Low-skilled non-English speaking immigrants have expensive needs. They don't do well on English tests.
Same argument was used for Germans and Irish and Italians and so on. My observation, after many years of teaching and observing the children of Spanish-speaking immigrants going on to college and good careers, is that it's the American Dream as it has always worked. And yes, there have always been those who wanted to remove immigrants. But history has shown that they strengthen and build America. How could they not? They came here wanting not to make America into the place from which they came, but to get in on the opportunity that is America.
I wonder how well Europe will be doing with its new foreign tongued low-skilled muslim immigrants.
I suspect they'll have more difficulty than we do. Public schools were always set here, to assimilate newcomers and produce new Americans. So we're really good at it.
You mean a country with porous borders forgot to state English should be the official language.
Didn't seem as though the founders were all that concerned about it. As we grew, large numbers of foreign-speaking immigrants quickly adapted, even if there were enclaves where Italian, or French or Gaelic was commonly spoken.
There is a lot which can be done for K-12. There is nothing in K-12 that most adults can't teach
If they have a good scientific and liberal arts background. And understand how kids learn (because their brains are still developing, you have to tailor your teaching to fit where they are at the time). There's a lot of technical detail on how to teach effectively, and while there are some naturals out there, most people take about five years to come up to speed.