RepublicanChick's plan for ISIS


New member
I think we could easily, say, take back an ISIS-conquered city like those in Anbar Province.

But then what would we do?

That was the Bush-Cheney strategy. How effective was that?

all we need to do is bomb them from the air and re-take the cities on the ground.

How hard is that to figure out?

We don't want to lose American lives, but plenty of Christian lives and the lives of children are being taken by the savages. If we would just use all our power against them once & for all, this whole thing could be over, but AGAIN the Left DO believe in war b/c they are the ones who always PROLONG conflicts... thereby causing MORE LIVES TO BE TAKEN

they are NOT pro life, you know..




seeing as how this makes NO sense to me, I cannot and will not comment

except to say that Jesus did die for our sins and it is by his stripes that we are healed, as the Bible and Church attest (Bible and Church never contradict but for those who think they do...)

Most Christians are as yet unfamiliar with the difference between faith and fact in the Bible. I am just sorry I was unable to explain things in a way that you could absorb it.




all we need to do is bomb them from the air and re-take the cities on the ground.

How hard is that to figure out?
If you can show such a strategy would not result in revenge fantasies, scapegoating and horrific violence on the part of those who are bombed, then fine.

But I am not persuaded.

Everyone killed has friends, sometimes parents and grandparents, children and brothers and sisters. And many of them are going to strike back in despair as the terrorists are doing.

When Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq, my first mental image was the president reaching up to a hornet's nest with a weed eater.

Sorry to say, that is exactly what happened.

We are all living in the same living room with everyone else in the world. We are encountering different people and cultures and we are bumping elbows with many of them.

The global culture is interconnected and the old solutions to the same old problems no longer work.

We need to acknowledge our inner violence and evil and grow up and start learning to express them in adult ways for collaborative problem-solving. Children need to be taught to fully feel their strong emotions and not be squelched by authoritarian or fearful parents. They need to be taught to name those emotions and given a wide array of choices to express those for other people.

We don't want to lose American lives, but plenty of Christian lives and the lives of children are being taken by the savages. If we would just use all our power against them once & for all, this whole thing could be over, but AGAIN the Left DO believe in war b/c they are the ones who always PROLONG conflicts... thereby causing MORE LIVES TO BE TAKEN

they are NOT pro life, you know..



New member
If We need to acknowledge our inner violence and evil and grow up and start learning to express them in adult ways for collaborative problem-solving. Children need to be taught to fully feel their strong emotions and not be squelched by authoritarian or fearful parents. They need to be taught to name those emotions and given a wide array of choices to express those for other people.
tell that to the jihadists.. as they raise their knives against you... [you just spout liberal claptrap that gets us nowhere]


john w

New member
Hall of Fame



all we need to do is bomb them from the air and re-take the cities on the ground.

How hard is that to figure out?

It's easy to figure out because our nation apparently believes that scapegoating, revenge and violence redeems us.

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting things will change. Getting bogged down in a land war in the Middle East has never worked. It didn't work for Russia and it didn't work for us.

Did you know that Reagan called the Taliban "freedom fighters" when Russia was in Afghanistan?

Are you aware of the Christian militias that attack Muslim women and children?

Do you know there is Christian terrorism here and around the world?

And finally, if we are pro-life we need to begin to show it.


tell that to the jihadists.. as they raise their knives against you... [you just spout liberal claptrap that gets us nowhere]

Why do they raise their knives and why did it start?

America has made some profound mistakes that could have been avoided.

Bush payed NO attention to a Presidential Daily Briefing he was handed a month before 9/11 on his ranch in Waco. He went there often to "cut brush" on his property to give the press some great photo-opts for political propaganda.

The briefing paper read: "Bin Laden determined to attack in the U.S."

Bush thought little of terrorism because it was not even on his agenda. John Ashcroft didn't even have it on his own list, even though Clinton had been bombing and looking for Osama for years.

From my own experiences and from the history everyone can read, nonviolence works. Everytime it was used against the Nazis in World War II it worked! It takes less time to solve disputes and does not usually result in loss of life and home.

Colin Powell clearly told the Bush administration that going into Iraq would mean "If you break it, you own it."

And we "broke it." The mandated disbanding of the Iraqi Army put thousands of military-trained men on the streets. The wide-spread looting while America stood by was dismissed by a comment from Rumsfeld "Democracy is untidy." Bush did not even know what the meaning of the words "Sunni" and "Shiite" actually referred to! He had to have it explained to him.

Let them sort it out. It is their mess and our presence there is making it worse. As long as we do this, ISIS will strike back at us there or over here.

Killing everyone with bombs and drones will result in consequences and blow back we will scarcely imagine. It will be horrendous and will negatively effect life on earth for all for generations to come.

It is a very, very unwise response. Even many generals agree that we are only creating more misery and poverty and thus, more terrorists.
America is now the "bad guy" there and now disenchanted people here want to now attack us from within.

Awful situation. No good choices. And all because of the choices we have made.

Do I know that I am absolutely right? Of course not. But I am good at seeing patterns and the patterns have been disturbing and alarming to me since 2003.

--But we have to do what makes the best sense. Another Hiroshima or D-Day is not what the world needs.


New member
I am still waiting for the post from RC: "HA! Got all of you, this was a troll account. Suckers!" I would have a good laugh at it anyway.


After a decade of war, the best of us are looking for a third option rather than the debate of "should we bomb or not bomb."

People want to see an actual strategy.


no, we want to see ISIS DEAD

which means Kill the Islamic "religion" so called

demon spawn

You need to consider the consequences of our actions. We already got a lesson in spades from Bush/Cheney.

Your intentions are good: we need to confront this evil and stand fast. But the EFFECT of your good intentions is dangerous and unthinking.

Like I said, ISIS grew because all of the killed civilians and terrorists have surviving relatives, friends, and people that loved them and still miss them but because of violence they are nursing scapegoating, revenge and violence against those who harmed them.

We need to look the problem directly. Many, many generals in our Armed Forces have plainly said the way of bombing and troops on the ground is not working and will not work.

Does this mean coddling or passivity in the face of this evil?

Of course not. It means pragmatic problem-solving by folks who know what they are talking about. Talking heads on FOX "News" are not interested in saying much except "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" or making sure their TV audience leaves with the idea that Obama is doing the wrong thing.

Tell us something new, FOX folks!



I hope you are able to have empathy. If you do, you should consider how you might react if Iran began laying concrete and building military bases near your neighborhood churches.

Bin Laden's complaint before 9/11 was made clear to the West:
Stop stationing troops and building bases in their sacred land around Mecca. Respect our sovereignty.

We didn't, until a few months after 9/11. Rumsfeld officially closed the bases and withdrew. But by then it was too late.

How would YOU react if you belonged to a similar tribal society?


Well-known member
General Pershing utilized a novel approach that he borrowed from the Brits to counter the 1911 Islamic uprising in the Philippines.

He simply buried the bodies of slain terrorists with swine blood and/or entrails rendering them 'unfit to enter their heaven'.

Thus 'terrorizing the terrorists'. It worked as a deterrent for some 50 years.