Real Science Friday: Evolutionist admits ape-to-man fossils an "illusion"


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Evolutionist admits ape-to-man fossils an "illusion"

This is the show from Friday, January 6th 2011.

We like to quote evolutionists. This particular guy, Dr. Bernard Wood - he’s an anthropologist and an evolutionist - he said, “Our progress from ape to human looks so smooth, so tidy. It’s such a beguiling image that even the experts are loath to let it go. But it’s an illusion.”


* "Impossibly Modern" Stars, "Primitive Cells," Hominid Fossils, and Information: Real Science Friday co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart discuss more great news stories from the winter 2012 edition of Creation magazine.

* Post-show Note: Bob and Fred Highly Recommend this New Astronomy DVD! What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy, Volume II: Our Created Star and Galaxies. RSF says:

"Spike, you've done it again. We're stunned. We didn't think you could match the powerful message in your first video Our Created Solar System. But Volume II in your series What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy, on Our Created Stars and Galaxies is not only just as powerful, but this new DVD has even higher production value and is even more visually beautiful. May God bring Christians and atheists by the many thousands to enjoy this message from science and Scripture! Congratulations!" -Bob Enyart & Fred Williams

* Post-Show Note: Real Science Friday is looking for a sketch artist! Help us create the RSF Dawkins Color Vision Challenge! Similar to our PZ Myers Trochlea Challenge (for which PZ honestly answered, "I don't know"), Bob and Fred are constructing a similar challenge but this time for Richard Dawkins, and regarding a different aspect of the alleged evolution of vision. The guys are hoping to get an artist to volunteer to sketch their challenge, and also, they're eager to get comments and constructive criticism emailed to them on the challenge itself.

Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in our online store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's creation/evolution debate that hits on Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott (see description below); and the superb kids' radio program Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins!


New member
My guess is he was suggesting that the smoothness was the illusion, not the actual fact.

Pastor Bob could,as I recently suggested to the Stripe man, contact the scientist for clarification. Wanna bet he won't? Because he knows the outcome. Just another misrepresentation for the Lord.

some other dude

New member
My guess is he was suggesting that the smoothness was the illusion, not the actual fact.

Pastor Bob could,as I recently suggested to the Stripe man, contact the scientist for clarification. Wanna bet he won't? Because he knows the outcome. Just another misrepresentation for the Lord.

Alternatively, you could call in to the show and correct him.



New member
Alternatively, you could call in to the show and correct him.


No, he would deny, deny, deny. But Pastor Bob is not ignorant, just dishonest, I am certain he knows when he is misrepresenting for Jesus. He just does not care. Apparently the normal Christian rules do not apply to him.


New member
This is lying for Jesus with cherries on top and a neat little bow. This snippet was cherry picked from a British science magazine from 2002 entitled: New Scientist. Dr. Wood was commenting about how the evolutionary progression from our great ape ancestors is not a smooth one but one with "dead-ends" and "blind-alleys". And he was saying this specifically in reference to a particular fossil uncovered in Chad.

The rest of the quote from the magazine:

It is forcing us to rethink the idea of human evolution as a smooth progression without blind alleys or dead ends. It can't possibly be so tidy, as within this framework the Chad fossil makes no sense...

The levels to which these scummy YEC'ers stoop is remarkable. Do they really think that no-one that is capable of free thought is within earshot or can read their lies and misrepresentations and easily rebut them?


New member
I must have missed it.

Please give us Bob's "misrepresentative" quote.


Reading comprehension problem, huh? He suggests that Dr. Wood thinks their is "an illusion of evolution". At the risk of my sanity this early Sunday morning, I managed to listen to about 1/3 of the show. I had to stop when Pastor Bob and his sidekick, Fred, seemed to be suggesting that their creationist friend, a maintenance man at a public school, was more informed about evolution than the teacher.

In any event, Bernard Wood is a professor at George Washington University in D.C. His e-mail is; that info is from his faculty page. If Pastor Bob or Fred, or you for that matter, had any intellectual curiosity or integrity----contact him. Is Wood suggesting that evolution is an illusion, that H. sapiens did not evolve?

Not gonna happen is it? Because we know the result. Pastor Bob and Fred have misrepresented the facts, and will continue to do so. They are dishonest in the name of Jesus. I suspect Jesus would not be happy with them.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Is Wood suggesting that evolution is an illusion, that H. sapiens did not evolve?

It didn't look that way to me. It looked like he was saying the fossil progession from ape to man isn't as smooth as it's often made out to be. But I already knew that.


New member
It didn't look that way to me. It looked like he was saying the fossil progession from ape to man isn't as smooth as it's often made out to be. But I already knew that.

But that is not Pastor Bob's take. If it were he would be clearer about that. His position is that the evolution from ape to man never happened and he uses this cherry picked quote from Dr. Wood to support his position. But then I already knew that as well.

some other dude

New member
Here's the two pertinent quotes from the OP:
We like to quote evolutionists. This particular guy, Dr. Bernard Wood - he’s an anthropologist and an evolutionist - he said, “Our progress from ape to human looks so smooth, so tidy. It’s such a beguiling image that even the experts are loath to let it go. But it’s an illusion.”

Real Science Friday: Evolutionist admits ape-to-man fossils an "illusion"

and here's what Jukia sez:
He (Bob) suggests that Dr. Wood thinks their is "an illusion of evolution".

Are you sure you're not misrepresenting what Bob said?

(never mind what you think Bob thinks)

One Eyed Jack

New member
But that is not Pastor Bob's take. If it were he would be clearer about that. His position is that the evolution from ape to man never happened and he uses this cherry picked quote from Dr. Wood to support his position.

It does support his position. That doesn't mean Dr. Wood agrees with that position (as he obviously believes man did evolve from ape), nor do I think Bob ever meant to imply such a thing. You just like manufacturing excuses to call people liars.


New member
How is this NOT a misrepresentation?
Evolutionist admits ape-to-man fossils an "illusion"
The author clearly thinks that there are ape-to-man fossils, he does not think that such fossils don't exist/are illusions. What he is saying has already been mentioned in the thread which is not compatible with the claim implied by the OP.


New member
The bottom line is that Pastor Bob and his own personal Tonto (Fred) are using a quote to suggest that not only is man to ape evolution an "illusion" but the entire process is an illusion. He is dishonest.

some other dude

New member
The bottom line is that Pastor Bob and his own personal Tonto (Fred) are using a quote to suggest that not only is man to ape evolution an "illusion" but the entire process is an illusion. He is dishonest.

That's your foolish opinion and you're welcome to it. :wave2:


New member
No one has said that. He's talking about the progression of fossils leading from ape to man. Most of them appear to be side-branches or dead-ends leading nowhere. This isn't exactly news.

Pastor Bob and Tonto appear to think it important news. "Silly scientists"


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Why can't the atheists just have the conversation? :idunno: