Racism, Bigotry and Misogyny at TOL

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So a man's life is ruined.. because he shoved a door open.
Well, no. A man has negatively impacted his life by doing what he shouldn't have done. What that means to the course of his life is really up to him. People have done far worse and reformed both the course and impression of their lives. This man has had reason to see something ugly and wrong in his actions and nature. He can use that point as a beginning of a much better existence. Or he can wallow in misplaced anger and self-pity.

Up to him, really.

You don't get it- there needs to be protections for men, and a repeal on what counts as 'assault' in the home setting.
No, there doesn't. The problem isn't the law. The problem is with the law breaker. You don't and shouldn't get a pass on hurting someone or placing them in reasonable fear for their safety because you're married. The same rules and definitions apply to everyone. Mitigation is always possible, given a totality of circumstance, but that's for the trier of fact to determine and an appellate court to affirm or deny.

Because as you can see, the woman bears absolutely no responsibility in the matter- he didn't act as a benevolent angel, but by no means had an intent to hurt his wife.
I have no idea what was in his heart. I know what he did. I know how the judge read it and I know what her response indicates. And no, no one is responsible for your behavior except you. He could have walked away or simply let her alone. Instead he followed her, forced a closed door and hurt her in the process.

There's nothing good with any of that- it's atrocious and quite frankly, the very fact that you are or were a lawyer means that I don't have much reason to trust you either.
I'll add it to the list of your irrational beliefs. Lawyers are no better or worse than any other human being. They're just better educated and more powerful.

You want to defend what you defended to hold up a given standing you have chosen for others to see.
Rather, I defend the reasonable and lawful against the emotional and ignorant presumption. That's the real difference between us.

Yeah, how often does that work?
Since you didn't specify which particular, I'll address them all. The general answer is they work all the time.

Status quo orders are routinely issued by judges, even in cases involving allegations of domestic violence. They accomplish two things. First, they keep either party from attempting to abuse their discretion relating to marital assets and secondly, they reaffirm the standard payments of bills due from the usual sources. To balance your example, many a man has cleaned out his bank account on the heels of being restrained from contact to entice the woman to allow him back into the home.

In cases where the judge rules with a clear disregard for the best interests of children those judgments have been and will be overturned more often than not. Again, most courts have trended in favor of joint custody absent exigent circumstances.

Everyone charged with something that shares both criminal and civil consequences should avail themselves of the services of an attorney and most do.

Lastly, misconduct relating to assets of a marriage is absolutely recoverable in the final judicial settlement of the marital estate. Happens all the time.

When you have a bias reaching across the courts, social services, anon anon which favors women, a man just finds himself wasting his money on actions that hardly suffice.
I'm disinterested in your bias and how it motivates anyone sharing it to not avail themselves of their legal rights. They're their own worst enemies.

Rusha and Anna thank you for taking their side- on everything. You'd be a 'misogynist' if you didn't
Complete nonsense.

They agree that a man's life should be ruined if a man loses his temper- there's nothing more to say, really.
Rather, as is true with most reasonable human beings, they object to physical violence against anyone who isn't threatening violence themselves.

They don't care about anything other than what serves their self interest,
Everything we believe to be right serves our self-interest.

and you are their champion. Good job defending something that is intrinsically immoral.
Only someone deep in the throes of delusion and/or denial could see defending women and children from violent men as immoral.

That's why God commands them to remain silent and for men to be their head_
I've never met anyone who attempted to abuse scripture the way you just tried who didn't have something personal to gain by it. In this case, the silence that cannot accuse. This fellow, was he someone close to you? There has to be a reason for this degree of distorted insistence on your part.
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Well, no. A man has negatively impacted his life by doing what he shouldn't have done. What that means to the course of his life is really up to him. People have done far worse and reformed both the course and impression of their lives. This man has had reason to see something ugly and wrong in his actions and nature. He can use that point as a beginning of a much better existence. Or he can wallow in misplaced anger and self-pity.

Losing one's temper is not a cause for having one's life thieved and injured. It is not cause for 'reform', it is not a requirement of a man to have the passivity of a monk while women tread on them and do whatever they want.

That is called oppression, do you get that?

No, there doesn't. The problem isn't the law. The problem is with the law breaker. You don't and shouldn't get a pass on hurting someone or placing them in reasonable fear for their safety because you're married. The same rules and definitions apply to everyone. Mitigation is always possible, given a totality of circumstance, but that's for the trier of fact to determine and an appellate court to affirm or deny.

Many men are constantly afraid in their marriage. When you've paved a golden road that a woman can skip down if she wants to just get up and abandon her marriage, it causes men to be skeptical. It is already assumed in the average man that they will be punished more by the divorce than the wife, and that's a problem.

Again, oppression.

I'll add it to the list of your irrational beliefs. Lawyers are no better or worse than any other human being. They're just better educated and more powerful.

They aim to win, no matter how guilty the defendant or wicked the plaintiff. That is what lawyers do.

I've never met anyone who attempted to abuse scripture

It's not 'abuse', it's what the Bible teaches- a patriarchy. That's what it is from Genesis to Jude.
'Patriarchy' has become this 'evil' thing, produced from feminist philosophy- but it certainly wasn't women who brought mankind out of mud huts, or lead society into civilization and order. God, the angels, prophets, apostles, and obviously the Patriarchs- are ALL male.

Do you think God would have stood for this nonsense today between the sexes?
The answer is very simple- hell no.

So again, not abusing scripture, just showing you reality.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Losing one's temper is not a cause for having one's life thieved and injured.
He wasn't penalized for losing his temper. He was penalized for what he did after he lost it, for his actions. And they will only define and ruin his life if he lies down in them.

It is not cause for 'reform', it is not a requirement of a man to have the passivity of a monk while women tread on them and do whatever they want.
No, it's a requirement that a man not force his way into a room after a woman who wants no part of him. It's about not being able to put someone in fear for their personal safety or strike them, directly or indirectly, without consequence attending.

That is called oppression, do you get that?
No, it isn't. You aren't entitled to do what that man did. No one is.

Many men are constantly afraid in their marriage.
Many men? We may differ on at least one definition. Else...silly men.

When you've paved a golden road that a woman can skip down if she wants to just get up and abandon her marriage
Few people "just want to get up and abandon" their marriages. There are reasons they married. There are reasons they divorce.

it causes men to be skeptical.
We choose our view or we allow others to choose it for us. I think the former is a better choice.

It is already assumed in the average man that they will be punished more by the divorce than the wife, and that's a problem.
I believe part of the problem here is definitely that you assume that.

They aim to win, no matter how guilty the defendant or wicked the plaintiff. That is what lawyers do.
You don't know the first thing about the practice, theory or obligations involved. You're just a guy with an ax. Lawyers, both prosecutor and defense, along with the judges involved, do their duty. If they do it well enough justice is served. If they don't, there's always the appeal.

It's not 'abuse', it's what the Bible teaches- a patriarchy.
What you're attempting is to misuse/abuse scripture. A man who is following Biblical teaching on how to treat his wife isn't going to find himself crashing through a door after her, putting her in fear of her safety and finding himself admonished from the bench.

Do you think God would have stood for this nonsense today between the sexes?
The answer is very simple- hell no.
I think you have no working understanding of the obligations of love or of a husband to his wife.

So again, not abusing scripture, just showing you reality.
The reality between your ears. Else, not so much.


He wasn't penalized for losing his temper. He was penalized for what he did after he lost it, for his actions. And they will only define and ruin his life if he lies down in them.

He was penalized for what many women routinely do if they lose their temper. How many of them will see a defendant's seat?
Not many, and you know why? Because people see the circumstance for what it is, and not the trumped up madness you make it out to be.

We've expected men to be greater than human in their patience, but it is commonplace for a woman to throw physical fits- the conflict of interest is there, and all you can do is hide behind a much conflicted legality.

No, it isn't. You aren't entitled to do what that man did. No one is.

That is categorically false by the very nature of your faith in the warped judicial system.

Few people "just want to get up and abandon" their marriages. There are reasons they married. There are reasons they divorce.

Unfortunately, you find being 'unhappy' as a legitimate reason over 'responsibility' and 'vows'. You think there's 'few', but there are many who choose to want something different, pretend it is about something else, and drive their family through misery.

It happens all the time, and it happens mostly with wives.

What you're attempting is to misuse/abuse scripture. A man who is following Biblical teaching on how to treat his wife isn't going to find himself crashing through a door after her, putting her in fear of her safety and finding himself admonished from the bench.

Yeah, they have to be perfect or get the whip. The Bible doesn't teach that, but you'd favor it over women actually following the Bible :rolleyes:

I think you have no working understanding of the obligations of love or of a husband to his wife.

There's nothing adversarial about domestic hearings, that is why they almost always end in the woman's favor. It's inquisitorial, and easy to serve since the public eye can't witness them.

So your statement is meaningless to me. You are part of the problem.


Well-known member
Are all of those things working to make things better with marriages and for children?

This entire divorce thing seems to simply be an intellectual playing field and feeding frenzy for lawyers?

Not because one has a sex organ, one must use it to have children.

Use your sex organ to procreate only when the Spirit of love is the motivator. Otherwise waste your sperms and eggs. This is why the openings of our sex organs are next to our primary waste disposal exits. Take a hint.

Clearly most people are not expected to get into Love motivated unions. Seems that most will get into lust/carnal/physical/intellectually motivated unions. They are supposed to waste their sperms and eggs.

Also, according to the KJV N.T., among spiritually dead people (including in their marriages), women are to be subservient to men. However, among Christians, men and women are totally equal.

Loveless sex is like excretion, only it is commonly done on each other.

However only a spiritually aware person is actually and experiential-ly aware of love and can tell you the above fact. For 'the dead', loveless sex is the best thing after satisfying hunger.

The sad fact is only children of the flesh are brought forth through loveless procreative sex. And they are the 'bad' ones. They persecute children of God (this is what the KJV N.T. confirms, not me):

Galatians: 4 KJV N.T.
22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.
23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh (a child of the flesh, Ishmael); but he of the freewoman was by promise (a child of God, Isaac).
29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now (this is always so).
30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

The following reveals how one can stop bringing forth children of the flesh and start bringing forth only children of God:

Romans: 7 KJV N.T.
4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God (including children of God, like Isaac).
5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death (including children of the flesh, like Ishmael).
6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit/love, and not in the oldness of the letter.

No love means no children of God, only children of the flesh. It also means no divine glue and no God, in your marriage and no love for your children, ever.

1 john: 4 KJV N.T.
8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Fact is, those who come together because of love and procreate out of an expression of love bring forth beautiful children of God, who are gifts to creation. Such parents can never dissolve their marriages until their children are independent. Although their children are born inherently gifted and independent. It is all a matter of love for each other and love for their children and love for their divine purpose in life. They are connected to God/Love through their own spirits and God/Love rules their lives.

It is not the same for 'the (spiritually) dead' (i.e. children of the flesh). They could have no awareness of God and/or love. Urging of their flesh is their only motivator.

Seems that Jesus and God are racial, in favor of children of God and against children of the flesh. This is what scriptures indicate:

Galatians:4 KJV N.T.
30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

Bigotry seems rooted in intolerance for the fact that people on earth, are not all children of God. Bigotry is intolerance for the fact that Abraham had two sets of descendants. One set are children of God and the other children of the flesh.

Bigotry seems rooted in intolerance for the fact that Christian men and women are equal and should be treated so. They should be treated differently from how unaware (spiritually dead) men and women are treated.

Also Christian men and women, because they are led by the Spirit of Love, have God given freedom, liberty and justification to transgress 'the thou shall not covert' and 'the thou shall not commit adultery' commandments. And not get sin but be glorified by God. The laws of the land must fully recognize this right and be adjusted accordingly. This is a supreme constitutional right.

The biggest bigotry is denial of the above by people who claim to be Christians. Denial of the above is on going persecution of children of God, by children of the flesh, who are simply disguised as Christians. This is the unilateral enforcement of laws that are for children of the flesh, on children of God.

It is entirely possible that more women (than men) practice and invoke the above bigotry so as to keep their spouse locked into a loveless marriage, according to their convenience. What you guy think?
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Well-known member
Also Christian men and women, because they are led by the Spirit of Love, have God given freedom, liberty and justification to transgress 'the thou shall not covert' and 'the thou shall not commit adultery' commandments. And not get sin but instead, be glorified by God.

In fact they are instructed to deliberately transgress 'the thou shall not covert' and 'the thou shall not commit adultery' commandments so as to move to new spouses, under the urging of the Spirit of Love. This is to enable them to stop bringing forth 'children of the flesh' and start bringing forth only 'children of God'.

The laws of the land must fully recognize this right and be adjusted accordingly. This is a supreme constitutional right.

The biggest bigotry is denial of the above by people who claim to be Christians. Denial of the above is on going persecution of children of God, by children of the flesh, who are simply disguised as Christians. This is the unilateral enforcement of laws that are for children of the flesh, on children of God.

It is entirely possible that more women (than men) practice and invoke the above bigotry so as to keep their spouse locked into a loveless marriage, according to their convenience. What you guy think?

Do you want a friendly fight that can lead to Enlightenment in Christ?

Do you guys want some inconvenient KJV N.T. truth or do you want to hide under comfortable deception and corruption of the KJV N.T.?

Christians are children of God and now they must be fully recognized.

For the past 2000 odd years, O.T. people (i.e. people who esteem, use, promote and invoke the ten commandments) have been falsely posturing as Christians and oppressing Christians (N.T. people who have God given freedom, liberty and justification to transgress the ten commandments). This will stop now.

Galatians: 2 KJV N.T.
4 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might (corruptly) bring us into bondage
(under the ten commandments).

You need to be on the right side of the King, Lord Jesus. People on the left side are cursed.

The division is simple: those on the right side are those who embraced:

Romans: 8 King James Version (KJV)
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Those who are left side are those who esteem, use, promote and invoke the ten commandments, even in the slightest way.

The division will be as follows:

Matthews: 25 KJV N.T.
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

The big and final separation relates only to Abraham's descendants. This relate to separating O.T. people (Ishmael and his generations) from N.T. people (Isaac's and his generations). And giving them different inheritances.

Galatians:4 KJV N.T.
30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son (Ishmael and his generations): for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman (Isaac and his generations).

The above is allegory. It is based on the two covenants. It applies generally to all children of the flesh (who inherit according to # 41 above) and all children of God (who inherit according to # 34 above).

Romans: 9 KJV N.T.
6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh (Ishmael and his generations), these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise (Isaac and his generations) are counted for the seed.

Only Isaac's seed are counted as children of God. Ishmael's seed are not counted as children of God. Ishmael's seeds are children of the flesh. What does scriptures say:

Galatians:4 KJV N.T.
30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son (Ishmael and his generations): for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman (Isaac and his generations).

Being a heir is inheriting. This is about: 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

Being cast out is about: 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

This happens because:

Galatians:4 KJV N.T.
29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son (Ishmael and his generations): for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman (Isaac and his generations).

. . . do you need it any clearer? For 2000 odd years the KJV N.T. had full details of the final separation. However it was corrupted by those (false prophets) who teach you scriptures.

Is it not clear that the descendants of Ishmael (Jews) came among Isaac's generation (Christians) and corrupted the KJV N.T. and misled Isaac's generations. Then the generations of Isaac became a false version of Christianity. They became the billion strong traditional Christians.

Christians were liberated from the ten commandments 2000 odd years ago. They had God given freedom, liberty and justification to transgress the ten commandments when they are led by the Spirit of Jesus.

The Jews did not like this and they (the Jews) infiltrated Christianity, as false brethren and spies and corrupted Christianity.

There is very grave punishment for this act.

Traditional Christians were taught to confuse and corrupt KJV N.T. revelations so as to justify a corrupt version of Christianity which they were taught. And they continue to do to up to now.

Fact is the KJV N.T. was and continue to be totally accurate and none contradictory in all its literal presentations. Absolutely no interpretations are needed.

Interpreting the KJV N.T. is corruption of the KJV N.T. Interpreting the KJV N.T. is something that Ishmael generation (O.T. people) foisted on Isaac generation (N.T. people) so as to totally destroy Christianity. And they seem to have have succeeded.

This conforms to Jesus prophesies:

Matthew: 22 King James Version (KJV)
14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

Matthew: 24 King James Version (KJV)
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

Matthew: 7 King James Version (KJV)
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing (disguised as Christians), but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He was penalized for what many women routinely do if they lose their temper.
Women routinely pursue their husbands to a bathroom and force the door open into them? :nono: Because that's what got him in trouble.

How many of them will see a defendant's seat?
Every one of them that do that where charges are pressed.

Not many, and you know why?
Because it rarely happens. And if you consider the average size, weight and muscle mass difference, even before you get to the disparate propensity for violence, that stands to reason.

Because people see the circumstance for what it is, and not the trumped up madness you make it out to be.
I'm not making it into more than it was. I've recounted what I was told by you. I've explained why what followed followed, why it doesn't have to be the histrionic end to anyone's life, despite your repeated attempts to couch it that way, etc.

We've expected men to be greater than human in their patience
If you honestly think it takes greater than human patience to not follow your wife to a bathroom and force the door open, etc. you either have serious impulse control issues or questionable judgement, or both.

but it is commonplace for a woman to throw physical fits
Common where and by what measure of proof? In any event, again, he wasn't admonished for throwing a fit.

- the conflict of interest is there, and all you can do is hide behind a much conflicted legality.
What conflict of interest? You literally haven't set it out. And explaining the law and objective fact of a thing isn't hiding, you enormous goofball.

That is categorically false by the very nature of your faith in the warped judicial system.
Nothing in that convoluted statement is objectively, demonstrably true. Anyone who puts another human being in reasonable apprehension for their safety, and/or harms another as the foreseeable consequence of their actions is liable for both acts, male or female.

Unfortunately, you find being 'unhappy' as a legitimate reason over 'responsibility' and 'vows'.
You're having a hard enough time speaking for yourself. You should probably leave off trying to manage it for anyone else.

What I said was that your jaded, one sided "up an abandon" is largely nonsense. People have reasons to marry and they have reasons to divorce. And unlike most of what proceeds from your fingertips, my statement is self-evidently and indisputably true, as a matter of rational observation. What you think of those reasons is another matter.

You think there's 'few', but there are many who choose to want something different, pretend it is about something else, and drive their family through misery.
I think most people marry with the intent to remain with the person they love enough to wed. The rest is conjecture on your part, and given the list of peculiar things you're willing to believe, reshape or overlook...

Yeah, they have to be perfect or get the whip. The Bible doesn't teach that, but you'd favor it over women actually following the Bible :rolleyes:
When you write something like that you're being an idiot. I'll leave it at that. It doesn't deserve more.

There's nothing adversarial about domestic hearings, that is why they almost always end in the woman's favor.
I thought you'd topped out with the last, but no. That's even less rational and is, in fact, objectively wrong, fundamentally so. Hearings are by their nature adversarial.

It's inquisitorial, and easy to serve since the public eye can't witness them.
Emergency hearings can happen in chambers. A great deal of the rest doesn't. Conviction is a matter of public record, as is your profound ignorance where matters of law are concerned, at least by now.

So your statement is meaningless to me.
No different than any other contravening factual statement on the subject then.

You are part of the problem.
I'm definitely part of yours, since people like me aren't going to allow people like you to press into reality the grotesquely one-sided parody of what you'd pass off as justice.
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This is all I see with the whole thing- the insanity of the feminist minded, all wrapped up in this horrendous display:



Women routinely pursue their husbands to a bathroom and force the door open into them? :nono: Because that's what got him in trouble.

All you're doing is turning a small thing into a nightmare. A husband and wife argue, she's screaming in his face, stomps to the room, and he barges in.

That's what got him in trouble- being human. Because she happened to be by it and got struck by the door. Does it strike you as odd that the man at this point doesn't even have a right to his own room? She gets control, and he must obey it. Try doing that with a woman, and see if that door doesn't come crashing down.

Seriously, you're one sided thinking is ridiculous- you're success was met with it, because you knew you had the better chance defending them over men.

Common where and by what measure of proof? In any event, again, he wasn't admonished for throwing a fit.

What measure of proof do you have? You have sheisty women whose real point in charging their husband is so they can get the advantage on the entire matter. I've sat there and seen it- you have seen nothing, you have seen courts take the women's side as soon as she acts like she is in distress. And then you go on feeling like a knight i shining armor.

It's no different than what happens on the street- a woman can hound and humiliate a man all day, but let a man do even a tiny vestige of that- you all are not fit to be in those seats.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
All you're doing is turning a small thing into a nightmare.
No, all the husband did was turn a disagreement into a court case and an order.

A husband and wife argue, she's screaming in his face, stomps to the room, and he barges in.
She's not doing anything more than escaping the situation when he forces the door, the issue and the court.

That's what got him in trouble- being human.
No, what got him into trouble was violating the law, doing what no one is entitled to do.

Because she happened to be by it and got struck by the door.
No, she didn't "happen" to be there. He knew she was there and he should have left her alone.

Does it strike you as odd that the man at this point doesn't even have a right to his own room?
It strikes me as odd that you keep trying to make this about anything but the man following his wife and forcing his way into the room she'd retreated to.

- you're success was met with it, because you knew you had the better chance defending them over men.
You know less about my practice than you know about the law...and that's saying something.

What measure of proof do you have?
Your related facts and a court order.

- you have seen nothing, you have seen courts take the women's side as soon as she acts like she is in distress. And then you go on feeling like a knight i shining armor.
I've tried thousands of these cases. You've peeked through a narrow window and you think you see the room.
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Is that all Anna and Rusha can do, is sit there and reply to each post Town makes telling them how much they agree and respect his standing?


That is all they can do.

And yell 'misogyny'.

They're incapable of debating it :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Is that all Anna and Rusha can do, is sit there and reply to each post Town makes telling them how much they agree and respect his standing?
Recognizing the "all..can do" is another absurd and unsupported bit of hooey, what's really funny about that is the way you feel obligated to comment on any comment they make.

Yes. That is all they can do. And yell 'misogyny'.
You want to go back over their posts to see how that isn't true? I've got the time.

Another thing that's funny is the post you made before the one I answered. It's funny because while you attempt to use it to another purpose it essentially backs up my earlier point that you couldn't get your head around, that the Tender Years presumption is gone and that courts are largely moving to joint custody models.

They're incapable of debating it :rolleyes:
I don't think you can make that case...mostly because you appear to believe that debate is saying the same unsupportable things as often as you can while failing to address the substance of fact you're routinely met with.

So that's three things. Three funny things. :plain:


Recognizing the "all..can do" is another absurd and unsupported bit of hooey, what's really funny about that is the way you feel obligated to comment on any comment they make.

Every comment is aimed at me, so.. :rolleyes:

It's very supported- as it is clearly seen.
See, you few aren't much for reality.

You want to go back over their posts to see how that isn't true? I've got the time.

They seem to have that down remarkably well, being as how they are so apt to compare and contrast like arguments, as seen above.

Another thing that's funny is the post you made before the one I answered. It's funny because while you attempt to use it to another purpose it essentially backs up my earlier point that you couldn't get your head around, that the Tender Years presumption is gone and that courts are largely moving to joint custody models.

Some courts, in some places, may respect the idea of equal parental rights and treatment. And the result is what you saw- it's incontrovertible the absurdity in the whole matter simply out of the very existence of such report from women on being treated by the same measure they dish out to men.

See now why that 'equality' nonsense is nonsense? It never was about equality, but privilege. And if you can't see that, then you can't see anything.


Hall of Fame
Is that all Anna and Rusha can do, is sit there and reply to each post Town makes telling them how much they agree and respect his standing?

Nah, after years of replying to your tales of woe, it's all I am willing to do. The law AGREES with me and at the end of the day, that is all that counts. :)