Biden said it right. It is not about who votes but who controls key precincts, who dictates the voting methods, and who counts the votes. Just like it is done in Russia.Next up?
Packing the Supreme Court and federal control of elections.
Judgmental Americans with animosity towards God and hatred of whites think early American leaders like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and others were evil men because they owned slaves. Maybe so, but what does God think about modern disrespect for God Bless America, violence in the streets, hatred of cops, voter fraud, and dozens of other immoral behaviors. American fathers are dead and gone and modern bad behaviors cannot be blamed on them.
Democrats keep brokering big-buck backroom deals with crooked Russians while falsely claiming republicans and conservatives are committing vague crimes with Russia.Putin laughing his butt the willing dupes on this forum who willingly post Kremlin propaganda:
US accuses financial website of spreading Russian propaganda
U.S. intelligence officials allege a conservative financial website with a significant American readership is amplifying Kremlin
Democrats keep lying about democrat corruption in Ukraine, but that should be expected. No crook will eagerly admit his crimes in public.
Democrats falsely accused Trump of seeking Russian help in the 2016 election, which everyone now knows was a lie invented by crooked democrats in an effort to corrupt the election in Hillary's favor. Ted Kennedy did, however, seek help from Russia in his corrupt 1984 effort to keep Reagan from winning the presidential election.
It takes serious ignorance and foolishness to believe Putin favored Trump in 2016. Trump kept gas prices low, forcing low returns on Russia's fossil fuel exports, meaning Putin would have been an idiot to support Trump.
Trump was not completely honest if he was implying he never had dealings with Russians. Nearly every American leader of consequence has had dealings with Russians. Ted Kennedy conspired with Russian agents to interfere with the 1984 election for the intended but failed purpose of defeating President Ronald Reagan. Reagan had dealings with Russians that ended with the Russian demolition of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the totalitarian Russian control of eastern European nations. The Clintons received hundreds of thousands of dollars for speaking engagements and other perks, and the democrats received help from a Russian agent in creating the false Trump/Russian collusion conspiracy theory first invented by Hillary Clinton.
Putin played Biden for the senile fool he isThis is the train wreck with his finger on the nuclear button.
It seems obvious Trump's boys are possdibly as much out of control as is Biden's boy.
If Trump is stupid then Hillary must have really been a loser to have been trounced by him in 2016 like she was.Putin isn't laughing so much anymore I can tell you, believe me: