Read what Democrats think is a a biased way to report the news.

patrick jane

Wanna talk about bias? How about this one: Sean Hannity was Michael Cohen's client, and didn't mention their relationship as he defended Cohen on the air. Ethics, anyone?

Cohen has three disclosed clients:

1. Donald Trump, purported president of these purportedly United States.
2. Elliott Broidy, an RNC official who paid $1.6 million to cover up the preganacy and abortion of a mistress. Seems the GOP is against abortion for anyone not a party official.
3. Sean Hannity, Trump's chief propagandist at Fox News.

We don't know what exactly Hannity needed from Cohen, but the pattern appears to be that they all need Michael Cohen to cover up something scummy.
I saw some of Hannity last night. You're blowing it way out of proportion. He gets advice like the hosts asking Judge Napolatano questions and advice. Nothing out of the ordinary.


New member
I saw some of Hannity last night. You're blowing it way out of proportion. He gets advice like the hosts asking Judge Napolatano questions and advice. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Well, that depends. Michael Cohen's lawyers are suggesting he is a client on a very short list of clients, and that he was emphatic that he didn't want that publicly revealed. If it was no big deal, why was he so insistant he not be revealed? And even at that, he's still got an ethics problem.

The Barbarian

Well, that depends. Michael Cohen's lawyers are suggesting he is a client on a very short list of clients, and that he was emphatic that he didn't want that publicly revealed. If it was no big deal, why was he so insistant he not be revealed? And even at that, he's still got an ethics problem.

Hannity is trying to have it both ways. He insists he's not really a client, but that he's covered by a client/lawyer relationship. As usual, a complete lack of respect for his listeners, who he obviously considers to be morons.


Well-known member
I shudder to even imagine the magnitude of the firestorm that would erupt from the right if ANY news re(peater) on ANY MSM news agency was on a list of 3 clients of an attorney along with $hillary.
:nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke:

The Barbarian

I shudder to even imagine the magnitude of the firestorm that would erupt from the right if ANY news re(peater) on ANY MSM news agency was on a list of 3 clients of an attorney along with $hillary.




New member
Hannity is trying to have it both ways. He insists he's not really a client, but that he's covered by a client/lawyer relationship. As usual, a complete lack of respect for his listeners, who he obviously considers to be morons.

Yeah. Ultimately, if Hannity is successful in arguing that he isn't really a client, which seems to kinda be his public opinion, then his and Cohen's claims of privilege are likely to be invalid, and then his whole correspondence with Cohen goes to the Justice Department unredacted. But his private appeal to Cohen's legal team to be kept anonymous seems to cut against that. And in any case, he has no business reporting on this stuff without full disclosure. It's a huge ethics violation.

The Barbarian

Yeah. Ultimately, if Hannity is successful in arguing that he isn't really a client, which seems to kinda be his public opinion, then his and Cohen's claims of privilege are likely to be invalid, and then his whole correspondence with Cohen goes to the Justice Department unredacted. But his private appeal to Cohen's legal team to be kept anonymous seems to cut against that. And in any case, he has no business reporting on this stuff without full disclosure. It's a huge ethics violation.

"Ethics" is not a word that one normally associates with FOX in general, and Hannity in particular.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
"Ethics" is not a word that one normally associates with FOX in general, and Hannity in particular.

Well Barb, the problem is there's a conglomerate of far-left networks such as; CNN, KNBC, ABC, etc, and there's only ONE true Conservative news outlet, known as FOX News. It just irks far-left zealots like yourself to know there's at least ONE truth telling news outlet out there. You want that squashed and ONLY have left leaning news that hates on Trump 24/7. Well Barb, you can't always get what you want, pal. :rotfl:

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
As Stephen Colbert noted, Cohen's only clients are people who use him to cover up their sexual behavior. So who did Hannity have sex with?

What about Bill Clinton? Did he use Cohen?

Apparently, he wasn't dumb enough to trust someone like that. They got him anyway. Of course, Clinton didn't throw his lawyers under the bus, in a vain attempt to save himself, so there is that.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Barbarian chuckles:
As Stephen Colbert noted, Cohen's only clients are people who use him to cover up their sexual behavior. So who did Hannity have sex with?

Apparently, he wasn't dumb enough to trust someone like that. They got him anyway. Of course, Clinton didn't throw his lawyers under the bus, in a vain attempt to save himself, so there is that.

Apparently, Bill Clinton WAS dumb enough to get caught, though. Right?


New member
Well Barb, the problem is there's a conglomerate of far-left networks such as; CNN, KNBC, ABC, etc, and there's only ONE true Conservative news outlet, known as FOX News. It just irks far-left zealots like yourself to know there's at least ONE truth telling news outlet out there. You want that squashed and ONLY have left leaning news that hates on Trump 24/7. Well Barb, you can't always get what you want, pal. :rotfl:

So, you consider it to be an element of telling the truth to keep a major conflict of interest like this secret? You trust your news from sources that don't disclose that, or from media organizations that tollerate it on their air?