Real Science Friday: Evolutionist admits ape-to-man fossils an "illusion"

Frayed Knot

New member
I listened to this episode this past weekend, and I too was struck by how blatantly dishonest the quote-mine was. Usually Bob and Fred are a little duplicitous, but this was pushing the envelope even for them. The title of the show, and the theme of that part was that "Evolutionist admits ape-to-man fossils an 'illusion.'"

That's a lie. He most certainly DID NOT admit that the ape-to-man fossils are an illusion. He said that the popular idea of the smoothness of the transition is an illusion, and then went on to describe how it's much more complex, with more than one branch of hominids in existence at some times, then one didn't make it and the other branch was left. Even if one of the fossils that we have was from a branch that died out, it still would be fairly close to the other branch that did survive - so from it you could get a good idea of the rough outline, but some of the details may not be represented.

We still have a very good progression of fossils showing a gradual transition from our ancestors back when we split off from our common ancestor with the chimps. The fossils that show this transition are NOT an illusion.

Frayed Knot

New member
As an aside, maybe I'll start listening to Bob with the intention of pulling out quote-mines from what he says. I'm sure it wouldn't take long to find one statement, that if it were pulled out stand-alone and the context were not presented, would make it sound like he was saying the opposite of what he really believes.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
As an aside, maybe I'll start listening to Bob with the intention of pulling out quote-mines from what he says. I'm sure it wouldn't take long to find one statement, that if it were pulled out stand-alone and the context were not presented, would make it sound like he was saying the opposite of what he really believes.



Well-known member
As an aside, maybe I'll start listening to Bob
This would be a huge step in the right direction for all of you critics. :thumb: I almost fell out of my chair when Jukia said he listened to 1/3 of the show before commenting. Or was it actually before commenting? Either way, its a huge step.

Frayed Knot

New member
GuySmiley, are you trying to show how quote-mining is done? I already do listen to Bob's shows. I was talking about doing something different while I listened to them.


Well-known member
GuySmiley, are you trying to show how quote-mining is done? I already do listen to Bob's shows. I was talking about doing something different while I listened to them.
Oh, sorry, I lumped you in with Jukia and Alate. That wasn't fair of me.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Frayed is one capable of having the conversation. :thumb:

But it really is lame that when he criticises the show for quoting an atheist. anyone interested in finding out more can do so and anyone not interested in finding out more probably doesn't care enough to make much of it.

It's called a talk show for a reason. Now can we quit the wailing and moaning and just have the conversation? :up:

The Barbarian

Quote-mining is an old and frequent tradition of creationists. So is creative editing. It's just trying to put some kind of convincing story out front.

I don't know why otherwise honest people do things like that, but there you are.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Quote-mining is an old and frequent tradition of creationists. So is creative editing. It's just trying to put some kind of convincing story out front.I don't know why otherwise honest people do things like that, but there you are.


You hypocrite!

One as accomplished as you at dishonestly misrepresenting people has no place passing judgement here. :loser:


New member
This would be a huge step in the right direction for all of you critics. :thumb: I almost fell out of my chair when Jukia said he listened to 1/3 of the show before commenting. Or was it actually before commenting? Either way, its a huge step.

I've listened to whole shows in the past. It tends to make my brain leak out of my ears, so getting through 1/3 of his nonsense was a big step.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I've listened to whole shows in the past. It tends to make my brain leak out of my ears, so getting through 1/3 of his nonsense was a big step.


Yet you devote your time here to mocking every show thread created. :think:

The Barbarian

You hypocrite!

One as accomplished as you at dishonestly misrepresenting people has no place passing judgement here.

I don't think denial and counter-accusations are going to help you at this point. Your reputation is pretty well locked in.

The Barbarian


The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Quote-mining is an old and frequent tradition of creationists. So is creative editing. It's just trying to put some kind of convincing story out front.I don't know why otherwise honest people do things like that, but there you are.

You hypocrite!

You should be very quiet when people mention hypocrites, Stipe. Remember, you like to claim that you're a Christian. You might have been fooled by someone else who faked that doctored "quote." We really don't know who was the culprit. But you have no excuse now.

If you want to avoid similar embarrassments, you might want to abandon quote-mining entirely, and only argue with facts. If you think that's not a very good prospect for you, that thought might be an important clue.

Just saying...

The Barbarian

Well, let's give Stipe some rep for being a good sport, um? I'm a bit surprised at the argument that Fred and Bob knew this guy was asserting human evolution, and wanted to explain that he wasn't saying that human evolution was an illusion.

That would be great if it was true, but somehow that doesn't sound right...