What are you gaining by ignoring my question? Why won't you explain who Jesus' God is? He said that he was going back to "MY GOD" (John 20:17) Who is that?
If you really want a well-written article on the subject:
As a side note, 2 Samuel 7:14 is applied to Jesus in Hebrews 1:5!
But since the only way Jesus could have ever fulfilled these promises is by becoming a man from the line of David this implies that Hebrews 1:8-9 has Jesus’ Incarnation and exaltation in view. After all, if Jesus hadn’t taken on a human nature he would not have become a descendant of David and could not therefore rule on the throne as his representative.
Moreover, since Jesus became a true human being and will forever remain a man who sits on the throne as David’s representative, the Father became and will forever remain his God. So there is no problem with Jesus having a God over him.
Now does this mean that Jesus’ humanity is being deified, that the human nature of Christ is being called God, since we are claiming that this text has in mind Jesus’ humanity which accounts for his having a God over him? Not at all.
At the Incarnation Jesus
did not cease to be God, but
simply added an additional nature to his Divine Person. Hebrews 1:8-9 isn’t necessarily referring to Jesus as God or Jesus as man, but
does have in mind the Incarnation and subsequent resurrection and exaltation. The text is speaking of the one Person who at this point in time was both God and man simultaneously. Putting it simply,
since Hebrews 1:8-9 has Christ's post-resurrected exaltation in view Jesus can therefore be addressed as God in reference to his Divine nature and said to have a God over him in reference to his humanity. It isn’t an either/or scenario, but a both/and situation.
The Divine Father is praising his Divine Son for ruling forever on David’s throne as the God-man. Amen. May the risen and exalted Lord, the One who is the only God-man forever, Jesus Christ, also be praised by all his creation forever and ever. Amen.