Proof that Paul didn't preach a different gospel than Peter

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why are you disgracing what Jesus taught just because he had a thief and betrayer among his group?

Could you repeat that, Silly Goose?

The Silly Goose, once again, satanically asserts that her saint Judas preached the good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.

So does Craigie Tet.


Sorry but you are totally wrong. Paul was referring to the Apostles in Jerusalem. Read II Cor. 11:22. "Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? So am I. If this is not enough, take a look at Gal. 1:17. Paul was talking about the Apostles of Jesus in Jerusalem. Then v. 19 reads thus: "But other of the Apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother." Well, can you still say that this has nothing to do with the Apostles?

Paul met with Peter and other Apostles twice, and each time the other Apostles agreed with what Paul was preaching to the Gentiles.

That's why you guys don't like me here; because you know I bring the truth up into the light and you want the truth hidden in the dark.

I'm glad you post here. You're welcome to make all the posts you want here as far as I'm concerned.

That's why Paul wanted Christians to walk by faith and not by sight. (II Cor. 5:7)

You haven't shown that Peter preached a different gospel than Paul.

All you have done is what the MADists have done, and show that Paul preached to a different group of people than Peter.


Are you not aware that many Greek words have more than one meaning?:

"genea,, a/j, Ion. geneh,, h/j( h`, Ep. dat. geneh/fi: (gi,gnomai): I. of the persons in a family, 1. race, stock, family, Hom., etc.; Pria,mou g. Il.; evk geneh/j according to his family, Ib.; geneh/| by birth-right, Od.; geneh.n Aivtwlo,j by descent, Il.:-of horses, a breed, Ib.:-generally, geneh,n in kind, Hdt.:-also a tribe, nation, Persw/n g. Aesch. 2. a race, generation, oi[hper fu,llwn geneh. toih,de kai. avndrw/n Il.; du,o geneai. avnqrw,pwn Ib. 3. offspring, Orac. ap. Hdt.; and of a single person, Soph. II. of time or place in reference to birth: 1. a birth-place, geneh. evpi. li,mnh| Gugai,h| Il.; of an eagle's eyrie, Od. 2. age, time of life, esp. in phrases geneh/| new,tatoj( presbu,tatoj youngest, eldest, in age, or by birth, Hom. 3. time of birth, evk geneh/j Hdt.; avpo. g. Xen."

Where is your evidence that the Lord Jesus even knew which "generation" would see all these things? And anyone in their right mind knows that the generation who lived in the first century never saw a world wide judgement:

"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth"(Lk.21:32-35).​

Of course the correct translation is:

"Verily I say unto you, This family shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled."

Give it up Jerry.

You were doing better when you used to claim "this" was a demonstrative pronoun.

(Luke 17:35 KJV) But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.

(Luke 11:32 KJV) The men of Nineve shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

As we see above, the same phrase "this generation" (English & Greek) is used by Luke to specifically refer to the generation of Jesus' contemporaries in the first century.


That is absolute nonsense as the two issues are not the same.

Go back and read the thread.

STP and heir have done nothing but try to claim God's Truth isn't saved instead of actually addressing the topic of the thread.

Somehow in their minds, if they can convince themselves that God's Truth isn't saved, then they feel better about themselves, and the fact that they can't defend their Dispensationalism.

Ben Masada

New member
Paul met with Peter and other Apostles twice, and each time the other Apostles agreed with what Paul was preaching to the Gentiles.

I'm glad you post here. You're welcome to make all the posts you want here as far as I'm concerned.

You haven't shown that Peter preached a different gospel than Paul.

All you have done is what the MADists have done, and show that Paul preached to a different group of people than Peter.

Peter not only preached a different gospel from Paul but also denied that Paul could be the apostle to the Gentiles by saying that he himself was the one assigned with the mission to the Gentiles. (Acts 15:7) Paul was present at the Jerusalem Council that day and kept his mouth shut and did not say a word against Peter.


Peter not only preached a different gospel from Paul but also denied that Paul could be the apostle to the Gentiles by saying that he himself was the one assigned with the mission to the Gentiles. (Acts 15:7)

Peter never said such a thing.

Paul was present at the Jerusalem Council that day and kept his mouth shut and did not say a word against Peter.

Because Paul was in agreement with Peter.

The topic that day was whether Gentiles should be circumcised.

God's Truth

New member
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times - not gonna happen...

Here, that your actual intent as to the following request be a witness before all.

Here, read this short, very simple, primer on our view.

Can you do that much, or will your refusal be your witness against you once more - remember 25,000 plus and counting, lol

Listen to what Peter says. Peter tells people they misunderstand Paul. They misunderstand Paul still to this day.
People think Paul taught another gospel, yet that is NOWHERE in the scriptures. People think Paul taught we do not have to do anything but believe. People think Paul was saying believe and do not obey to be saved.

Paul was preaching the only one good news gospel, and that is that we do not have to do the ceremonial works to makes our own selves clean, for Jesus' blood makes us clean only by believing it does. WE STILL HAVE TO OBEY JESUS. We just do not have to get circumcised.


Well-known member
That's why you guys don't like me here; because you know I bring the truth up into the light and you want the truth hidden in the dark.
:nono: It is your messianic Jewish oddball private interpretations.

You go ahead and think you alone, among billions, is right. :dizzy:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Listen to what Peter says. Peter tells people they misunderstand Paul. They misunderstand Paul still to this day.
People think Paul taught another gospel, yet that is NOWHERE in the scriptures. People think Paul taught we do not have to do anything but believe. People think Paul was saying believe and do not obey to be saved.

Paul was preaching the only one good news gospel, and that is that we do not have to do the ceremonial works to makes our own selves clean, for Jesus' blood makes us clean only by believing it does. WE STILL HAVE TO OBEY JESUS. We just do not have to get circumcised.

And, of course you made up all this stuff. What a genius, what a scholar, what a bunch of "untruth!"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Mighty curious that Tet's view of salvation is diametrically opposed to GT, yet he does not love her enough to correct her?

1. No spine, vertebrae-man pleaser.

2. The Tet. "classic:"

"I am not here to teach, instruct, evangelize, or advise anyone."-Tet

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Listen to what Peter says. Peter tells people they misunderstand Paul. They misunderstand Paul still to this day.
People think Paul taught another gospel, yet that is NOWHERE in the scriptures. People think Paul taught we do not have to do anything but believe. People think Paul was saying believe and do not obey to be saved.

Paul was preaching the only one good news gospel, and that is that we do not have to do the ceremonial works to makes our own selves clean, for Jesus' blood makes us clean only by believing it does. WE STILL HAVE TO OBEY JESUS. We just do not have to get circumcised.

GT, you are one of the worst "disruptive posters" on TOL.

God's Truth

New member
Give it up Jerry.

You were doing better when you used to claim "this" was a demonstrative pronoun.

(Luke 17:35 KJV) But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.

(Luke 11:32 KJV) The men of Nineve shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

As we see above, the same phrase "this generation" (English & Greek) is used by Luke to specifically refer to the generation of Jesus' contemporaries in the first century.

This generation also means this type of people, or these type.

God's Truth

New member
Go back and read the thread.

STP and heir have done nothing but try to claim God's Truth isn't saved instead of actually addressing the topic of the thread.

Somehow in their minds, if they can convince themselves that God's Truth isn't saved, then they feel better about themselves, and the fact that they can't defend their Dispensationalism.

That is exactly what they are doing.

If the spirit in them is telling them that, then I know for a fact they are listening to false spirits.


New member
Listen to what Peter says. Peter tells people they misunderstand Paul. They misunderstand Paul still to this day.
People think Paul taught another gospel, yet that is NOWHERE in the scriptures. People think Paul taught we do not have to do anything but believe. People think Paul was saying believe and do not obey to be saved.

Paul was preaching the only one good news gospel, and that is that we do not have to do the ceremonial works to makes our own selves clean, for Jesus' blood makes us clean only by believing it does. WE STILL HAVE TO OBEY JESUS. We just do not have to get circumcised.

Cute - you attempting to play a baiting game.


More proof that Peter and Paul preached the one gospel:

(Gal 1:9 KJV) As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Notice the "WE".


New member
1. No spine, vertebrae-man pleaser.

2. The Tet. "classic:"

"I am not here to teach, instruct, evangelize, or advise anyone."-Tet

Well, thus far, he's failed miserably at all those, so perhaps he meant that as an autobiography, lol