Proof that Paul didn't preach a different gospel than Peter

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There is only one gospel.

=there is only one piece of good news in the bible.

Made up. Satanic. Your father, the devil, taught you that, as no scripture testifies to that filthy, satanic "message.
There is only one message that saves

In this dispensation, there is only one piece of good news/gospel that saves, which you reject-1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV. The content of the good news did change, revealed progressively. Of course, you are too stupid, to figure that out. My evidence? You.

John the baptizer preached it, and Jesus Christ himself while on earth preached it.
Made up. You can't provide one scripture, that shows the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, prior to the dbr, or John the B., or the 12, despite your spam to the contrary.

Get saved.

And leave TOL, wolf-ette.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
They will go on and on about how they are the only one's who know how to "rightly divide", but yet, they run and hide when their "two gospel" theory is put to the test with scripture.

Typical spineless Craigie, taking sides with a perverter of the gospel of Christ, as long as they oppose MAD.

Well done, you spineless man pleaser.


New member
Do you want to talk about the parable of the talents?

How do you get that Jesus punishes people who obey him?

That's rich - God's UNtruth meets Tel-tel-a-lie, lol

At this point, the only alternative left where you and your latest boy friend are concerned, is to have fun with your both wanting to remain in the dark; by helping you stay there.

In short, no, me no want discuss parable; only throw pebbles :)

patrick jane

Today, 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Shasta View Post
If there were an alternate Jewish Message, blessed and ordained by God, it would be called “another” (ALLOS) gospel (of the same or similar kind). It would not be called a “different” (HERTEROS) gospel (in kind or nature). Yet here Paul says there is not another gospel (ALLOS)

Very good post.


Very good post.

exactly. Paul says no other gospel but the one he received FROM CHRIST/GOD, His gospel of grace and DBR - -

Very good post.

patrick jane

No you didn't.

Once again, Paul told the Galatians that if anyone preaches another gospel they are to be accursed.

Years later Peter wrote an epistle to the Galatians that you claim was another gospel.

The question has nothing to do with Peters alleged comprehension problems.

You claim Peter preached a different gospel to the Galatians after Paul told the Galatians that if anyone preached a different gospel to them they were to be accursed.

Therefore, please explain why Peter shouldn't have been accursed for allegedly preaching a different gospel?

please explain how you know he isn't - therefore

patrick jane

Glad you asked.

"Grace" was a Greek (Gentile) greeting.

"Peace" (Shalom) was a Hebrew (Jewish) greeting.

"Grace & Peace" together was symbolic of both Jews and Gentiles being one new man in Christ Jesus with one gospel.

If there was such a thing as a "kingdom" church, there is no way Peter would have addressed such a church with the greeting "Grace and Peace". He would have just used "Peace".

Because there is only one gospel, where there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, both Paul and Peter addressed the churches they wrote to with the greeting "Grace and Peace".

grasping -

patrick jane

It takes faith to believe Jesus' blood cleans me and reconciles me to God. It takes faith to trust Jesus and do what he says to get to the Father.

you're pretty big on gettin' to the Father - by doing everything Jesus says, including the ten commandments because you are under the law -

James 2:10 KJV - James 2:10 NIV - James 2:10 -

Galatians 5:3 KJV - Galatians 5:3 NIV - Galatians 5:3 -

James 3:3 KJV - James 3:3 NIV -

God's Truth

New member

you're pretty big on gettin' to the Father - by doing everything Jesus says, including the ten commandments because you are under the law -

When Jesus saved me, I at that time received Jesus and the Father, see John 14:23.

I am not 'under' the law, the law with its changes are written 'on' my heart, see Hebrews 7:12, and Hebrews 10:16.

God's Truth

New member
That's rich - God's UNtruth meets Tel-tel-a-lie, lol

At this point, the only alternative left where you and your latest boy friend are concerned, is to have fun with your both wanting to remain in the dark; by helping you stay there.

In short, no, me no want discuss parable; only throw pebbles :)

Why not discuss this part of the Bible deeply?

God's Truth

New member
=there is only one piece of good news in the bible.

Made up. Satanic. Your father, the devil, taught you that, as no scripture testifies to that filthy, satanic "message.

In this dispensation, there is only one piece of good news/gospel that saves, which you reject-1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV. The content of the good news did change, revealed progressively. Of course, you are too stupid, to figure that out. My evidence? You.

Made up. You can't provide one scripture, that shows the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, prior to the dbr, or John the B., or the 12, despite your spam to the contrary.

Get saved.

And leave TOL, wolf-ette.

The good news is not that we do not have to obey God anymore.

It is good to obey Jesus. I tell you, if you trust Jesus and obey him, something Great will happen to you.

God's Truth

New member

Come on, steko, it is not so terrible to believe there is one gospel, and that we have to obey Jesus. Do those beliefs of mine really warrant all the name calling and animosity I am getting from the MAD group?

We repent and wait for the Lord. His words are life and we need to eat everyday, we need to obey everyday.

Come and taste that the Lord is good, Psalm 34:8

patrick jane

When Jesus saved me, I at that time received Jesus and the Father, see John 14:23.

I am not 'under' the law, the law with its changes are written 'on' my heart, see Hebrews 7:12, and Hebrews 10:16.

so, you tell the truth when you say that you OBEY Jesus, meaning the Father also. you can't OBEY one only. therefore, you never lie, and you are not lying when you say that . you are also NOT lying when you say you OBEY ALL Jesus commands and teachings -

but ONLY AFTER YOU STARTED OBEYING were YOU finally saved. you said that, which means YOU did it. You saved YOURSELF ! ! Because you OBEY. except for the CHANGES written 'on' YOUR HEART -

got it - congratulations. so, you made it clear and told everybody, a million times; you can move on and leave the internet now -


New member
Why not discuss this part of the Bible deeply?

Try Tel-tel-a-lie...

He asserts the heresy that Jesus returned in 70AD as the Roman Army. Also, that the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2 enters the Body of Christ.

You seem to believe as he does. Do you believe these two heresies of his?

Be careful how you answer, as you already have enough people against you.

Do you believe these two heresies of his? Why? Why not?

God's Truth

New member
so, you tell the truth when you say that you OBEY Jesus, meaning the Father also. you can't OBEY one only. therefore, you never lie, and you are not lying when you say that . you are also NOT lying when you say you OBEY ALL Jesus commands and teachings -

but ONLY AFTER YOU STARTED OBEYING were YOU finally saved. you said that, which means YOU did it. You saved YOURSELF ! ! Because you OBEY. except for the CHANGES written 'on' YOUR HEART -

got it - congratulations. so, you made it clear and told everybody, a million times; you can move on and leave the internet now -

Only Jesus can save us, and he saves us all on his own.

Jesus is the way the truth and the life. He tells us what to do. He tells us how to get to the Father.

patrick jane

Come on, steko, it is not so terrible to believe there is one gospel, and that we have to obey Jesus. Do those beliefs of mine really warrant all the name calling and animosity I am getting from the MAD group?

We repent and wait for the Lord. His words are life and we need to eat everyday, we need to obey everyday.

Come and taste that the Lord is good, Psalm 34:8

The Lord is Good, Amen.

but when you cook it up, it's inedible; tasteless -

no thanks for me, it smells like pride, self, and works. your daily performance determines whether Jesus did enough for YOU -

ewww ! it also smells like a mixture of sulphur and burnt hair -