"Leftists :Commie: make a career out of being offended."
You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14, Jn 8:44, Jn 1:1, Isa 30:12). It is what you do. :Shimei:
Leftists :Commie: make a career out of being offended (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :sozo2:
"Wouldn't know about that..."
Lie of the day (Ingraham). Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
"I do know that dishonest people have a habit of repeating specious charges."
:yawn: Proof please.

[Owner of Redskins had decided. Is keeping name. Why are you still making an issue out of it?] "Actually I was and am far less concerned by his demonstrable hypocrisy..."
:yawn: What person doing right hasn't been called :yawn: a hypocrite? You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway:
You have many concerns (Lk 10:41). :Whipsnap: Why don't you fight real evil rather than being so preoccupied with being offended all of the time? :sozo2:
Do the Braves offend you, too?
"...[T]han I am in communicating a simple, true response to it."
You've communicated. Others understand you :freak: and disagree with you (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :Commie:
"If you find yourself doing a thing contrary to your intent..."
:yawn: He's doing nothing contrary to his intent. He likes Native Americans just fine. If he were :yawn: a bigot or
wore a white pointy hat at home when you cannot see him, :reals: he probably would not have purchased a team named the Redskins.
"...[Y]ou should stop doing that."
He has no problem with Native Americans, Asians, Martians. He does not pour :yawn: private racists thoughts :reals: into the benign term.
[He honors Native Americans just fine.] "Not according to them. No, he doesn't."
:yawn: Are you their chief?
Plenty of Native Americans have no problem with a ball team named after them that honors their courage.
If they hated Indians, why would they name their team after them?
[You want him to rename his team to the Washington Homos?
] "Because that's the option is it..."
Men choose names for their team to describe their own courage or abilities. They respected Indians and therefore named their team after them.
Who would name their team the St. Louis Sodomites, the Louisville Lemons or the Detroit Dandies?
He prefers something else :sozo2:--and he's got money to buy a ball team. :straight:
"...him to be honest and consistent, whatever he believes. He's not being one of those."
:yawn: He's honest. :yawn: He's consistent. He honestly is able to understand you :freak: and he consistently :Commie: disagrees with you (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :listen: He's allowed to. This is American--land of the free and the home of the brave.
"Congrats on going this far into this post without dropping the n-bomb though."
:yawn: It's hard :sigh: because I live to say ni66er, ni66er, ni66er each day. It's my reason for getting out of bed each day.
[Were you born in our country?] "Because?"
Because the doctor must have dropped you on your head (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :Commie: You do not share our values (Jn 8:36). :straight: You need your own little island to rule and reign filled with all of your speech codes.
We just want you happy. :sozo2:
"He has the information :freak:--and he disagrees with you"
You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14, Jn 8:44, Jn 1:1, Isa 30:12). It is what you do. :Shimei:
:yawn: He has the information :freak:--and he disagrees with you (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :Commie:
"He disagrees with having to stand behind his own words..."
He is standing behind his own words. He has the spirit of the red man
and the bear.
"[H]e can't frame it in an argument any more than you can..."
:yawn: I'm not a lawyer
who makes arguments for a living like you (1 Co 1:27). :skeptic:
[I am free to use the term ni66er when we are discussing the cultural meaning of the term ni66er.] "You're free to be as needlessly ill mannered and offensive as you want to be."
:yawn: I am neither ill-mannered nor offensive when I use a term to clarify what is being discussed. You're the chief
and the self-appointed black leader
of our community. You're a busy guy (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). :sozo2:
"You believe speech codes should be enforced . We do not."
You removed the scripture from my quote (Eph 4:14, Jn 8:44, Jn 1:1, Isa 30:12). It is what you do. :Shimei:
:yawn: You believe speech codes should be enforced (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:20). :Commie: We do not (Jn 8:36). :straight:
"I believe that rules, like laws, obligate us to behave within their constraints if we take the value associated with them and value personal honor. If you don't, just keep hammering at that envelope. Completely up to you."
:yawn: Completely up to God. Laws come from God not man. We are free to speak because God said so (Jn 8:36). :straight:
"I believe the verifiable fact over desire, to be sure."
:yawn: We all have the same facts.

each: Our interpretation of those facts makes for a worldview.

"That's why I've provided links to studies..."
Study away. Maybe one day God will have something to teach you (1 Co 1:25).

"...supporting my position..."
It's all about you (Ps. 73:6).
"...and why you spend most of your time, apparently, on smilies..."
Ac 20:20 :skeptic: