Q is back

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
06/24/2022 21:26:19

Shall we play a game once more?
I kinda like cryptic crossword puzzles, not a whiz at them exactly but not too bad either and at least there's a point to the game. They're a good way of thinking outside the box and in different ways to fathom out the puzzle be it an anagram in the clue itself or to more lateral perspectives etc.

Q isn't even pseudo cryptic. There's no answers the following day for any clues you didn't get, there's just more nonsense that you delude yourself into thinking actually means something with an encouragement to rinse and repeat.

Q isn't "back". Q is backwards and so are those who think it ever meant anything but if it's fun...have more of it!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
06/24/2022 21:26:19

Shall we play a game once more?

FACT: Trump is going to bitchslap CNN with a lawsuit, they have already lost three, and that win will be when he announces his run.

FACT: He laid out his plan recently in DC. Yes, he visited DC.

FACT: The Marxist Democrats plots are being exposed.

FACT: Democrats as the party of pedophiles have been exposed.

FACT: A Red Wave is about to sweep the Marxist pedophile democrats out of Congress.

FACT: Hearings on the REAL criminals including Pedophile Joe's family will commence.

While democrats have been destroying this nation with their grooming and their woke filth, Trump has been at rally after Rally fueling the red wave that is coming.

I don't even need Q to know all these truths.

And still a gullible enough audience to be suckered right back in...

Gullible audience - Whoever believed the Russia Collusion lie
Gullible audience - Whoever takes the Leninist Marxist Jan 6 show trials seriously
Gullible audience - Whoever voted for the incompetent senile Biden who has destroyed this economy and this nation in 2 short years
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