Republican majority in the Senate drops to 51-49


New member
You believe the slander not the stubbornness of Roy Moore did Roy Moore in. I am going to be sick. Do you ever read The New American online? Can we count on Jones to fund Planned Parenthood of Alabama? I don't see anything redeeming for Alabama in a Doug Jones victory, except needed welfare programs.

I see little redeeming in Doug Jones, but Roy Moore's presence in the Senate would hurt every cause he supported.


I see little redeeming in Doug Jones, but Roy Moore's presence in the Senate would hurt every cause he supported.
I believe they thought that about Mike Pence, but Roy Moore is not a patient man; thus I would have to agree in this case. But there were 2 accusers who were lying. 7 said he dated them at 18 with their parents permission when he was 30.

Alabama is not really as conservative as people think, and you can suppress the Negro vote so much in the southeast. I laugh a little at this, but it is part of the demographics, and these demographics especially the Negro demographics need welfare programs, and education. The southeast has been greedy about this.

I suspect that 8 years of reducing social security below the rate of inflation will affect the Republican Party. I may not vote for my party in the next midterm. We will be in trouble but with the impeachment of Trump soon, and Pence will be the first Republican president to use the veto power to prevent fast government growth; Pence being the first conservative Republican vice POTUS, and POTUS. (aka President of the United States).


New member
I believe they thought that about Mike Pence, but Roy Moore is not a patient man; thus I would have to agree in this case. But there were 2 accusers who were lying. 7 said he dated them at 18 with their parents permission when he was 30.

Alabama is not really as conservative as people think, and you can suppress the Negro vote so much in the southeast. I laugh a little at this, but it is part of the demographics, and these demographics especially the Negro demographics need welfare programs, and education. The southeast has been greedy about this.

I suspect that 8 years of reducing social security below the rate of inflation will affect the Republican Party. I may not vote for my party in the next midterm. We will be in trouble but with the impeachment of Trump soon, and Pence will be the first Republican president to use the veto power to prevent fast government growth; Pence being the first conservative Republican vice POTUS, and POTUS. (aka President of the United States).

Wouldn't the Speaker of the House be next in line for the Presidency?

For it appears Pence just may go down with Trump.

Some choice of evils after that - Ryan and or Hatch.


Wouldn't the Speaker of the House be next in line for the Presidency?

For it appears Pence just may go down with Trump.

Some choice of evils after that - Ryan and or Hatch.
No, it would be Pence who removes him office and takes his place. The Democrats shouldn't be eager for this. Pence knows how to legislate from the executive branch, and he won't take BS ideas like DACA, PP funding, massive taxing and spending etc. etc. He does have a liberal streak about welfare programs being an old religious right republican.

A Democrat majority which has to override conservative vetoes? I have yet to see something exactly like that. But I will soon :D



It appears that Alabamans aren't that conservative after all. Keep in mind that 58% of them voted for a rainbow flag waving/pro abortion/sexual predator from New York City for President just over a year ago. While I truly wanted Roy Moore to win because he stands for the things that the Republicrat Party no longer believes in, maybe it's best that he doesn't have to watch the Republicrat Party continue to die a slow miserable death as a US Senator.

What really surprises me is that my bestest friend in the whoooole wide world (WizardofOz) backed a candidate (Doug Jones) that is for partial birth abortion.

Where's "aCultureWarrior's" crocodile tears for the 9 million of America's poorest children when a Republican Congress recently refused to renew the funding for the Child Health Insurance Plan (CHIP)?

Actions speak louder than words - ProLife supporters, who were instrumental in the election of a Republican President and Congress, have demonstrated a strange way of rewarding those who followed their advice by proceeding with full term pregnancies!

Judge Moore may oppose abortion, but where has he and the ProLife forces been on the issue of funding healthcare insurance for America's most vulnerable children - many of whom live in Alabama and Republican states?
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Where's "aCultureWarrior's" crocodile tears for the 9 million of America's poorest children when a Republican Congress recently refused to renew the funding for the Child Health Insurance Plan (CHIP)?

Actions speak louder than words - ProLife supporters, who were instrumental in the election of a Republican President and Congress, have demonstrated a strange way of rewarding those who followed their advice by proceeding with full term pregnancies!

Judge Moore may oppose abortion, but where has he and the ProLife forces been on the issue of funding healthcare insurance for America's most vulnerable children - many of whom live in Alabama and Republican states?
I am sorry, but single unwed mothers need welfare, not abortions.



I am sorry, but single unwed mothers need welfare, not abortions.

If that's the case, what purpose is being served by a Republican Congress refusing to renew funding for the CHIP program?

You have 9 million children whose mothers actually followed the advice of ProLife advocates - now being punished for making that decision!
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If that's the case, what purpose is being served by a Republican Congress refusing to renew funding for the CHIP program?

You have 9 million children whose mothers actually followed the advice of ProLife advocates - now being punished for making that decision!
CHIP may not be that specific. Give it to them just they live in poverty? I don't know if CHIP is necessary, but it shouldn't be for everyone who is poor. There are ways to pay back the hospital, but debts create needs.



CHIP may not be that specific. Give it to them just they live in poverty? I don't know if CHIP is necessary, but it shouldn't be for everyone who is poor. There are ways to pay back the hospital, but debts create needs.

Is this what ProLife is telling pregnant mothers who are considering an abortion - once that baby is born we plan on taking away children's health insurance so you're totally on your own?

Apparently the Republicans, whom ProLife helped elect, think that the nation should finance a $1.5 trillion Tax Plan using borrowed money, but there is no mention concerning the healthcare of American's 9 million most vulnerable children!

Not only is this decision callous beyond belief, it directly undermines everything for which ProLife supposedly stands - that all human life is sacred whereby society is obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves!
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Is this what ProLife is telling pregnant mothers who are considering an abortion - once that baby is born we plan on taking away children's health insurance so you're totally on your own?

Apparently the Republicans, whom ProLife helped elect, think that the nation should finance a $1.5 trillion Tax Plan using borrowed money, but there is no mention concerning the healthcare of American's 9 million most vulnerable children!

Not only is this decision callous beyond belief, it directly undermines everything for which ProLife supposedly stands - that all human life is sacred whereby society is obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves!

You know there are other forms of public assistance, eh? It isn't just the Republican voters. The average republican politician acts like what we want is in that political cartoon. Health Insurance is not healthcare by the way.


Hall of Fame
Is this what ProLife is telling pregnant mothers who are considering an abortion - once that baby is born we plan on taking away children's health insurance so you're totally on your own?

Apparently the Republicans, whom ProLife helped elect, think that the nation should finance a $1.5 trillion Tax Plan using borrowed money, but there is no mention concerning the healthcare of American's 9 million most vulnerable children!

Not only is this decision callous beyond belief, it directly undermines everything for which ProLife supposedly stands - that all human life is sacred whereby society is obligated to protect those who cannot protect themselves!

I guess it depends on who is declaring the label. There is only one valid reason to be anti-abortion: TO PROTECT THE LIVES OF THE UNBORN.

That, of course, would mean seeing it through by also caring about the person who is GIVING them life and caring about them *after* they are born. Anyone who would willfully and with glee advocate for any policy which denies pregnant mothers, unborn babies, born babies and CHILDREN access to health coverage is not motivated out of concern for the well-being of children. The demand of life is suppose to be about saving and caring about the lives of children.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So all of that time you spent smearing anti abortionist Roy Moore wasn't done so that Doug Jones would win?

Nope just like :idea: your constant smearing of Trump doesn't make you a Hillary Clinton supporter.

So all of those lies that you told about a decent God-fearing family man wasn't done so that pro abortionist Doug Jones would win?

What was your motive then Aaron, it certainly wasn't the truth or you would have backed up your smears (another word for bold faced lies) with evidence.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So all of those lies that you told about a decent God-fearing family man wasn't done so that pro abortionist Doug Jones would win?

What was your motive then Aaron, it certainly wasn't the truth or you would have backed up your smears (another word for bold faced lies) with evidence.

Get over it already Connie. Your guy lost and you might prefer to ignore the allegations made against him but even the Hannity interview alone was "dubious" at absolute best.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
AWESOME. Now we need a few more Senate seats and to take back the House ... and then we can begin to "make America great again!". :D
You're hoping for the Democrats to save you from Trump and Co?

That's like seeking refuge from Nazi Germany in Stalin's Russia. Good luck with that.


Get over it already Connie. Your guy lost and you might prefer to ignore the allegations made against him but even the Hannity interview alone was "dubious" at absolute best.

Yet he didn't hesitate to think badly of Mike Pence whose character is far above Roy Moore's.


Nope just like :idea: your constant smearing of Trump doesn't make you a Hillary Clinton supporter.

Have you ever heard of a false dilemma before?

Apparently not.
He may have voted for Hillary; which would have silly; but I think he loves the damage Trump does.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Nah, I am not that self-absorbed. My hope is to save ALL of the Americans who Trump has intentionally set out to harm with his malicious, Trump and Putin first agenda.
Make America SAFE again!

We get this corporate tax cut set up and it will be good for business and more jobs. As to the rest of the bill, it is not cast in stone. We will see a Democrat takeover in the senate in 2018 and all the bad parts of the personal tax code will be redone, and to the benefit of the lower and middle class. Just wait an see.

Tromp is now a lame duck and my guess is the next president will be a Democrat. The only event that might change this is if Trump was impeached and Mike Pence becomes president


We get this corporate tax cut set up and it will be good for business and more jobs. As to the rest of the bill, it is not cast in stone. We will see a Democrat takeover in the senate in 2018 and all the bad parts of the personal tax code will be redone, and to the benefit of the lower and middle class. Just wait an see.
The Demogograts don't believe in any tax cuts. People are actually tired of the Republicans cutting the wrong stuff.

Tromp is now a lame duck and my guess is the next president will be a Democrat. The only event that might change this is if Trump was impeached and Mike Pence becomes president
I think Pence will be the first conservative Republican president. His veto will bring comfort to many independent voters who don't trust the Demogograt party.

I am being sarcastic here, but I don't believe the Democrats will ever repent. They never gave up on open borders aka unlimited immigration.