Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
How about the next time you copy and paste words from one of your Libertarian websites that you give it's author credit?
LOL!!!I didn't get it from a libertarian website and I knew you would check that quote since it illustrates you perfectly. So yes, it was a test.
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And yes, loving your neighbor as you'd love yourself (telling him that there's a better way than getting high on dope) just reeks of "busybodying" doesn't it drb?
I agree one should tell a person there is a better way...
But in the mind of a Christian Libertarian* such as yourself, there shouldn't be laws that prohibit recreational drug use, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, abortion, necrophilia, all kinds of pornography, prostitution and suicide (if I forgot anything, please add it in your response).
*The term "Christian Libertarian" is an oxymoron, as you can't be a follower of Christ and a "It's MY body and I'll do with it as I damn well please!" Libertarian.
If you wish to debate me on that subject, let's get started.