Responsibility for others losing their faith


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
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I just finished reading most of Anna's thread "Conversation with Knight..." Can't remember the whole title right now. But, that thread made me think about when my daughter, at age twenty-on, told me that she was no longer a Christian because of the hypocrisy of Christians. At the time, she didn't give me any examples of the hypocrisy she was talking about. But, she told me that she was now a pagan and was following the ways of Wicca. It took a couple of years, but she eventually told me that it was my hypocrisy that she had been talking about. She thinks that I'm a hypocrite because I don't believe in homosexual marriage and am against abortion on demand. She now tells me that she's engaged to marry a woman and she believes that if a woman gets pregnant she should be the only person who decides whether that pregnancy should be carried to term or not. She just turned twenty-nine at the beginning of this month. Personally, I don't think that I'm a hypocrite for those beliefs. I hold myself to a higher standard of behavior than I do anyone else. My daughter didn't grow up seeing her mother living with a man outside of marriage although she knew that I would never date a woman. And, I've always made my beliefs on abortion clear to anyone, including my daughter, who would listen to them.

Do I feel bad about my daughter's lack of faith in Christ? Yes. But, after eight years of knowing about her decision, I can honestly say that I no longer feel responsible for her lack of faith. Yes. It's taken me that long to come to that feeling. I pray that, someday, someone will come into her life that will show her that I'm not such a hypocrite. But, she's an adult. I did what I felt I was supposed to in raising her in my faith. But, she has to make her own decision about her faith. I can do nothing to change her mind.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No matter what someone thinks about authentic Christian morals, the Christian faith is all about believing in Christ's Resurrection. Maybe your daughter still believes, but rejects organized Christianity, some Christian morals, associating with and identifying as a Christian. Maybe she still believes.


Proverbs 31:10
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The last time we talked about anything to do with religion (We rarely talk about it anymore because she likes to pick fights with me), she said that she believes in all gods. But, mostly, she believes in "Mother Earth."


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The last time we talked about anything to do with religion (We rarely talk about it anymore because she likes to pick fights with me), she said that she believes in all gods. But, mostly, she believes in "Mother Earth."
That's OK. There's only exactly one perfectly correct version of the Christian faith, and that means that all the other ones are wrong. I would say that one that involves something called "Mother Earth" is one of the wrong ones, but maybe she still believes that Jesus is risen from the dead too? That's the entire faith in a nutshell, and there's an awful lot more to it than just Christ's Resurrection, but so long as she believes that He really did rise from the dead, then she is a believer, no matter what else she might believe, say, do, or approve of.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
That's OK. There's only exactly one perfectly correct version of the Christian faith, and that means that all the other ones are wrong. I would say that one that involves something called "Mother Earth" is one of the wrong ones, but maybe she still believes that Jesus is risen from the dead too? That's the entire faith in a nutshell, and there's an awful lot more to it than just Christ's Resurrection, but so long as she believes that He really did rise from the dead, then she is a believer, no matter what else she might believe, say, do, or approve of.

She believes that Jesus was a man who taught some good things. She doesn't believe in His resurrection. Last time she was living with me, she got mad at me for listening to a guy on You Tube who teaches about demons, giants, and other things similar. I'm not supposed to listen to anything in my house that will offend her. I told her that she doesn't have to listen to it. But, she can't tell me that I can't listen to it. Of course, I'm being a hypocrite because of that.


Well-known member
Sadly, many Christians seem to be losing their children to this liberal garbage. I use the term "losing" in the way that the world has snatched them away from what they grew up with. I always come back to the Scripture...

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

I remember Solomon....he spent a long time being merry, but in the end, he returned to God.

Ecc. 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.​

On a personal note, my oldest daughter worries me at times with her lack of commons sense concerning things that should be many liberal ideas. But, when push comes to shove, she prays and asks for prayer. I believe God is able to keep ....even our young liberal children. Never give up. Who knows what God will use to turn them unto Himself.


Well-known member
She believes that Jesus was a man who taught some good things. She doesn't believe in His resurrection. Last time she was living with me, she got mad at me for listening to a guy on You Tube who teaches about demons, giants, and other things similar. I'm not supposed to listen to anything in my house that will offend her. I told her that she doesn't have to listen to it. But, she can't tell me that I can't listen to it. Of course, I'm being a hypocrite because of that.

Twenty nine, you say? She's still very young, and has so many lessons to go through. Perhaps she needs to go through some very tough can only help. :)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
She believes that Jesus was a man who taught some good things. She doesn't believe in His resurrection.
She needs to examine her belief. The fact is that either Jesus of Nazareth is risen from the dead, or, Christ's Resurrection was a hoax. And if it was a hoax, then that isn't enough of an explanation, because we need to account for all the people who claimed to see Him, and then who willingly went to their deaths, witnessing that they saw Him risen from the dead.

And that means that the hoax must have been a suicide pact, and this means that Judas was an integral part of the pact, because he was the first one to kill himself, thus, in a way, dedicating the suicide pact.

We must therefore also conclude that the suicide pact was so attractive, that Paul the Apostle bought into it and joined the pact. Whatever could they have been trying to do, that warrants them making a suicide pact, in order to spread the story of Christ's Resurrection far and wide?

These are the two options. Either Christ's Resurrection is nonfiction historical fact, or, His Apostles were part of a suicide pact, spreading His story far and wide. Maybe you could mention that to her, just as a curiosity. See what she thinks of that.
Last time she was living with me, she got mad at me for listening to a guy on You Tube who teaches about demons, giants, and other things similar. I'm not supposed to listen to anything in my house that will offend her. I told her that she doesn't have to listen to it. But, she can't tell me that I can't listen to it. Of course, I'm being a hypocrite because of that.
People need to learn respect. It's sad.


New member
That which we learn, and I mean really learn, stays with us more than we realizes. I hope this is the case with your daughter. Hold her in your heart, make a special place where you can give her love, even if you don't think she will accept it. It is important that you continue to love her and pray for her to accept your love, and in so doing, come back to God.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
That which we learn, and I mean really learn, stays with us more than we realizes. I hope this is the case with your daughter. Hold her in your heart, make a special place where you can give her love, even if you don't think she will accept it. It is important that you continue to love her and pray for her to accept your love, and in so doing, come back to God.

She knows that, even though I don't approve of the way she lives her life, I love her more than I love anyone else on this world. I pray for her at least daily. And, I pray that someone does come into her life that can help her get back to where she's supposed to be with God.


New member
There's only exactly one perfectly correct version of the Christian faith, and that means that all the other ones are wrong. I would say that one that involves something called "Mother Earth" is one of the wrong ones
There are no perfectly correct versions of the Christian faith, but many that are close enough.
I would say that one that involves venerating something called "The Mother of God" is one of the wrong ones.

regard with great respect; revere.

synonyms: revere, reverence, respect, worship, adulate, hallow, deify, idolize, hold sacred, exalt, honor, esteem, look up to, think highly of, pay homage to, pay tribute to; adore, praise, extol, aggrandize, lionize, hold in awe, stand in awe of, marvel at, value;



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There are no perfectly correct versions of the Christian faith, but many that are close enough.
The Apostles' 'version' of the Christian faith is perfectly correct. What the Apostles' 'version' actually is, is debatable; I grant. What isn't debatable is that the Apostles themselves both believed and taught the 'perfectly correct version' of the one Christian faith (Eph4:5KJV), and that the earliest Church believed the Apostles (Ac2:42KJV).
I would say that one that involves venerating something called "The Mother of God" is one of the wrong ones.

regard with great respect; revere.

synonyms: revere, reverence, respect, worship, adulate, hallow, deify, idolize, hold sacred, exalt, honor, esteem, look up to, think highly of, pay homage to, pay tribute to; adore, praise, extol, aggrandize, lionize, hold in awe, stand in awe of, marvel at, value;

Catholics worship God, not Mary.