God, which the Psalmist himself testifies of in Psalm 147:19-20. Israel, then, becomes the one who is conceptually known as Wisdom. In Proverbs it is said that Wisdom DANCES, plays, and finds enjoyment in God's creation, even whilst He is *still* creating ... and He is ... even now, still creating! Psalm 149, for instance, speaks of Israel in the same way that Proverbs speaks of Wisdom. :)

Jesus the foreordained Lamb of God before the foundation of the World, the Word made flesh, Who was with God and was God humbled himself and left glory to become mans kinsmen redeemer, through his shed blood man is freed from the bondage of sin and death. If Jesus be not risen then we are dead in our sins and are preaching vain.
No other christ, or religion will do, no spiritist doctrine of One that tells you the answer is in your self, no utopia without the real Prince of peace.

What do you do with the statements that are attributed to Jesus saying that he did not come to bring peace, and quite the opposite? Just curious.

I am of the impression that Joseph, the son of Jacob, is a great example, IMHO, of what a Prince of Peace is essentially.

He was a righteous man, a wise ruler, and the best (most clear) example given in the Bible ... yet often overlooked. From his very beginning, he was pure in his heart, and yet full of wisdom so that he was able to be used for the good of all those in whom he would eventually 'oversee.' He did not fight against those who wrongfully mistreated, accused, and/or forgot him. He suffered a great deal more in his innocency than most of us could ever or should ever complain of ... yet, he still always did what was right for the greater good of the People, as well as for the individual; first the Egyptians (who had become his People), and then for his brothers (as well as the rest of the family) who would come to him later in need of help during the time of the great famine. As I said, but am repeating again for the sake of emphasizing the point, there is a lot that seems to be overlooked in regard to Joseph ...

it seems to be the case in the NT as well, I have more recently come to be aware of.

With Joseph, there was the creation ("finger") of God in his personal life first ... and this, for a specific purpose that would ultimately extend outward to show forth the goodness of God, not only in the eyes of the Egyptians and Joseph's own family, but to the peoples living in many of the surrounding lands.

There are specific details in the first link that touch quite deeply on this greater Wisdom of God's Creation. It is testified of in the Tanach, and even the very way in which Nature, itself, is conducted. That the author sees the "fingerprint" of God's 'work' in what otherwise is being proclaimed by many others as a chaotic mess of ... well, nothing ... is not something I personally can deem as being evil, and rather it should be taken as it is meant to be: an insightful and creative reminder that we are not without hope in the world. :)
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Eclectic Theosophist
The Great Work

The Great Work

This Great Work, was alister crowley a band member?

Yes. 'The Great Work' is primarily a term within Hermeticism but extends to other schools who share the primary vision. Crowley was a leading pioneer of 'The Great Work' in the Thelemic school. The Great work is individual and collective. Essentially a 'hermetic' at heart here.

" The Great Work (lat: Magnum Opus), within Thelema, is the process of attaining Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel and learning and accomplishing one's True Will. The concept originates as far back as Medieval alchemy, and came to Thelema through Hermetic Magic informed by the Qabalah."

- Thelemapedia

Great Work (wiki)



Well-known member
Sounds like the great One is getting a little testy in his message for 2011.

He will need to make a dicision as to whether some individual heart beats can or should continue to beat within the Heart Beat of One.

When this moment comes, much of what He allowed to be and evolve will need to cease to be.:shocked:


Eclectic Theosophist
No-thing and every-thing.......

No-thing and every-thing.......

Sounds like the great One is getting a little testy in his message for 2011.

He will need to make a dicision as to whether some individual heart beats can or should continue to beat within the Heart Beat of One.

When this moment comes, much of what He allowed to be and evolve will need to cease to be.:shocked:


The Infinite One is wholly Self-contained and has infinite resources to meet every challenge, problem and paradox...for all opposites and dualities are wholly reconciled, balanced and inner-merged in the Heart of the One. All space and time exists in the One, and all that is prior to and beyond space or time.



Well-known member
I guess the reincarnation wheel ran of the One road, seeing some just can't seem to get just who this One is! what a shame , maybe One needs some communications classes before He starts the final solution.

No Sheep Here

New member
logical as a one world may seem to well intentioned people, they also could be takin advantage of through their own benevolence, ignorant of the hidden purpose they have been slowley led to imbrace.
You read my mind. This is my concern too many people accepting Christianity. Just think of all those well intentioned people who'll be led to believe out of ignorance.


Well-known member
You read my mind. This is my concern too many people accepting Christianity. Just think of all those well intentioned people who'll be led to believe out of ignorance.
Yea mine to, they seem to be excepting all sorts of pagan doctrines these days.
I am surprised because most esoteric paths to inlightenment read like a bad trip on LSD, they should know better if they had the real Spirit of God leading them, but you tell a lie long enough!

Esoteric blessing from the great powerfull OZ. code name ONE.


Eclectic Theosophist


Yea mine to, they seem to be excepting all sorts of pagan doctrines these days.
I am surprised because most esoteric paths to inlightenment read like a bad trip on LSD, they should know better if they had the real Spirit of God leading them, but you tell a lie long enough!

Sounds like you still need to read the original article to know what its about (insights into the nature of existence and how consciousness affects conditions and potential futures, besides the science behind remote viewing, etc. - it just so happens that the author and others in this field have discovered common methods with consistent results that can be learned. - the articles on the One (call it 'God', 'Spirit', 'Primoridal Consciousness', 'Creative Intelligence', etc.) are rather pertinent and 'spot on' concerning our current time and what could affect future events, especially regarding the parallel with Jerusalem on earth and the Jerusalem above ('as below, so above'). This ought to concern all conscious beings on the planet of whatever denomination since we are all children of One Father.

Return to Oneness (this message still pertinent, for Oneness is intrinsic to Life and all its movements. - see more articles in index on the left)

Esoteric blessing from the great powerfull OZ. code name ONE.

Dont forget to click your heels :)

Jesting aside, dont forget the Shema which Jesus honored, "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One" (Shema Yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai ehad). This fundamental truth ought never be skimmed over,....go to the Source.

It is the One without a second, one Infinity... the origin and context of all that is finite (all space/time potentials/possibilities). There is not only one God, but only God (non-dual, all-inclusive, all-pervading, omnipresent). - all 'else' are offsprings, emanations, expressions, permutations of the One.



Eclectic Theosophist
One Love

One Love


Greetings all,

Just resurrecting some of the very few threads that I have left over from the recent 'purging' of threads.

From the OP here and ongoing discussion, we explore the Oneness of Life, the Unity of Existence, that center of Love and Light at the Heart of all Creation. The articles from The Academy serve as a launching pad and platform for universal spirituality and how psi-skills such as remote viewing relate to gaining some insight into the general conditions of our world, and how to unleash our true potential for positive growth and transformation.

The original message of Oneness was given for the Year 2010, but still applies of course, because 'God' or 'Spirit' is always One....therefore the cause and principle of unity always remaina behind the movements of change that come and go. The original article is essential and important for those who wish to dialogue on the subject, so please respect for that discussion-participation.

(I've never experimented with remote viewing myself, but resonate with the metaphysical and philosophical import of many of the articles towards consciousness expansion, personal empowerment and planetary transformation).




Eclectic Theosophist
Message for this year from The One

Message for this year from The One


Sharing the message given for our present year 2012 Here (video and commentary), from The One. We use the term 'The One' here to refer to the One God Presence, that Infinite Spirit-Mind that is indivisible, the sourcing presence of all that is, was and ever will be,...for to the Infininite One..there is only that One existing, no 'other'. There is no 'other', where God is One and All. - the play of duality, relativity and movement (creation/evolution) arises as the play of 'God' in space-time, giving the appearance of multiplicity (there appears to be many 'minds' interfacing within One Infinite Mind).

In truth, there is only 'God'. 'God' is the eternal source and abiding reality of all (the source-condition of all conditions). All includes all (all that is invisible/visible,...all that is before, behind or beyond any-thing, thought or form). 'God' at this point is 'unassociated being'. Only where assocations there duality (relationships, personalities engaging,....'romance' ;) )

An excerpt from the 2012 message -

This is the beginning of a new era: The era of One and Oneness, when the One and Only comes down from His Throne and embraces all of His children and the totality of Creation.

In this Holy process of rejoining of all His parts, much will be unfolding in order to achieve and regain balance and harmony.

This is the culmination of a long era of conflicts between parts of The One.

The One and Only witnessed for eons the battery of pain and destruction which ensued.

So much suffering in vain!

So many distortions spread about the nature and qualities of The One and Only Being!

A time had come for The Oneness to shine Its Truth to all the lost parts.

As we reflect on the Oneness of Life and hear a message from The One Itself....the language of duality is used, referring to 'parts' of the One, individual souls...who because of the veil of darkness, seperation and 'ego' have become lost in seperation, illusion, sorrow, despair, fear, insanity....forgetting their true nature, original home, divine source.

A re-turn to Oneness is the shattering of the illusion of seperation, ignorance and sorrow. Where the One is all, there is only that One. No difference, no seperation, no 'other'. From this fundamental Heart-level of omnipresence....there is only pure indivisible Light. The Light of 'I Am' includes apparent 'others' in its infinitude of relationships/interactions....but to the Infininite "I" there is no 'other', but itself. There is The One, and the 'many' that appear in the realm of space-time creation, the unfolding cycles of birth, death, re-birth. One 'Being' and 'Presence', yet many forms, personalities and appearances engaging in 'play'.

Also important is the symbol of the inner and outer a nexus-point where Spirit converges with matter, in our own hearts and the actual location geographically (in the land of Israel) as the navel of the world...where the forces of heaven converge with the earth-plane. The Star of David is also an important symbol of 2 triangles intersecting, the top triangle pointing down representing Spirit coming down into matter (involution) and the bottom triangle pointing up...matter being lifted up into the current of Spirit (evolution). There are but two aspects of The One inner-merging as the flux of creation. This 'hexagram' is also an archetype of '6' (points/sides)....the number of Man (Son of Man/Son of God).



Eclectic Theosophist
Every morning...born anew!

Every morning...born anew!

Hey! I didn't know you were raised Mormon, too! :jawdrop:

:) - humble beginnings, but the soul-journey has been a wonderful adventure and continues on.

While the phrase "All is One" may seem cliche' is metaphysically true on a fundamental universal level. All goes back to the Root,...which is One, the primal unit from which all springs and converges back again.

Another great article from Gerald is "Happy Birthday to you too!". Every morning we are born anew as it were, so that every day is the opportunity of new creation, possibilities and potential. Such is the engagement of creation, unfolding itself in cycles of change (transformation). Since the original essence of pure energy and spirit is unborn/undying...only the forms or vehicles which mind and spirit uses undergo change relative to conditions of space and time. The eternal 'I Am' is deathless.




Eclectic Theosophist


I guess the reincarnation wheel ran of the One road, seeing some just can't seem to get just who this One is! what a shame , maybe One needs some communications classes before He starts the final solution.

Hi Zeke,...I know you have since had a 'shift' in consciousness since these older conversations have taken place, so in that new 'light'....let us proceed.


To all readers:

While we continue our explorations of the nature of reality, which is integrated within itself as a universal unity,....we see that all there really 'The One'...individualizing itself within relating personalities. Everything is a reflection of the One itself, because it is that universal Mind Alone that is relating all things within itself, thru various images, thoughts, ideas, concepts, personalities, mind-forms, etc. All arises as a play of creation to Consciousness Alone, and to none else. All is a play of perception (in its manifold forms and movements) in the sea of consciousness.

Here is a wonderful interview with Gerald O'Donnell by Nick Good, about his own journey, discoveries and the founding of 'The Academy of Remote Viewing'...most important however are the keys or secrets of creation, those principles that affect and influence reality, and make possible every 'probable future'.

From Night into Daylight and Beyond: We have the Force of One to FREEDOM

Here we come back to the archetype of 'Jerusalem' as the City of Peace, Harmony, Oneness and that 'Jerusalem' is in us, as the kingdom of 'God', the throne of Spirit. It is the mother of us all, being the 'new creation'...or that which begets all true creation.

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New member
Originally Posted by Lost Comet
Hey! I didn't know you were raised Mormon, too!
:) - humble beginnings, but the soul-journey has been a wonderful adventure and continues on.

While the phrase "All is One" may seem cliche' is metaphysically true on a fundamental universal level. All goes back to the Root,...which is One, the primal unit from which all springs and converges back again.

Another great article from Gerald is "Happy Birthday to you too!". Every morning we are born anew as it were, so that every day is the opportunity of new creation, possibilities and potential. Such is the engagement of creation, unfolding itself in cycles of change (transformation). Since the original essence of pure energy and spirit is unborn/undying...only the forms or vehicles which mind and spirit uses undergo change relative to conditions of space and time. The eternal 'I Am' is deathless.


Humble beginnings is good, for this is the way Jesus taught us. Only the humblest can learn this lesson and follow Jesus to be one with the Father even as he is.


Well-known member
Hi Zeke,...I know you have since had a 'shift' in consciousness since these older conversations have taken place, so in that new 'light'....let us proceed.


To all readers:

While we continue our explorations of the nature of reality, which is integrated within itself as a universal unity,....we see that all there really 'The One'...individualizing itself within relating personalities. Everything is a reflection of the One itself, because it is that universal Mind Alone that is relating all things within itself, thru various images, thoughts, ideas, concepts, personalities, mind-forms, etc. All arises as a play of creation to Consciousness Alone, and to none else. All 'else' is merely a play of perception (in its manifold forms and movements) in the sea of consciousness.

Here is a wonderful interview with Gerald O'Donnell by Nick Good, about his own journey, discoveries and the founding of 'The Academy of Remote Viewing'...most important however are the keys or secrets of creation, those principles that affect and influence reality, and make possible every 'probable future'.

From Night into Daylight and Beyond: We have the Force of One to FREEDOM

Here we come back to the archetype of 'Jerusalem' as the City of Peace, Harmony, Oneness and that 'Jerusalem' is in us, as the kingdom of 'God', the throne of Spirit. It is the mother of us all, being the 'new creation'...or that which begets all true creation.


Hi Freelight.

Yea the kingdom within, the temple made without hands the abode of the Christ spirit that lights all men that come into the world, only one light with many spectrums, all humanity and are animal brothers part of that body of light.
We come and go through various mediums and bodies for reasons only the Great Spirit is in control of, the great mystery that keeps the search alive.
But I am just a beginner, many colors of the rainbow I have yet to retain on my coop stick, still lots of bad medicine to deal with.

Blessings, Zeke.


Eclectic Theosophist
singular source points.......

singular source points.......

Hi Freelight.

Yea the kingdom within, the temple made without hands the abode of the Christ spirit that lights all men that come into the world, only one light with many spectrums, all humanity and are animal brothers part of that body of light.

How wonderful it is, realize that One Infinite Light lies behind all appearances and forms, the cradle in which all creation emerges as vibrational reflections of one source. One Father-Mother-God.

We come and go through various mediums and bodies for reasons only the Great Spirit is in control of, the great mystery that keeps the search alive.

And is it not the Eternal One individing Himself into (or as) the 'many' to experience the purality and potentials of creation thru-out eternity? Souls must be the offspring of One OverSoul, whose creative love begets all possibilities for that Love to be realized without end. - this would naturally include souls taking on as many embodiments and experiences to satisfy and fulfill their eternal destiny and purpose....a journey of learning.

But I am just a beginner, many colors of the rainbow I have yet to retain on my coop stick, still lots of bad medicine to deal with.

Just look to the Light and abide in Oneness, for that is your native position or home in 'God' and as 'God' anyways. Then you are already seated in the truth where all is right and peaceful, since you are not seperate from your source whose nature is love and whose will is further creative expression of that love, wherein there is no fear at all....since all fear, guilt, shame, false beliefs and assumptions of 'ego' are absolved and outshined in the Son-Light....because you've realized you were never seperate from 'God' in the firstplace.

Bad medicine is remedied by its disposal....and then the acceptance of your wholeness and perfection already being in 'God' as His son.

I might want to explore more the numerology of "1" and God's nature,...I went into it a little here. The concept of 'zero' or 'zero-point' is also important in the greater numerical scale of things, as we get some insight into the metaphysics of numbers. We can draw from various schools on these points. Fascinating stuff!

A fellow rainbow warrior,



Well-known member
How wonderful it is, realize that One Infinite Light lies behind all appearances and forms, the cradle in which all creation emerges as vibrational reflections of one source. One Father-Mother-God.

And is it not the Eternal One individing Himself into (or as) the 'many' to experience the purality and potentials of creation thru-out eternity? Souls must be the offspring of One OverSoul, whose creative love begets all possibilities for that Love to be realized without end. - this would naturally include souls taking on as many embodiments and experiences to satisfy and fulfill their eternal destiny and purpose....a journey of learning.

Just look to the Light and abide in Oneness, for that is your native position or home in 'God' and as 'God' anyways. Then you are already seated in the truth where all is right and peaceful, since you are not seperate from your source whose nature is love and whose will is further creative expression of that love, wherein there is no fear at all....since all fear, guilt, shame, false beliefs and assumptions of 'ego' are absolved and outshined in the Son-Light....because you've realized you were never seperate from 'God' in the firstplace.

Bad medicine is remedied by its disposal....and then the acceptance of your wholeness and perfection already being in 'God' as His son.

I might want to explore more the numerology of "1" and God's nature,...I went into it a little here. The concept of 'zero' or 'zero-point' is also important in the greater numerical scale of things, as we get some insight into the metaphysics of numbers. We can draw from various schools on these points. Fascinating stuff!

A fellow rainbow warrior,


Yea its amazing all the different angles (angels) one can find pointing all to the ONE source of them ALL, Bible, Koran, etc..all teach the science hidden in plain sight, just like Jacob seen God at the place called peniel, its all inner science of the human body a micro version of the universe, as above as below.

Hopefully the age of knowing is starting to blossom, so that once again man can grasp who he really is, and climb up out of the lower chak-RA-s up Jacobs ladder and become IS-RA-EL.

Amazing how many names of the bible have RA in them.

Blessings, Zeke.


Eclectic Theosophist
Law of One material by Ra

Law of One material by Ra

Yea its amazing all the different angles (angels) one can find pointing all to the ONE source of them ALL, Bible, Koran, etc..all teach the science hidden in plain sight, just like Jacob seen God at the place called peniel, its all inner science of the human body a micro version of the universe, as above as below.

Hopefully the age of knowing is starting to blossom, so that once again man can grasp who he really is, and climb up out of the lower chak-RA-s up Jacobs ladder and become IS-RA-EL.

Amazing how many names of the bible have RA in them.

Blessings, Zeke.

Yes! The Law of One and that permeating influence of 'Ra' goes back anciently in our planetary memory. A very significant channeled work given in the 80's is the 'Law of One' material thru a social-memory-complex, or 'consciousness' idenitifying itself as 'Ra' - this carries us back into the ancient truth-principles revealed in Egypt and adopted by the Jews as Moses received it. Is-Ra-El is the 'people' of 'God', and on Jacob's ladder we ascend and descend up thru the 'rungs' of involution/evolution. All is the sprial of consciousness, the One Soul mirroring itself from highest purities of the more dense matterial realms of space and time.

I shared the 'Law of One' material in my 'ET Theology' thread, which is no longer extant, but these links are great introductions to the teaching -

Law of One info.


Law of One text

Study Guide and Here


Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.

That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.


The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement, my friends, as you know, is “All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of one original thought.”


Ra: I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.

One of the primal distortions of the Law of One is that of healing. Healing occurs when a mind/body/spirit complex realizes, deep within itself, the Law of One; that is, that there is no disharmony, no imperfection; that all is complete and whole and perfect. Thus, the intelligent infinity within this mind/body/spirit complex re-forms the illusion of body, mind, or spirit to a form congruent with the Law of One. The healer acts as energizer or catalyst for this completely individual process.

To Holiness (the integration of wholeness/perfection/peace...which lies at the heart of creation).



Eclectic Theosophist
devotions to The One

devotions to The One


To the Oneness underlying, pervading and upholding all. That holiness itself of Creation born from the Heart of the Creator alone is good, true, beautiful, potent, unborn, undying, unchanging in its original essence, but expressing the infinite potentials and possibilties of Itself, thru-out all space, time and form. The One involves and evolves itself thru the play of creation, the experience of relationship, in order to reintegrate, restore and augment its original unity and experiential values in the engagement of love. All comes from The One and returns to The One, because the only truth of existence and foundation for all reality is The One Itself.


Message from Truth (video meditation)

Happy Thanksgiving 2012 to The One for the gift of Life and Living Waters

As we reflect on the power and presence of 'God' and are wholly one with that Presence, we are all that very presence, because the One cannot be divided from itself ever. Beyond the veil of language and illusion there is always that integral reality that is Being itself, Self-luminuous, Absolute, Free.




Eclectic Theosophist
Re-turning to Center.......

Re-turning to Center.......


A new message thru Gerald, shared here in the theme of this thread, for meditation and attunement to 'The One' that is our Creator, our Heart-center, our love, our joy, our power, our peace.

Direct Message from the One and Only to Mankind, Jerusalem, December 12, 2012 (full transmission)



This is a message from the Godliness.

Today, December 12, 2012, an event of great significance happened.

Near the Holy of Holies in the city of One: Jerusalem, the Godliness Unified, and the many parts who form It vibrated, in unison and alignment, the vibrational signature which characterizes The One and Only.

There was no dissonance, no interruption, no reluctance.

Many parts who had wanted to rejoin The Oneness were able to do so, as they bask now in the Infinite Light of The One and Only.

This event needed to happen, for, had it not, great instability would have shaken the very core of all Creation.

We came very close to such.

The facet who is talking now, needed to allow for such an event to occur and serve as a vessel for its manifestation.

The alignment is in place. All the parts who form The Eternal are unifying in purpose and intent of bringing final Peace to the Eternal One.

Such an alignment has required great efforts and preparations and many have heeded the call and gifted of themselves to serve the Unifying Process within The One and Only at the level of Its most important Parts and beyond.

There will be no destruction either of this Creation or of the remaining ones.

What has been engaged shall be completed.

Nothing nor anyone can impede this Holy turnaround of The One bringing back His many parts into Oneness.

We are all to integrate the Holy significance of such an event and believe, in the core of ourselves, that soon enough, great manifestations testifying to its very existence will show themselves and be witnessed by all of us.


As shared in the OP article on the Oneness at the heart of Creation, and especially that vortex of holy energy at Jerusalem, the City of One, the city of peace....which serves as a bridge between heaven and earth.....the holy love is calling all parts of itself back into itself, reintegrating, revivifying, regenerating, empowering all back into itsself.

Since Jerusalem is the 'center' or 'navel' of our world, it converges the heavenlies and the earth realm together as one...uniting the heavenly Jerusalem with its matterial counterpart here below. Like the ladder of is by that highway of holiness that angels descend and ascend, during our 'wrestling' with the powers that be, giving us rest as our place of victory, the crown of our overcoming.

The Star of David represents this merging of the Father-Mind with the Mother-light, to make the hexagram of Man, merging the two as one. The downturning triagle is the involtion of Spirit, the masculine energy coming down; the upturned triangle is the evolution of matter-energy, the mother-light lifting the physical world up into the finer energies of Spirit, in its spiraling evolution towards wholeness and perfection (these are inversed in other schools). The circle around the Star is the eternal ring, the compass of infinity. Notice the 7 compartments within the Star, - that original center-space is the God-essence that remains pure and unchanging within Man, and within all creation while all else moves as the 'dance' of God.

The shatkona is the Hindu name for this symbol, representing Shiva and Shakti...the masculine and feminine archetypal union.

View attachment 17635

Om shanti,
