I see from news reports that this was changed this very month.
Maybe in one particular dictionary (no idea which one you have in mind; hopefully you realize there's more than one) but the definition's been changing, or at the least considered distasteful, for quite a while:
"In fact, it was not until the 1983 editions of Webster’s Third International Dictionary and Collegiate Dictionary, 9th Edition that the Miriam Webster Company, the country’s leading publisher of 'serious' dictionaries, added the cautionary phrase 'usually taken to be offensive,' to its previous definition of 'redskin...'"
Let's also remember the word was used to refer to the harvested scalp or genitalia of dead natives. Hardly a warm compliment.
How happy that must make you to know that your very words are now controlled by the Politically Correct Speech Nazis instead of being protected by the First Amendment.
I see someone stopped by the Hyperbole Store this morning.:yawn: