Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


New member
Sure they do. Unbelievers dont hear them.

Notice that you thanked AMR's post about:

"No properly instructed Reformed person would expect to hear a preacher or anyone saying to a specific person that Our Lord died for that specific person. How can we presume to know the secret will of God to make such a statement?"


TOL Subscriber
There appears to be some ambivalence regarding Nang's position:

Apologies to Nang - I was wrong to affirm this.

Reformers proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ indiscriminately to all who will listen. We simply cannot know who has been given ears to hear and enabled by God to respond with faith.

Thus, we are careful referring to "our" if we are witnessing to known non-Christians, lest we give them false assurance or any notion of universal salvation contingent upon their mere choosing to believe (aka "easy believism").

This is also why Reformers do not make altar calls.


TOL Subscriber
Presuming much with so little understanding is always the way of a "little big man".. And you do believe yourself "B"ig. . !!

I presume nothing. You're a self-admitted and contending extreme Kenoticist. You've placed yourself outside the Faith with your own confession and false belief. It's a matter of historical fact for over 17 centuries.

Speaking of someone "believing themself the 'Big man'". You adamantly stand against over 1700 years of Christian history, and you want to say I'm the problem. Amazing.

God's Truth

New member
Understand this: Faith is the key factor in putting oneself into this elect body of persons that God has chosen. It is faith which qualifies you to be a son of Abraham and heir to God’s promises.

Wow. Are you kidding? Calvinists do NOT believe that. Calvinists preach that we cannot believe or obey until we are saved.

In your lack of knowledge about your own denomination, you have just went against your own denomination.

So faith is the distinguishing factor in who is elect and who is non-elect. It doesn’t matter whether you are Jew or Gentile. All who have faith in Christ Jesus will be saved.

There you go again saying something that Calvinists do NOT ever admit.

If you dont understand that then you can't even help yourself

You went against Calvinism and made yourself a Lutheran, or any other Faith Alone denomination.


New member
Reformers proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ indiscriminately to all who will listen. We simply cannot know who has been given ears to hear and enabled by God to respond with faith.

Thus, we are careful referring to "our" if we are witnessing to known non-Christians, lest we give them false assurance or any notion of universal salvation contingent upon their mere choosing to believe (aka "easy believism").

This is also why Reformers do not make altar calls.

So just to clarify - you won't say, 'Christ died for our sins,' to unbelievers else they would think they are included in the referent of 'our'?

Let's not forget that Paul preached 'this' (v.11 referring to vv.3-8) to them when he first came to the Corinthians - when they were unbelievers. It's also what he preaches.


TOL Subscriber
So just to clarify - you won't say, 'Christ died for our sins,' to unbelievers else they would think they are included in the referent of 'our'?

Let's not forget that Paul preached 'this' (v.11 referring to vv.3-8) to them when he first came to the Corinthians - when they were unbelievers. It's also what he preaches.

Paul was speaking in the church at Corinth, which was mixed, but it was obvious to all, he spoke as a church elder and his reference to "our" would refer to believers such as himself.

My point is, no gospel proclamation should be an offer of universal salvation, if sinners would just choose to believe. That is the preaching of a false gospel; it states God's grace is conditional . . Which it is not!


New member
Paul was speaking in the church at Corinth, which was mixed, but it was obvious to all, he spoke as a church elder and his reference to "our" would refer to believers such as himself.

That the 'our' of v.3 applies to unbelievers within the church is evident from v.2:

By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.

That it applies to the Corinthians when Paul first came to them - when they were unbelievers - is evident from v.1 and 3a.

Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance

My point is, no gospel proclamation should be an offer of universal salvation, if sinners would just choose to believe. That is the preaching of a false gospel; it states God's grace is conditional . . Which it is not!

Romans 15:20;10:1ff;Titus 2:11;John 3:14-16;1 Timothy 2:3-6.


Literal lunatic
So just to clarify - you won't say, 'Christ died for our sins,' to unbelievers else they would think they are included in the referent of 'our'?

Let's not forget that Paul preached 'this' (v.11 referring to vv.3-8) to them when he first came to the Corinthians - when they were unbelievers. It's also what he preaches.

Acts 18

9 Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:

10 For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city.
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Cross Reference

New member
Paul was speaking in the church at Corinth, which was mixed, but it was obvious to all, he spoke as a church elder and his reference to "our" would refer to believers such as himself.

My point is, no gospel proclamation should be an offer of universal salvation,. . .

How 'bout universal redemption???


Wow. Are you kidding? Calvinists do NOT believe that. Calvinists preach that we cannot believe or obey until we are saved.

In your lack of knowledge about your own denomination, you have just went against your own denomination.

There you go again saying something that Calvinists do NOT ever admit.

You went against Calvinism and made yourself a Lutheran, or any other Faith Alone denomination.
Bible don't kid. Let try another. We can not resist salvation. Calvinism teaches that God's grace to save a person cannot be resisted. Grace is God's free and unmerited power to save a person from his sins which would otherwise lead us to hell. Grace brings him to heaven who naturally would end in eternal hell.

That grace is irresistible. That means that if God gives grace to you, there is nothing in the world that you can do to resist it and thwart God's intention to take you to heaven. The certainty of salvation for God's elect is seen in John 6:37 where Jesus says: "All that the Father hath given me shall come to me..." There is no doubt that they will be saved. Verse 44 says that those who come to God come because God draws them. Not our will, but God's will is first and powerful.

Now, you ridicule this truth of the Bible and say that it makes man go to heaven against his will. "He kicks and screams all the way to heaven." But that is not how the Bible presents God's grace. God makes His people "willing in the day of His power "Psalm 110:3. For a wonderful illustration of that truth, just consider the converted Apostle Paul. "By the grace of God' he was what he was (I Corinthians 15:10). And immediately after his conversion he said willingly, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" Acts 9:6. That surely was not against his will.

God's grace is sweet and irresistible. He makes us love it and want nothing else. He is as irresistible to us as a husband to his newly-wed bride. Come with us and hear God's wonderful grace proclaimed in Christ any Lord's Day.


This might be a very good guess . . .
He said he isn't a believer and he must be going mad trying to be one and using the wrong door
