Remember when?

Gary K

New member
Remember when Trump said Sweden was facing a rising wave of violence and the mockingbird media and the leftists all mocked him? Well, he was, once again, right on the money. His so-called lies were the honest truth. Of course there isn't a marxist here who will admit it though. All of you who mocked him, AB, barby, Jonahdog, Rusha, and the rest of you, if you're even close to half-way honest will have to admit to the truth. Trump was correct.

STOCKHOLM — Sweden may be known for its popular music, IKEA and a generous welfare state. It is also increasingly associated with a rising number of Islamic State recruits, bombings and hand grenade attacks.
In a period of two weeks earlier this year, five explosions took place in the country. It’s not unusual these days — Swedes have grown accustomed to headlines of violent crime, witness intimidation and gangland executions. In a country long renowned for its safety, voters cite “law and order” as the most important issue ahead of the general election in September.
The topic of crime is sensitive, however, and debate about the issue in the consensus-oriented Scandinavian society is restricted by taboos.
To understand crime in Sweden, it’s important to note that Sweden has benefited from the West’s broad decline in deadly violence, particularly when it comes to spontaneous violence and alcohol-related killings. The overall drop in homicides has been, however, far smaller in Sweden than in neighboring countries.

Gang-related gun murders, now mainly a phenomenon among men with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s parallel societies, increased from 4 per year in the early 1990s to around 40 last year. Because of this, Sweden has gone from being a low-crime country to having homicide rates significantly above the Western European average. Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first responders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon.
Shootings in the country have become so common that they don’t make top headlines anymore, unless they are spectacular or lead to fatalities. News of attacks are quickly replaced with headlines about sports events and celebrities, as readers have become desensitized to the violence. A generation ago, bombings against the police and riots were extremely rare events. Today, reading about such incidents is considered part of daily life.

You can find the rest of this article at the following link:

The Barbarian

Remember when Trump said Sweden was facing a rising wave of violence and the mockingbird media and the leftists all mocked him?

That's not what he said. Trump lied. Just that simple:

LONDON — Swedes reacted with confusion, anger and ridicule on Sunday to a vague remark by President Trump that suggested that something terrible had occurred in their country.

During a campaign-style rally on Saturday in Florida, Mr. Trump issued a sharp if discursive attack on refugee policies in Europe, ticking off a list of places that have been hit by terrorists.

“You look at what’s happening,” he told his supporters. “We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”

Not the Swedes.

Nothing terrible happened. He just lied about it.

The Barbarian

From the right-wing National Review:
In a speech, Trump riffed on a Fox News segment he’d seen on immigration and crime in Sweden, causing much confusion. The situation hardly improved as journalists and pundits mostly unfamiliar with the topic rushed to explain the finer points of Swedish crime statistics.

So, what is the situation actually like? Nightmarish rape capital of Europe or a safe welfare state unfairly maligned by far-right agitators?

Sweden has a growing problem with crime that is linked to immigration, but the Fox News segment was sensationalistic. As with many exaggerated reports from Sweden in foreign right-wing outlets, the tone of the reporting implies there has been a large crime wave brought about by the recent migration crisis. This is misleading.

Refugees who arrived during the migration crisis are too few in number to explain much of Swedish crime trends. Sweden’s crime-heavy immigrant neighborhoods emerged gradually through the accumulated effects of many decades of immigration.

Several types of crimes such as gang shooting, arson, and sexual assault have increased in Sweden, but other categories such as assault, car thefts, and property crimes have decreased. The increase in sexual assault and violent crime is not as spectacular a development as the Fox News segment made it out to be. Even in Swedish immigrant enclaves, criminality is still fairly mild compared with U.S. crime hubs. Last year the famously multicultural Swedish city of Malmö had a homicide rate of 3 per 100,000, far lower than the 28 per 100,000 rate in Chicago.

As usual, we're being handed a mix of misleading stories, revised accounts of what Trump actually said, and some outright lies.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Remember when Trump said Sweden was facing a rising wave of violence and the mockingbird media and the leftists all mocked him? Well, he was, once again, right on the money. His so-called lies were the honest truth. Of course there isn't a marxist here who will admit it though. All of you who mocked him, AB, barby, Jonahdog, Rusha, and the rest of you, if you're even close to half-way honest will have to admit to the truth. Trump was correct.

You can find the rest of this article at the following link:

Well, you're right in one sense. There isn't a "Marxist" here who will admit it as nobody you label as such happens to be one anyway...


Hall of Fame
That's not what he said. Trump lied. Just that simple:

LONDON — Swedes reacted with confusion, anger and ridicule on Sunday to a vague remark by President Trump that suggested that something terrible had occurred in their country.

During a campaign-style rally on Saturday in Florida, Mr. Trump issued a sharp if discursive attack on refugee policies in Europe, ticking off a list of places that have been hit by terrorists.

“You look at what’s happening,” he told his supporters. “We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”

Not the Swedes.

Nothing terrible happened. He just lied about it.

Exactly ... which is why I mute the TV or change the channel whenever he speaks. Due to his known and proven history of being a liar, it's a waste of my time to give his statements/claims the benefit of the doubt.

Remember when honesty use to be relevant? Sigh.

Gary K

New member
Here's a few more links to what is, and has been going on in Sweden. Take a look at the dates on these pages. Many are from the same time period as Trump's statements on Sweden's growing problem of violence. All these links took less than 5 minutes to find and they come from sources ranging from cnn to zerohedge to the daily mail in the UK. And I haven't even included links to videos by Swedes themselves who document what is happening in Sweden.


New member
Exactly ... which is why I mute the TV or change the channel whenever he speaks. Due to his known and proven history of being a liar, it's a waste of my time to give his statements/claims the benefit of the doubt.

Remember when honesty use to be relevant? Sigh.

Nah, not "The Donald."

What an international embarrassment he has repeatedly made of himself and the Oval Office - from day one.

Gary K

New member
Here is more on Swedish violence.

The violence in Sweden is now so extensive that it is being compared with Mexico, a new study shows.

More people die as a result of shooting in Sweden than in Denmark, Germany and Norway, based on the population density, according to the study. In another study, the researchers also find that grenade attacks in Sweden can be compared to levels in Mexico, Expressen reports.

- This is because we have a big problem with criminal networks in Sweden, says Manne Gerell, one of the researchers behind the study.

This spring, the situation was so serious that the Stockholm police demanded more resources to try to overcome the problem of gang violence, with 47 murders and 57 attempted murders under investigation.

One study released is about grenade attacks.

- Sweden has the same figures as Mexico. A country where there is very much violence, says Gerell and continues:

- It's startling, given that they have almost a warlike situation with drugs that we do not want to compare with in Sweden.

In the second study, researchers have looked closer at shootings in Sweden, mainly between the years 2012 to 2016. Only in Sweden's major cities Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm, shootings have increased by 73 percent in recent years, from 145 incidents in 2012 to 251 incidents in 2016. Also shootings with fatal outcomes have increased.

Last week the Norwegian Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug took to Sweden to study what she calls "Swedish conditions" and warn about similar conditions in Norway, but she was by the establishment in Sweden immediately called a political hate preacher with the intention to scare. This week Swedish researchers confirm that she is obviously speaking the truth, sadly as one of very few Nordic politicians.

Gary K

New member
Take a look at the date on this article. It documents violence in Malmo, Sweden. And this violence predates Trump's statements by well over 1 year.

Malmo, Sweden, December 20, 2014 © Stig-Ake Jonsson / Reuters

Four grenade attacks this week have rocked Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden, prompting police to sound an alarm over the increasing violence. Multiple explosions, shootings and arson struck the city, which has a large migrant population.
On Sunday, the southern Swedish city of Malmo saw the fourth grenade attack in under a week as the a hand grenade was detonated in a car park in the district of Värnhem in the morning, local media reported.
The attack came after a blast on Friday in the Solbacken neighborhood, which occurred less than 12 hours after another explosion in the residential area of Limhamn in the west, and two days after a car bomb attack that injured a man outside a community center in the south.
“It is the thirtieth explosive attack since the New Year. We have a situation that is serious,” said the Malmö police chief, Stefan Sintéus, about the explosion on Friday, as quoted by the on Saturday.
The local police have called for expert help from the national police operational department. “We have asked for shared expertise on various issues,” said Lars Förstell, a spokesperson for the city’s police, as quoted by the media.
This week’s unrest continues a series of numerous shootings, explosions and arsons that have occurred since the beginning of the year in Malmo, infamous for high crime rates, multi-ethnic and gang-related violence.

Since the beginning of 2015, 18 explosions rocked the city prompting the Swedish police's national bomb squad (NSB) to be called in. Over the whole 2014 a total of 25 explosions took place which shows a significant increase, Goran Mansson, head of NSB Malmo, told regional newspaper Sydsvenskan on Friday.

Police said they believe this week’s explosions are linked with the court sentencing of three young men on July 10 for their roles in the Christmas Eve bombing in Rosengard – the city district which has been dubbed by media as Sweden’s “most notorious refugee ghetto.” The Financial Times reported that nine out of 10 in Rosengard have a foreign background.

The rest of the article can be read at the following link.

Gary K

New member
[h=1]How Muslim Migration Made Malmo, Sweden A Crime Capital[/h] ByMichael Qazvini
January 16, 2017

Scores of Swedes took the streets of Malmo, a southern city in Sweden, on Monday to protest an epidemic of violence that has taken the lives of far too many young people. The last victim was 16-year-old Ahmed Obaid. He was killed last Thursday after an unidentified gunman unleashed a salvo of bullets.
“Our kids should sleep well, play at play parks, feel safe,” Housam Abbas, the victim’s cousin, said, according to the Local.
Malmo, this once quiet city, is now overrun with violence. The culture of fear is so palpable that parents are no longer comfortable sending their children out to play.
"You have to look over your shoulder when you go out at night now. I don't let my little brother go out at night any more," said one high school student at Monday’s protest in front of city hall. "I hope that the politicians actually view this as a serious problem and start to solve this in Malmö."
After being handed a list of measures to curb the violence in the city, Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson stated in a matter-of-fact tone: "We have to get rid of the weapons, we need tighter punishment so that those who are held for serious gun crime can be arrested immediately and not just be released a few days later."
What Johansson failed to mention, however, was the fact that the bulk of the violence stems from one community.
The Muslim immigrant community has a crime problem. It’s a truism that Swedish (and European) politicians have denied in bold-faced lies and assurances to the public.
Malmo, like Molenbeek, its sister city in Belgium, has become a breeding ground for criminals.
Thousands of Muslim immigrants have fled their war-torn homes in the Middle East to settle in quaint European cities filled with naïve and welcoming townspeople.
This has been true in France, England, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, and Sweden.
Since the great migration into Europe, crime, largely committed by migrants, has gone up manifold, leaving many to reassess their naïveté about hosting duties.

The article is found at:

Gary K

New member
[h=1]SWEDEN AT BREAKING POINT: Police make urgent plea for help as violent crime spirals[/h] [h=3]SWEDISH police have made an urgent plea for citizens to assist them in solving serious crimes amid a spike in violence.[/h]
Officers in the city of Malmö have struggled to cope with a surge of serious crimes including dozens of attempted murders, beatings, rapes and other offences – and have now been forced to admit: “We cannot do it on our own”.

Malmö police chief Stefan Sinteus called for locals to come forward with testimonies testimonies in a bid to help police catch suspects.

In an open letter, a desperate Mr Sinteus wrote: “I can assure you that the police in Malmö are doing everything we can for suspected perpetrators to be held accountable. But we cannot do it on our own.

“We depend on you, and your witness statements, to solve these violent crimes.

“Therefore I appeal now to you: Help us.”

The letter comes amid reports that witnesses to the murder of 16-year-old Iraqi boy Ahmed Obaid, who was shot in the city’s Rosengard district January 14, were frightened to come forward after racist threats directed at his former schoolmates were posted under the photo of his dead body.

The school’s headmaster said: “They are scared. They are terrified and are wondering who’s going to be shot next.”

Rosengard has a majority migrant population of more than 80 per cent, and has been labelled the “most notorious refugee ghetto” in Sweden.

The rest of the article, including pictures that I omitted, can be found at:

Gary K

New member
Here is an article on the attack on a 60 Minutes crew in Sweden. It includes a video of the incident.

60 Minutes Australia finally aired its footage three weeks after an incident in which its film crew was attacked by a group of masked men in Sweden. The crew was filming in the predominantly immigrant district of Rinkeby in the capital city of Stockholm. Immediately upon arriving they were confronted by a group of men in a car, who deliberately drove into the cameraman.
Lead correspondent Liz Hayes called the police, but even they were hesitant to follow them into the district. “I think it would be better if you go in without us,” a policeman bluntly tells Hayes.
At first things appear to be running smoothly, with the locals acting friendly towards the crew and giving their life stories. But after the police left, young men masking their faces ran up and began harassing them.

The rest of the article can be found at:

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Bottom line? Trump lied.

Violent crime rate
Sweden - 91 down from a high of 114 in 2007. 135th from the highest
United States - 12,996, down from a high of 14,990 in 2006 14th from the highest

And that's the way it is.

Grossnik makes a valiant attempt:
I'll bet you're still sulking over Hillary's dreadful loss, huh?

Stuff like that has to happen periodically for our democracy to work. But it has nothing to do with the fact that Trump lied about Sweden and what happened there.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Barbarian chuckles:
Bottom line? Trump lied.

Violent crime rate
Sweden - 91 down from a high of 114 in 2007. 135th from the highest
United States - 12,996, down from a high of 14,990 in 2006 14th from the highest

And that's the way it is.

Grossnik makes a valiant attempt:

Stuff like that has to happen periodically for our democracy to work. But it has nothing to do with the fact that Trump lied about Sweden and what happened there.

You sure are OBSESSED with Trump, little man. Do you do anything else but sit around your closet and think 'bad thoughts' about the President?