Republican Civil WAR: MAGAs vs. RINOs -- Who Will Win?

In the coming Civil War between MAGA and RINOs, who will win?

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During his "Hold These Truths" podcast, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) told electoral reform advocate Nick Troiano that "behind closed doors" pro-Donald Trump lawmakers admit they know accusations of a stolen 2020 presidential election aren't true and it is a continuing political stunt.

During the conversation with his guest, Crenshaw ripped into his colleagues for pushing the 'Trump is a victim' story, stating, "It was always a lie. The whole thing was always a lie. And it was a lie meant to rile people up.”

"It’s a huge manipulation," he added.

You can read more here.

Anyone who truly believes there was no widespread fraud and theft of the election is either ignorant or deceived.

Texas Red

New member
I laugh at threads like this. The poster does not even realize how he is exposing his own authoritarian beliefs.

The fact that there are debates and votes within the party is a GOOD thing. That proves that Republicans have diversity if ideas and we hash them out in the good old democracy way, argument and then a vote.

Democrats are use to their fascist, lock-step, one-POV-only allowed way. When they point at Republicans and the messy reality of diverse ideas and democracy, they only highlight their own lack of diverse thought and fascism.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I laugh at threads like this. The poster does not even realize how he is exposing his own authoritarian beliefs.

The fact that there are debates and votes within the party is a GOOD thing. That proves that Republicans have diversity if ideas and we hash them out in the good old democracy way, argument and then a vote.

Democrats are use to their fascist, lock-step, one-POV-only allowed way. When they point at Republicans and the messy reality of diverse ideas and democracy, they only highlight their own lack of diverse thought and fascism.
It's why the Supreme Court is so censored important. We are living an object lesson, and it's being captured for all history, on every possible form of record, all right now. The Supreme Court is super-duper important to the Constitution of the United States of America.

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Greatest poster ever
I laugh at threads like this. The poster does not even realize how he is exposing his own authoritarian beliefs.

The fact that there are debates and votes within the party is a GOOD thing. That proves that Republicans have diversity if ideas and we hash them out in the good old democracy way, argument and then a vote.

Hi Trump Gurl!

So you think it's a good thing that RINOs are part of the Deep State Swamp, and are against Trump? Got it.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Hi Trump Gurl!

So you think it's a good thing that RINOs are part of the Deep State Swamp, and are against Trump? Got it.
It's why the Supreme Court is so censored important. We are living an object lesson, and it's being captured for all history, on every possible form of record, all right now. The Supreme Court is super-duper important to the Constitution of the United States of America.
What did former President Trump do wrt the SCOTUS? Oh yeah right he overturned Roe. Yeah he's a rhino for sure, 'hunded (remember my Boston accent, so second D can be and sometimes is silent) percent.

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User Name

Greatest poster ever
What did former President Trump do wrt the SCOTUS? Oh yeah right he overturned Roe. Yeah he's a rhino for sure, 'hunded percent.

I don't think you know what "RINO" means. Trump isn't a "RINO," Trump is MAGA. Mainstream Republicans are RINOs. They are Deep State Swamp monsters. Get your nomenclature straight.


like marbles on glass

Fox News’s Marc Thiessen calls midterms a disaster for GOP

The GOP, Thiessen continued, “needs to do a really deep introspection look in the mirror right now because this is an absolute disaster for the Republican Party and we need to turn back.”​
Democrats were able to fight back Republican challengers in a number of key congressional races on Tuesday evening, including Senate seats in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire and a number of competitive House races in the Washington, D.C. exurbs.​
Republicans did notch big wins in Florida and Ohio on Tuesday evening, and while many states are still trickling in results, early indications point to a lack of “red wave” that analysts and political observers had predicted would sweep the nation midway through president Biden’s first term.​
Several of the GOP candidates for Senate and governor who had aligned themselves with former president Trump were either projected on Tuesday evening to lose or were trailing significantly as of early Wednesday morning.
“We need to look at who won today,” Thiessen said of the Republican party. “Ron DeSantis [in Florida]. DeWine [in Ohio]. These governors. Kemp [in Georgia] Abbott [in Texas] … This are the path to the future. Electing these, you know, these radical candidates who ran far behind them have put the Republican Party in a terrible position and voters have left, have indicted the Republican party.”

RINOs are mad, MAGA are mad.

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Greatest poster ever

BIG DAY for Trump-Endorsed Candidates that Fake News Media Will Not Report – 9 Losses and 174 Wins So Far!​

The New York Post unleashed on former President Donald Trump as “toxic” and the “most profound vote repellant” in recent memory in its scathing Thursday cover.

The paper – known for its pithy headlines and covers – portrayed the former president as the English nursery rhyme character Humpty Dumpty. It reads, “Trumpty Dumpty” and portrays the former president as an egg sitting on a wall.

“Don (who couldn’t build a wall) had a great fall – can all the GOP’s men put the party together again?” the caption reads.

The negative press stems from Tuesday’s disastrous midterms in which the Republican Party failed to get anywhere near their expectations while going against a historically weak economy and a White House that has spent two years mismanaging crisis after crisis.

Trump’s fingerprints are all over the failure. Many of his sycophantic and vulnerable candidates lost not only their respective races but potentially control of the Senate and House.


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Greatest poster ever
The conservative Washington Examiner called on the Republican Party to dump former President Donald Trump during an autopsy of Tuesday’s disastrous midterms.

While there are still votes to be counted, an expected “red wave” never made its way to shore. As a result, a conservative movement in disarray is seeking answers and new leadership. The Examiner‘s editorial team pointed to the data and blamed the party’s shortcomings on Trump.

On Wednesday, the outlet noted Trump’s hand-picked candidates flopped in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere. Herschel Walker is headed to a runoff in Georgia against incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), but Mehmet Oz lost his race to keep the seat of Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA).



Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
:unsure: Only if Ronny responds in kind to Donny...Right now Donny is looking particularly low "T" to the rank-and-file.

IMHO.... :sneaky: If DeSantis is smart he will let the DOJ finish burying Donny and just kind of side-eye him for awhile...

If DeSantis starts flailing back however, I don't think there is enough popcorn in the Universe to suffice.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
:unsure: Only if Ronny responds in kind to Donny...Right now Donny is looking particularly low "T" to the rank-and-file.
How dare you touch God's anointed, the greatest president in the history of forever. I will laugh at your tears when the 2020 election is overturned and Donny is reinstated to the presidency as per Mike Lindell's declarations, and then DeSanctimoneous will be shipped off to Gitmo, tried, executed, and replaced with body doubles along with the other RINO betrayers of MAGA after the Republican Civil War has been fought and won, and the QAnon Storm has blown through!

So there!


like marbles on glass

Election denier Mark Finchem loses secretary of state race in Arizona

With his loss, Finchem joins numerous other election deniers who fell short on Election Day. In Michigan, election deniers lost bids for governor, secretary of state and attorney general. Republican Doug Mastriano, a prominent election denier in Pennsylvania who was on the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, lost his bid for governor, along with similar GOP gubernatorial candidates in Minnesota and New Mexico.