Which ones?
They aren't all commands directed at me! I'm no Jew! Jesus taught circumcision and Sabbath observance and tithing and the like, He said to obey the priests because they sit in Moses' seat, at one point He commanded the Twelve not to speak of His death and resurrection, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Which commands are you referring too?
That we should love God and love and each other? (Mark 12) Is that the sort of command you're referring too? Of course, we should love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. I don't need Jesus' command to understand that but that doesn't mean I think we aught to disobey it.
That we should judge rightly? (Matthew 7) Is that what you're referring too? Absolutely we should obey Jesus' command to not be a hypocrite when we judge. Again, I don't need Jesus' command to understand that hypocrisy is immoral but that is no suggestion that we are to disobey that command.
In other words, I don't need commands (i.e. the law) to tell me right from wrong. I did, at one time, but no longer. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
So then, you're turn. Show me the quote, the teaching, the inference or whatever your idiot mind can conjure from anyone on this site or anywhere else where a dispensationalist claims that we do not HAVE TO OBEY ANYTHING Jesus says when he walked on the earth.
Resting in Him,