So this is the reason to take a child out of the world and shelter it from the reality of what it is like to live here? The world is not Heaven, never will be, yet your children have an opportunity to teach others that Heaven can be theirs one day by being an example and teaching their peers another way..the right way.
A child can learn all the cuss words there are merely travelling on a bus or train or walking through the Mall or hearing neighbours yell them out.
Our children heard cuss words coming from within their own home when we were not a Christian family - not on a regular basis but now and then. They also heard it at their Public School ( one completed their final year a year ago and one 2 years off that), at the local shopping centre, on the transport system and coming from the world that we live in.
However, we brought them up, even as non-Christians, to know that it was not acceptable behaviour to cuss, anywhere or at any time and they, thankfully held to that.
Now we are Christian, they do not hear it within our home anymore but do still hear it within the world.The same with sex, pornography, bullying etc etc. Now, my daughter within the Public school system is able to impart to those she mingles with who cuss ( we use the term 'swear' here in Oz) or see being sexually active at 16 as being a necessary step to acceptance from peers or liken it to 'love', the Truth as denoted in the Bible. She is acting as salt and light for those who she mingles with and it is working, for several of the aforementioned students now attend the lunchtime Christian group and come to the Youth Church we hold on Sunday nights....and there will be more. She is in the world but not of the world, which Jesus calls us to be.
If I had taken her out of the Public system ( which has also allowed her to be educationally extended so that she is completing 2 final year subjects a year ahead of time and excelling in all areas studied), to become home schooled, then she would not have had the opportunity to show others and tell others what the Lord wants them to hear and for them to be turned away from the wrong gate they were heading to.
How does one better change a system than from within the system itself?
We taught our kids what was right, even when we ourselves were doing wrong. Now, as Christians, they teach others they come in contact with the right way. That is what the Lord wants us to do.
All of the above will no doubt draw flack from many here but I only state it as I have seen it and believe to be true for us. If you choose to Home school , it is entirely up to you as a parent.