reason no one ever proposed women having 2 husbands: man's world


New member
There are MANY inequalities. Some favor women, some favor men. We as a society will throw a man under the bus in our criminal justice system and family courts much quicker than we would a woman. Muslims murder and torture FAR more of their own men than women, but they are monstrous because of how they abuse women even though they abuse ten times more men. It's a problem that not enough men are getting college degrees and good jobs because men need to be marriage material for women who want to marry. There are lots of single mothers. Women don't need to stop having children while single though. Men need to be more willing to marry single mothers. Our system has enough double standards to choke a cow yet it seems most can only see the double standards that disadvantage women.


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Hall of Fame
The expectations and standards insofar as what is acceptable for men and what is expected of women have always been unequal.

Personally, I can't imagine why any woman would want a second husband OR why any woman with self-esteem would allow her husband to have a second or multiple wives or even carry on outside of the marriage.

One on one relationships can be difficult enough. Adding or accepting multiple spouses is the dream of every glutton for punishment.

Anyone who wants more than one just wants adultery without guilt.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
yeh, that's the reason no society (that I am aware of ) believes in the brand of polygamy that involves women having more than one husband.. It's always a husband w/ multiple wives..

talk about inequality

(not that I want more than one husband... don't even want ONE... at least dont want want one of the "men" I have known thus far... no siree..)

"It's a man's world" still... probably always will be


Polyandry is less rare than this figure which listed only those examples found in the Himalayan mountains (28 societies). More recent studies have found more than 50 other societies practicing polyandry.[2]

Polyandry in Tibet was a common practice and continues to a lesser extent today. In Tibet, polyandry has been outlawed since the Chinese takeover of the area, so it is difficult to measure the incidence of polyandry in what may have been the world's most polyandrous society.[16] Polyandry in India still exists among minorities, and also in Bhutan, and the northern parts of Nepal. Polyandry has been practised in several parts of India, such as Rajasthan, Ladakh and Zanskar, in the Jaunsar-Bawar region in Uttarakhand, among the Toda of South India,[16] and the Nishi of Arunachal Pradesh

I would think the children of the net would look up more ideas before posting?

Polyandry decreases population, and this was the main objection, not men have it better.


yeh, that's the reason no society (that I am aware of ) believes in the brand of polygamy that involves women having more than one husband.. It's always a husband w/ multiple wives..

talk about inequality

(not that I want more than one husband... don't even want ONE... at least dont want want one of the "men" I have known thus far... no siree..)

"It's a man's world" still... probably always will be


There are few, but some, societies that practice polyandry. One is in the Himalayas


Well-known member
didn't some feminist once say that men are pigs?

well... hm... I wouldn't go so far as to say that

psychos, yes

narcissists... but not necessarily pigs...

although, really, you kinda have to define the word Pig...




Dogs ... all men are dogs.

Pigs are late comers as it concerns shorthand descriptors to be used by the fairer sex concerning the short comings of the male of the species. I dunno ... maybe it's the present dietary situation here in the Western world.


Well-known member
As it concerns the male to female ratio question ... you ever see a herd of bulls with one cow? ... :nono:


Polyandry is rare


There are two kinds of polygamy:

1) Polygyny - One husband, multiple wives.

2) Polyandry - One wife, multiple husbands.

Polyandry is rare, because in the vast majority of societies that accept polygyny (i.e. Fundamentalist LDS), they generally don't accept polyandry.


New member
Polyandry is less rare than this figure which listed only those examples found in the Himalayan mountains (28 societies). More recent studies have found more than 50 other societies practicing polyandry.[2]

Polyandry in Tibet was a common practice and continues to a lesser extent today. In Tibet, polyandry has been outlawed since the Chinese takeover of the area, so it is difficult to measure the incidence of polyandry in what may have been the world's most polyandrous society.[16] Polyandry in India still exists among minorities, and also in Bhutan, and the northern parts of Nepal. Polyandry has been practised in several parts of India, such as Rajasthan, Ladakh and Zanskar, in the Jaunsar-Bawar region in Uttarakhand, among the Toda of South India,[16] and the Nishi of Arunachal Pradesh

I would think the children of the net would look up more ideas before posting?

Polyandry decreases population, and this was the main objection, not men have it better.

polygamy is just downright dumb and immoral. It doesn't really matter whether some society on Earth has it or not.. god's laws don't change society to society..

so.. this info is just not all that helpful

but thanks anyhow


New member
polygamy is just downright dumb and immoral. It doesn't really matter whether some society on Earth has it or not.. god's laws don't change society to society..

so.. this info is just not all that helpful

but thanks anyhow

Yet, God allowed it all the time in the old and new testament times.

It's funny how you let our current societal norms cloud your view of scripture.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
yeh, that's the reason no society (that I am aware of ) believes in the brand of polygamy that involves women having more than one husband.
It's called polyandry and it's not nearly as common as polygamy but it's not that rare either.

Of the 1,231 societies listed in the 1980 Ethnographic Atlas, 186 were found to be monogamous; 453 had occasional polygyny; 588 had more frequent polygyny; and 4 had polyandry.[1] Polyandry is less rare than this figure which listed only those examples found in the Himalayan mountains (28 societies). More recent studies have found more than 50 other societies practicing polyandry.[2]​

[1] Ethnographic Atlas Codebook
[2] A Survey of Non-Classical Polyandry

Here's a link to the larger consideration...or were you just making chit-chat? :think: