question for MADIsts.

God's Truth

New member
Peter 1:18 Because The Messiah also died once for the sake of our sins, The Righteous One in the place of sinners, to bring you to God, and he died in body and lived in his Spirit. 19 And he preached to those souls who were held in Sheol, 20 These who from the first were not convinced in the days of Noah when the long-suffering of God commanded that there would be an ark, upon the hope of their repentance*, and only eight souls entered it and were kept alive by water.

God's Truth

New member
According to Clete, the Spirit of Jesus died on the cross, YET that SAME SPIRIT IS THE SPIRIT WHO CRIES OUT ABBA.

Galatians 4:6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

Jesus cried out Abba on the cross!

That is the who cried out, and the SPIRIT THAT IS GIVEN TO US WHEN WE ARE SAVED, but CLETE says that Spirit dies!


New member
Lol - I suspect were GT left to herself, she would not feel alone at all, simply going back and forth with herself in her own posts.

For that is the sum of what she has been doing all along: listening only, to her own (supposed) "reasoning."


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
How do you ever get that Jesus died Spiritually?

Spiritual death is nothing more than separation from God. For us it is, of course, separation from all of what God is but in the case of Jesus it was separation from the Father.

Physical death is the separation of one's soul/spirit from your body. Jesus experienced this as well, obviously. But our sin problem is not a merely physical one, it is a spiritual issue as well. It is spiritual death that is owed against sin and which both Adam and Eve experienced the day they ate of the Tree. When Jesus died, He went to what He referred to while on the cross as "Paradise", which is referred to elsewhere as "Abraham's Bosom" or the place of the righteous dead. The righteous dead were sent to "Abraham's Bosom" because their sin had not yet been atoned for and thus it was not possible for them to be in the presence of God. Thus Jesus died in every sense of the term exactly as any other righteous person, both physically and spiritually, thus paying in full for our sin debt.

People who reject the doctrine of the Trinity outright unwittingly undermine the whole gospel. If your objection to the Trinity doctrine has to do with some of the incoherent beliefs of the Catholic Church, that's one thing, but discarding the whole notion is going way too far and amounts to throwing the baby out with the bath water.

The Catholics, as well as many other Christian sects, teach that God is singular and that He is also plural in the same sense and they do not care that this is a blatant contradiction. Its the same sort of blind belief that Calvinists maintain with a belief in exhaustive divine predestination and personal responsibility. The fact is that they know its contradictory and don't care and in fact take their willingness to believe it in spite of the contraction as faith and proof of piety. Of course, if such thinking were really allowable then no doctrine, no matter how outlandish, could ever be declared false but such thinking IS NOT required to maintain a belief in a Triune God.

We know from scripture two things. There is but one God and that in some sense there is a plurality within that God which manifests itself to us in the form of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Here's the important bit. We are not told how this works. We are not told how to discern where the Father ends and the Son begins. Just as the bible does not make any sort of an argument for the existence of God but rather it presupposes it, the same is so for the Triune nature of the Godhead. It isn't explained and we can't force God to explain it. But we are not forced to accept a contradiction! In one sense God is singular - there is one God. In ANOTHER sense the single existent God is plural. The bible does NOT teach that Jesus is the Father and that the Father is the Spirit. Just as your body is not your soul and your soul is not your mind but all three are you and there is only one you. Your body is you. Your soul is you. Your spirit is you. There is only one you. There is no contraction there and intuitively so. Same goes for God. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. There is only one God. That's not as intuitively true but we know it is true because the bible teaches it. The trick for us is to not go further than the bible goes, which the Catholics have made a whole religion out of doing.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
According to Clete, the Spirit of Jesus died on the cross, YET that SAME SPIRIT IS THE SPIRIT WHO CRIES OUT ABBA.

Galatians 4:6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

Jesus cried out Abba on the cross!

That is the who cried out, and the SPIRIT THAT IS GIVEN TO US WHEN WE ARE SAVED, but CLETE says that Spirit dies!

You asked me a question and then, like an idiot, proceeded in an attempt to read my mind and, of course, got it completely, totally wrong.

What in the world are you even doing here if you're not willing to have an actual two way conversation with people? I really just don't get it.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Jesus raised himself.

John 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."

John 2:19 Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."

Jesus and God are the same. That is why some scripture says God raised Jesus, and other scriptures say Jesus raised himself

You are arguing against your own doctrine!

They are the same in some sense and different in another. We aren't given the details but that doesn't matter. If it weren't so, then the bible would be self-contradictory and therefore false.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
How did Jesus' Spirit die but then go to HELL/prison, and preach?

How did Jesus' Spirit die but then RAISE HIMSELF?

If you had given me a chance to answer, you'd have known that death does not mean - for anyone - ever - that they cease to exist. As I explained in my previous post, death is merely a separation. Spiritual death is separation from the Father. Physical death is separation from your body. Jesus did experience both and He did it on purpose and of His own will, but not His will but the Father's.

Matthew 26:39
He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”​

God's Truth

New member
Lol - I suspect were GT left to herself, she would not feel alone at all, simply going back and forth with herself in her own posts.

For that is the sum of what she has been doing all along: listening only, to her own (supposed) "reasoning."

Your loss my gain.

God's Truth

New member
Spiritual death is nothing more than separation from God. For us it is, of course, separation from all of what God is but in the case of Jesus it was separation from the Father.

Physical death is the separation of one's soul/spirit from your body. Jesus experienced this as well, obviously. But our sin problem is not a merely physical one, it is a spiritual issue as well. It is spiritual death that is owed against sin and which both Adam and Eve experienced the day they ate of the Tree. When Jesus died, He went to what He referred to while on the cross as "Paradise", which is referred to elsewhere as "Abraham's Bosom" or the place of the righteous dead. The righteous dead were sent to "Abraham's Bosom" because their sin had not yet been atoned for and thus it was not possible for them to be in the presence of God. Thus Jesus died in every sense of the term exactly as any other righteous person, both physically and spiritually, thus paying in full for our sin debt.

People who reject the doctrine of the Trinity outright unwittingly undermine the whole gospel. If your objection to the Trinity doctrine has to do with some of the incoherent beliefs of the Catholic Church, that's one thing, but discarding the whole notion is going way too far and amounts to throwing the baby out with the bath water.

The Catholics, as well as many other Christian sects, teach that God is singular and that He is also plural in the same sense and they do not care that this is a blatant contradiction. Its the same sort of blind belief that Calvinists maintain with a belief in exhaustive divine predestination and personal responsibility. The fact is that they know its contradictory and don't care and in fact take their willingness to believe it in spite of the contraction as faith and proof of piety. Of course, if such thinking were really allowable then no doctrine, no matter how outlandish, could ever be declared false but such thinking IS NOT required to maintain a belief in a Triune God.

We know from scripture two things. There is but one God and that in some sense there is a plurality within that God which manifests itself to us in the form of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Here's the important bit. We are not told how this works. We are not told how to discern where the Father ends and the Son begins. Just as the bible does not make any sort of an argument for the existence of God but rather it presupposes it, the same is so for the Triune nature of the Godhead. It isn't explained and we can't force God to explain it. But we are not forced to accept a contradiction! In one sense God is singular - there is one God. In ANOTHER sense the single existent God is plural. The bible does NOT teach that Jesus is the Father and that the Father is the Spirit. Just as your body is not your soul and your soul is not your mind but all three are you and there is only one you. Your body is you. Your soul is you. Your spirit is you. There is only one you. There is no contraction there and intuitively so. Same goes for God. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. There is only one God. That's not as intuitively true but we know it is true because the bible teaches it. The trick for us is to not go further than the bible goes, which the Catholics have made a whole religion out of doing.

Resting in Him,

I cannot force myself to read all that.

Jesus did not die Spiritually.

That is beyond ignorant.

God's Truth

New member
You asked me a question and then, like an idiot, proceeded in an attempt to read my mind and, of course, got it completely, totally wrong.

What in the world are you even doing here if you're not willing to have an actual two way conversation with people? I really just don't get it.

According to Clete, the Spirit of Jesus died on the cross, YET that SAME SPIRIT IS THE SPIRIT WHO CRIES OUT ABBA.

Galatians 4:6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

Jesus cried out Abba on the cross!

That is the who cried out, and the SPIRIT THAT IS GIVEN TO US WHEN WE ARE SAVED, but CLETE says that Spirit dies!

God's Truth

New member
You are arguing against your own doctrine!

They are the same in some sense and different in another. We aren't given the details but that doesn't matter. If it weren't so, then the bible would be self-contradictory and therefore false.

You have been given scripture repeatedly that say they are exactly the same.

God's Truth

New member
If you had given me a chance to answer, you'd have known that death does not mean - for anyone - ever - that they cease to exist. As I explained in my previous post, death is merely a separation. Spiritual death is separation from the Father. Physical death is separation from your body. Jesus did experience both and He did it on purpose and of His own will, but not His will but the Father's.

Matthew 26:39
He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”​

Haaaaaa You are trying to change what you said, but you cannot.

God's Truth

New member
I have not changed one single thing you stupid, slobbering moron!

You didn't even read my post! Now you're accusing me of changing something! You're a fool and a waste of time.

Just listen to yourself. You need Jesus, but Jesus will not chose you until you do something with yourself, like humble yourself. You are exactly what we all see you as, a foul mouth slanderer who cannot control himself, but rather is controlled by demons.

God's Truth

New member
It is the gospel. Reject it at your own peril. If Jesus did not die, He did not pay for your sin. If Jesus did not die spiritually, you still are dead spiritually and have no hope when you die physically.

Jesus died PHYSICALLY, he shed his blood that was in his flesh body. Jesus' Spirit did not die.

God's Truth

New member
Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.


New member
Just listen to yourself. You need Jesus, but Jesus will not chose you until you do something with yourself, like humble yourself. You are exactly what we all see you as, a foul mouth slanderer who cannot control himself, but rather is controlled by demons.

God gave us anger with all the other emotions. He is taking you seriously and expects the same from you. Your mind isn't even engaged. It's on autopilot. If anything is demonic , it's that kind of behavior. Lack of self control is merely human.

On the other hand, a total sense of control when combined with deceit and treachery is very demonic.

God's Truth

New member
God gave us anger with all the other emotions. He is taking you seriously and expects the same from you. Your mind isn't even engaged. It's on autopilot. If anything is demonic , it's that kind of behavior. Lack of self control is merely human.

On the other hand, a total sense of control when combined with deceit and treachery is very demonic.

NOTHING you say is from God. Just listen to what you said. Now listen to what God says.

James's 1:20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires.