Religious Zealotry


Well-known member
That may well be so. But it does not make the Bible or those who read it inerrant. God inspires us in many ways and in many things, but we remain fallable humans, nevertheless.
The Bible is inerrant. You clearly are not inerrant.
They may believe they know the mind of God, but believing doesn't make it so. And if they were to be honest and reasonable about it with themselves, they would admit that it's not very likely that they could know the mind of God, for a whole host of reasons. But unfortunately for them, their whole theology and self-identity is built on this arrogant and unreasonable presumption, so they cannot allow themselves to contemplate how unlikely and unreasonable it actually is. And this drives them apart from their fellow humans.

If the mind of God can be known and He wants people to get to know His mind then clearly there are those who do correctly understand the mind of God. You are not one of those people.

Right Divider

Body part
What do you need help with? God's divine spirit is within you.
And yet there are varying opinions about what that means... just like there are varying opinions about God's Word.
It always has been. Just relax and let it guide your interactions with the world.
It has guided me to know that you are completely confused.
We don't need to know what God thinks.
That is the dumbest thing that you've posted to date.

You are a poor lost soul.
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Well-known member
The Bible is inerrant. You clearly are not inerrant.
Neither are you. So how can you know what is or isn't inerrant?
If the mind of God can be known ...
Well, now. It appears that you don't know the mind of God after all, then, do you.
and (IF) He wants people to get to know His mind then clearly there are those who do correctly understand the mind of God. You are not one of those people.
How would you know? As just as clearly YOU are not one of those people.


Well-known member
And yet there are varying opinions about what that means... just like there are varying opinions about God's Word.
Opinions are just opinions. They're pretty much all we humans get when it comes to aproaching the truth of things. But thanks to the advent of Christ, we now also have the holy spirit within us to guide us. So laws and opinions and religious ideologies and all that don't really have to "mean" anything. If we let that spirit within us be our life-source, the rest becomes irrelevant.

Right Divider

Body part
Opinions are just opinions.
Another gem.
They're pretty much all we humans get when it comes to aproaching the truth of things.
False. Facts, logic and reason work very well.
But thanks to the advent of Christ, we now also have the holy spirit within us to guide us.
And yet you don't think that the SAME Spirit of Christ can inspire men of God to write scripture.
So laws and opinions and religious ideologies and all that don't really have to "mean" anything.
🤪 :rolleyes:
If we let that spirit within us be our life-source, the rest becomes irrelevant.
The Spirit moved holy men of God to write God's Word. That you cannot see this is your own personal problem.

2Pet 1:20-21 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:20) Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. (1:21) For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost.

Without the Word of God... all we have is varying opinions of men.


Well-known member
@PureX You seem to think that God's Spirit can inspire a man to think... but not to inspire him to write scripture.

You are double-minded.
It's sad that you feel you have to bear false witness against me to retain your sense of self-righteousness. But that's what happens when one's faith is weak and so dependent upon one's imaginary God-knowledge. I forgive you. And if it makes you feel better to pretend you're closer to God than I or others are, then I'm glad you're feeling better about yourself.

Right Divider

Body part
It's sad that you feel you have to bear false witness against me to retain your sense of self-righteousness.
But that's what happens when one's faith is weak and so dependent upon one's imaginary God-knowledge.
Wrong again.
I forgive you.
So generous.
And if it makes you feel better to pretend you're closer to God than I or others are, then I'm glad you're feeling better about yourself.
That you reject His Word shows that you have a LONG way to go to get "close to God".


Well-known member
Neither are you. So how can you know what is or isn't inerrant?

Well, now. It appears that you don't know the mind of God after all, then, do you.

How would you know? As just as clearly YOU are not one of those people.
You speak of spiritual things as though your thoughts are irrefutable. Your thoughts are rooted in ideas inspired of beings not approved by God.


Active member
I don't pretend to know what God thinks so that I can excuse myself from doing my own thinking. God seems to have given us a brain, and the freedom to use it without the interference of others, so in appreciation of that gift, I do try to use it.

Sorry if that offends you.
Thanks for your sensitive apology.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him [the Lord], and He will direct your paths." (Prov. 3:3-5)

Nothing there refers to brain work.


Well-known member
You speak of spiritual things as though your thoughts are irrefutable. Your thoughts are rooted in ideas inspired of beings not approved by God.
So are yours. The difference is that mine are at least reasonable.


Well-known member
Thanks for your sensitive apology.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him [the Lord], and He will direct your paths." (Prov. 3:3-5)

Nothing there refers to brain work.
To even speak requires "brain work". To have written that passage required "brain work". So claiming it means we should not bother to think is ridiculous.


Active member
To even speak requires "brain work". To have written that passage required "brain work". So claiming it means we should not bother to think is ridiculous.
Not all brain work is profitable and honors God. The best thoughts are straight from the Bible.

Anything to avoid, minimize, or replace the imperatives of Scripture is going to be an affront to God.


Well-known member
Not all brain work is profitable and honors God.
And yet it requires brain work to even understand that, and to make that determination. It does not honor God to make a false idol of man-made religious text. Nor does it honor God to use that false idol to presume upon oneself the right or ability to pass judgment on others. Nothing about the "inerrant Bible theory" honors God. All it does is falsely glorify an ancient tribe's religion and use it to attack and condemn others, in the present.
The best thoughts are straight from the Bible.
As well as some of the worst.
Anything to avoid, minimize, or replace the imperatives of Scripture is going to be an affront to God.
No, it's just an affront to your source of self-assumed righteousness.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Nothing about the "inerrant Bible theory" honors God. All it does is falsely glorify an ancient tribe's religion and use it to attack and condemn others, in the present.
Manifestly false. Without the "inerrant Bible theory" Catholicism doesn't exist, or Orthodoxy, the two ancientest Christian traditions.


Well-known member
Manifestly false. Without the "inerrant Bible theory" Catholicism doesn't exist, or Orthodoxy, the two ancientest Christian traditions.
All that wouldn't exist is the delusion of the church's unquestioned righteousness. That delusion of unquestioned righteousness is all the inerrant Bible theory is for, and about. And that delusion of unquestionable righteousness is such a powerful tool in controlling those who live in constant fear of being wrong (and sent to hell) that they will do just about anything to maintain it. Both in the purveyors and the believers.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
All that wouldn't exist is the delusion of the church's unquestioned righteousness. That delusion of unquestioned righteousness is all the inerrant Bible theory is for, and about. And that delusion of unquestionable righteousness is such a powerful tool in controlling those who live in constant fear of being wrong (and sent to hell) that they will do just about anything to maintain it. Both in the purveyors and the believers.
Well, you're on a tangent so I don't know if I'll be able to reel you back in; but no, what I meant was that the office of a bishop comes from and is corroborated by "the inerrant Bible theory", which ties the office to the Apostles, physically, and logically, and chronologically. This office was created during the Apostles' lifetimes, by the Apostles, and it has never once ceased existing, and it has always been held by many men. It isn't a one-person job, the office of a bishop. If we don't have a president for many years running then maybe we don't even have the office of a president anymore, sometimes offices go vacant forever, that hasn't even been hinted at throughout all these years, and the office of a bishop is named word-for-word in the Bible, and you know what "the inerrant Bible theory" thinks about stuff like that.


Well-known member
Well, you're on a tangent so I don't know if I'll be able to reel you back in; but no, what I meant was that the office of a bishop comes from and is corroborated by "the inerrant Bible theory", which ties the office to the Apostles, physically, and logically, and chronologically.
Unless the story has been 'embellished' to promote that idea. Which is very possible, given human nature. Especially when it comes to the idea of some humans gaining authority over others.
This office was created during the Apostles' lifetimes, by the Apostles, and it has never once ceased existing, and it has always been held by many men.
Again, human nature does not equate to a divine mandate. Authoritarian power structures among humans are natural expressions of our biological and cultural past. That does not make them a divine mandate, however. Just because you believe it, does not make it so.
It isn't a one-person job, the office of a bishop. If we don't have a president for many years running then maybe we don't even have the office of a president anymore, sometimes offices go vacant forever, that hasn't even been hinted at throughout all these years, and the office of a bishop is named word-for-word in the Bible, and you know what "the inerrant Bible theory" thinks about stuff like that.
I realize that it's impossible for you to contemplate that both the scriptures and the church are man made, and thereby subject to all the usual self-serving manipulation that infects everything we humans get involved with. But I am not so constrained. And both reason and history indicate this to be the case with religion just as assuredly as it is with politics, economics, sexuality, ethnicity, and any other area of human consideration.

Religions are how we humans try to grasp and relate to the mystery of 'God'. They are not God, themselves. They do not embody God. They are just mechanisms meant to help us find a way to engage with God for ourselves. Whenever religions, and especially religious institutions start trying to become the 'gatekeepers' between humans and God, they are way over-stepping their intended purpose. And if we allow this, or support it, abuse will occur. Because humans cannot resist abusing each other when given undeserved and unchecked authority over others.

I was raised Catholic, and this is the reason I am no longer. I will not allow any man to stand between myself and God. Nor any religion's scripture, traditions, prejuduces, mandates, or whatever else they think they have by God's authority. A lot of humans really want that power. They want to play God and lord their own imagined righteousness over others. But I will not cede it to them, ever. Because God has not ceded His authority to any man, and set him above any other. Instead, God has given each of us His spirit, instead of His authority. And it is that I will honor and respect.
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