This is what I hear from you: "As usual, I stumped you all. I should take my seat, as I continue to bore myself and others, I am a devil child."
I will go slower: take your seat, devil child.
This is what I hear from you: "As usual, I stumped you all. I should take my seat, as I continue to bore myself and others, I am a devil child."
I will go slower: take your seat, devil child.
Yes, after he returns.
The Twelve had no intention of completing the "great commission" until the Lord returned, and they did not even attempt to.
ALL "True Believers" sins were paid for at the cross. They also have received the righteousness of Christ. They will not be judged or punished after they leave this world, except for the rewards earned while in the flesh. However, there will be NO condemnation or punishment handed out.
When one acknowledges all their sins and confesses and repents of them, Jesus washes all your sins away, you are then without sins, you are born again.
If after you are saved you find some sins harder to quit, Jesus helps you, for you now have the Holy Spirit helping and comforting you. We also have the written Word of God to lean on.
If you have the Spirit of God inside you, you have love, for Jesus is love. You live through that love and that is to live through Jesus, and Jesus living through you.
True Believers are not held accountable for their sins because their sins were wiped clean by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That was meant for the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
what about the darby bible?
-why don't we hear about it?
Poor John W.As usual, you stumped us all. Take your seat, as you continue to bore us, devil child.
No! They were preaching the "Kingdom Message" to the House of Israel at that time.
AMEN! Meshak isn't saved. Most posters on TOL are not truly saved. They're religious.
The "Kingdom Message" preached by Peter and the rest was looking forward to the day when Christ would sit on the throne of David.
Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
You are told to BELIEVE!
The Gentiles were NOT chosen of God back then!
To obey Jesus isn't our works, it is God's works. Obeying Jesus doesn't even require hands, it requires your heart and mind.
Would you say that, to some deluded Hare Krishna monk, roaming the streets of Tibbet/Bugtussel? Or to a Muslim?
Save it-it's a rhetorical q. Take your seat, Roman.
Per Andy Griffith, Barney Fife-"she's a nut," a "curious one."
So true, amenJust remember: "The truth of the matter is that the Bible is true."![]()