Republicans should let Mueller, Rosenstein finish the job


New member
Where is the best source for following up directly on this following sentence, which grabbed my interest right away when I first read it: You wrote that Russia is trying to "unite the conservative parties of Europe and the US as subordinate organs of their government"---where can I learn more about that plan? That is interesting. :think:

Ah...that is an interesting question, and it involves significantly more reading between the lines.

Of course, there's Ukraine:

I'd say, start here, in Austria:

Then here, to France:

And Hungary (as well as Spain and Catalonia):

And Italy:

And Brexit:

And in the United States, there are two main avenues of connections made to conservatives. One is the NRA, and the other is through Evangelical organizations:

Of course, Putin doesn't only reach out to conservative groups. He also empowers forces on the fringe of the Left, such as the Green Party in the US, and the Catalonian Independence movement isn't really a conservative movement, but, these are only suitable as useful idiots, or maybe fellow travelers, because they aren't ultimately ideologically compatible with his own movement. He uses them to divide the Left in the face of his more preferred actors. The conservative movements that he forms informal alliances with will actually take a patronage relationship with him.

This is older, but some of it is still applicable:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Where is the best source for following up directly on this following sentence, which grabbed my interest right away when I first read it: You wrote that Russia is trying to "unite the conservative parties of Europe and the US as subordinate organs of their government"---where can I learn more about that plan? That is interesting. :think:
Ah...that is an interesting question, and it involves significantly more reading between the lines.

Of course, there's Ukraine:

I'd say, start here, in Austria:

Then here, to France:

And Hungary (as well as Spain and Catalonia):

And Italy:

And Brexit:

And in the United States, there are two main avenues of connections made to conservatives. One is the NRA, and the other is through Evangelical organizations:

Of course, Putin doesn't only reach out to conservative groups. He also empowers forces on the fringe of the Left, such as the Green Party in the US, and the Catalonian Independence movement isn't really a conservative movement, but, these are only suitable as useful idiots, or maybe fellow travelers, because they aren't ultimately ideologically compatible with his own movement. He uses them to divide the Left in the face of his more preferred actors. The conservative movements that he forms informal alliances with will actually take a patronage relationship with him.

This is older, but some of it is still applicable:
Thank you so much for this Rexlunae. btw is your username plural? As in 'Moon kings?' What I want to suggest is, the public posting, as opposed to a PM, of this, foils the conspiracy. It's now known, it's out there. You can find it on the googol machine. Because it's so unlikely that what's actually going on aligns precisely with anything on the internet, we know that you've ruled out this particular notion, and I want to thank you for doing this valuable work.

These ideas are what many people in America spend their every working hour working on. Now that you've done the legwork, they can claim it as theirs and they can check off this potential iteration of the constant, real or imagined threat, to our greatest of great nations.

I believe in the Second Amendment because I admit my limit in understanding any sophisticated machinations occurring among and between our leaders. What I can understand is guns, and lots of them; and lots of bullets, with huge clips, so I can keep shooting, and not have to reload.

I can't be expected to understand all this Bildeberg stuff. Just don't come near my blanked-y-blank guns, and don't preemptively ban assault weapons from my kids and grandkids, nor super-highest capacity clips/magazines, and loads of bullets, aka rounds. And repeal the NFA, there's no good reason the Second Amendment doesn't apply to machine guns. Or, make it common for people not engaged in the gun trade, to be licensed FFLs. In the meantime, nationwide carry reciprocity would be a nice gesture.

I am not Russian, nor do I care what the Russian agenda is, so long as 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

'You know what I mean? :eek:



New member
Thank you so much for this Rexlunae. btw is your username plural? As in 'Moon kings?'

The "Lunae" is actually first-declension genitive singular, which has the same form as the nominative plural. The overall construct is singular, with the "Rex" providing the main meaning, and the "Lunae" working as a modifier meaning "of the Moon". Hence, "Rex Lunae", "King of the Moon".

What I want to suggest is, the public posting, as opposed to a PM, of this, foils the conspiracy.

If only it did. I think it takes a lot more than one guy posting the best he can figure out on a forum that few people read. But every bit helps, perhaps.

It's now known, it's out there. You can find it on the googol machine. Because it's so unlikely that what's actually going on aligns precisely with anything on the internet, we know that you've ruled out this particular notion, and I want to thank you for doing this valuable work.

These ideas are what many people in America spend their every working hour working on. Now that you've done the legwork, they can claim it as theirs and they can check off this potential iteration of the constant, real or imagined threat, to our greatest of great nations.

I believe in the Second Amendment because I admit my limit in understanding any sophisticated machinations occurring among and between our leaders. What I can understand is guns, and lots of them; and lots of bullets, with huge clips, so I can keep shooting, and not have to reload.

I can't be expected to understand all this Bildeberg stuff. Just don't come near my blanked-y-blank guns, and don't preemptively ban assault weapons from my kids and grandkids, nor super-highest capacity clips/magazines, and loads of bullets, aka rounds. And repeal the NFA, there's no good reason the Second Amendment doesn't apply to machine guns. Or, make it common for people not engaged in the gun trade, to be licensed FFLs. In the meantime, nationwide carry reciprocity would be a nice gesture.

I am not Russian, nor do I care what the Russian agenda is, so long as 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'

'You know what I mean? :eek:


I try pretty hard not to fall into conspiracy theory, untethered from truth and evidence, but it's always a risk. I suspect that we'd disagree on a lot, but it's good to chat with someone who's actually listening. Honestly, I can relate to what you're saying about self-reliance.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The "Lunae" is actually first-declension genitive singular, which has the same form as the nominative plural.
Nice. Were you classically educated, or is Latin more of a hobby for you?
If only it did. I think it takes a lot more than one guy posting the best he can figure out on a forum that few people read. But every bit helps, perhaps.
I think you'd be surprised. Sometimes President Trump 're-tweets' someone who (previously) was generally unknown, and he'll even comment sometimes on their tweet, too. The last time I checked, he had over 50 million followers, so that's a lot of exposure, and as goofy as it might sound, social media does distribute thoughts, that are concise, pretty well.

All we'd have to do is broadcast on Twitter somehow, which I would think would only increase traffic here, because Twitter can be a cesspit.
I try pretty hard not to fall into conspiracy theory, untethered from truth and evidence, but it's always a risk. I suspect that we'd disagree on a lot, but it's good to chat with someone who's actually listening. Honestly, I can relate to what you're saying about self-reliance.
It's life and death. No matter what anybody's saying, whatever they're planning, it's always life and death. If the Germans were more careful, if the Jewish people were seriously armed, and could always have easy access to assault weapons + highest capacity magazines and loads of bullets, the Nazis would have had more of a fight on their hands; that's just a fact. I'm not saying it would have changed any outcomes, but there would have been defensive shots fired, and that is prima facie better than no defensive shots fired, against the Nazis, in hindsight.

They just can't do very much, no matter who 'they' are, if we're all toting around assault weapons as we go about our business every day of the week, with no limitations, e.g. 'gun free' zones. I'm not paranoid, I'm realistic. Fact is, 'world's worst murderers commanded armies, and armies have to fight the armed---the unarmed they just have to corral.

Anyway, it's easy to listen, when you publish quality posts like you do. tyvm.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The current investigation into potential collusion with Russia during the 2016 election is necessary. Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein are upholding the processes of justice that have made this nation great for more than two centuries.


Are you kidding me?

Anyone who knows anything about this type of an investigation knows that Mueller should have never been appointed because of his close ties to Comey. They are the best of friends.

The Justice Department speaks of avoiding ALL things which have even an "appearance" of a conflict of interest but in this case they couldn't care less about that because this thing is nothing but a witch hunt.

If you can't see these things then I know that the left is even more ignorant than I ever thought possible.

The Barbarian

Compared to either the Bengazzzzzzi or $hillery's E-mail investigations, the Mueller investigation is going at breakneck speed; it also dwarfs both of the former in indictments, guilty pleas and convictions, to put it mildly.

Actually, in spite of numerous investigations, millions of tax dollars spent, and shrieks of anger from republican committee heads... no indictments. Indeed, it was amusing to watch Trey Gowdy, at the press conference, trying to avoid saying what the final report indicated.

"Read the report" was as close as he would go to admitting "no one indicted."

How many indictments in the Mueller probe?

Oddly, enough, Gowdy is now deeply concerned about dragging out investigations...

For months now, a growing number of Republicans have called on Mueller to wrap up his investigation, which originated as an FBI counterintelligence investigation in July 2016 that the special counsel took over in May 2017.
South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, who chaired the Benghazi Select Committee for more than two years, joined the chorus Thursday...

Gowdy's comments sparked outrage from Democrats, who charged that Mueller has been on the case for a year less than Gowdy investigated Benghazi from 2014 to 2016.
"Chairman Gowdy urgently demanded that the Justice Department wrap up the investigation, yet he literally spent years and years investigating Hillary Clinton as part of the GOP's eight-committee investigation of Benghazi, which resulted in nothing but a deluge of false Republican allegations that helped get Donald Trump elected President," said Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, who was the top Democrat on the Benghazi committee.
Democrats argue that the two probes are night and day. Benghazi was a congressional investigation designed to harm Hillary Clinton's campaign, they say, while Mueller has already landed indictments and guilty pleas from several senior members of the Trump campaign.
"There have already been five guilty pleas... one person's already been sentenced,' said Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat. "You can compare that to the Ken Starr Whitewater investigation, which lasted four years and produced nothing, or the seven congressional committees that went after the Benghazi holy grail and came back with nothing, including our beloved Mr. Gowdy."

Republicans seem to be chanting another tune when an investigation turns out to be the real thing.

I can certainly understand the sense of anxiety and foreboding from the right though.

We'll see who else he gets when he finished. Patience. It's coming. He's still a year of time, and five indictments ahead of Gowdy's drawn-out dog and pony show, which found no crimes at all.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
If he was investigating Comey, that would be a problem. But he's not.

The investigation has touched on the subject of obstruction of justice and that involved Comey in a big way!

Perhaps you are not aware that the Justice Department is to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest?

It is common knowledge that Mueller and Comey are best friends so the appointment of Mueller to investigate these matters is a gross betrayal of the principles of the Justice Department.

Letting these creeps get away with this will only lead to more lawlessness.

And you are doing your very best to defend this lawlessness.