Proof that dinosaurs lived alongside modern mammals


Well-known member

Thanks, that might be true:

A number of alternative explanations exist for the carving in question. Although it is difficult to identify the animal with certainty, when all features and factors are considered, it appears that the most likely candidate is a rhinocerous, with the next most likely being a cameleon. Even if it represented a stegosaur, it could be based on fossils rather a live stegosaur. Those insisting that the carver saw a recently living stegosaur have failed to adequately consider contrary features and alternate explanations, let alone the extensive geologic evidence against human and dinosaur cohabitation.

What about a the Hippo?


New member
Eric Dubay: Dinosaurs Never Existed!

- FIRST AND FOREMOST: please read "ZETETIC ASTRONOMY' at our website (http://www.PlanetPlane.Com) under "RESOURCES", and also, watch the videos under "MULTIMEDIA", in order to get answers to the most frequently asked questions. These steps are VITAL to understand the subject at hand. Thank you!- ATTENTION: Before commenting, please watch our COURTESY NOTICE:

29 Minutes - The Earth is about 6,000 to 10,000 years old, get real folks

Watched it. What a moron this Eric Dubay is.

His arguments are:

* No dinosaur bones were found until the mid- Nineteenth Century

* No complete dinosaur skeleton has ever been found

* Paelontologists have a vested interest in finding dinosaur bones

* Amateur dinosaur hunters have to have a licence before hunting in 'dinosaur parks'

* The discovery of large numbers of fossils in specific locations suggests forgeries or planting

* The need for material for scientific papers, the media and movies generates demand for dinosaur stories, which is a motive for planting modern bones

* The value of dinosaur fossils at auction is a motive for forgery

* Museum displays are copies, not original fossils

* Museum staff fake bones on display

* No independent researcher has ever examined a real dinosaur

* There are only 2100 dinosaur bone sets but we should expect to have found more

* It might be a conspiracy since the first discoveries to fabricate 'prehistoric animals' from the bones of modern animals, with help from plastic casts

* The motive for the fabrication of dinosaur remains is 'trying to prove evolution', casting doubt on the bible and the existence of a god and trying to disprove the 'young earth theory'

* Dinosaurs suggest an imperfect god that came up with man as an afterthought

* The dinosaur 'industry' could be a customer of the fossil factories of China

* 'Calculations' suggest that dinosaur bones should crack under the immense weight

* Dinosaurs move too fast in movies for the shock capacity of their skeletons

* Dinosaurs can be shown to be agile, fast-moving animals

* The way dinosaurs are displayed is absurd as they would be off-balance

* The dinosaurs in the movie Jurassic Park were far bigger than the ones on display

* Scientists don't know how much dinosaurs weighed

* Scientists don't know how hairy dinosaurs were (!)

* Children are programmed to believe by books, movies and TV shows

* A conspiracy theorist former 'paleontology student' says dinosaur fossil eggs are rocks

* Dating methods don't measure the fossils but the rocks nearby

* Scientists think there are more uncertainities in dating fossils by radioisotope dating

* Dating of rocks may tell us nothing about the age of the rock

* Zealous scientists promote feathered dinosaurs in collaboration with editors at Nature and National Geographic

* No authentic feathers have ever been found with dinosaur fossils

* Adding feathers to dinosaur fossils is hype, fantasy and a hoax

* Archeoraptor was a fake made of several other fossils

* Archeopteryx claim of being a bird descended from a dinosaur 'falls on its face' due to 'evidence'

* Flies could not have possibly evolved coordination in their flapping wings

* You would not expect other animals to have survived the event that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs

* Paleontologists try to make guesses about a whole skeleton based on a single tooth

This must be the lamest conspiracy theory I've ever read. Couldn't you have found something more challenging to post?



New member
Those of us who have brushed away the dust from a 10 foot long vertebral column would beg to differ. I saw the claw marks deep on the rib of a sauropod (as well as the embedded tooth) from an Allosaurus in Montana. They have very distinctive teeth: curved slightly back, serrated edges front and back, and a thin knife-like appearance (as opposed to the nearly conical fangs of a T-Rex, for instance)

But the old saying goes, "seeing is believing", for a reason. Too many are doubting Thomas' even in the face of second-hand evidence. One only ever truly believes their own eyes

Thank you, again, to all participating in this thread and making it a healthy, cordial discussion

Very cool!

patrick jane

Those of us who have brushed away the dust from a 10 foot long vertebral column would beg to differ. I saw the claw marks deep on the rib of a sauropod (as well as the embedded tooth) from an Allosaurus in Montana. They have very distinctive teeth: curved slightly back, serrated edges front and back, and a thin knife-like appearance (as opposed to the nearly conical fangs of a T-Rex, for instance)

But the old saying goes, "seeing is believing", for a reason. Too many are doubting Thomas' even in the face of second-hand evidence. One only ever truly believes their own eyes

Thank you, again, to all participating in this thread and making it a healthy, cordial discussion
How long ago did they live and why were they never found before the 1800s?


New member
Is there any?
No... and yes.

If so, please provide !!!!
The more I hear from people who are more knowledgeable than I, especially proper zoologists, the more I think it is not completely unreasonable to call these dinosaurs:



Greg Jennings

New member
How long ago did they live and why were they never found before the 1800s?

They are supposed to have lived in the Jurassic period. Something around 100 million years ago. The ones I found, anyway

Dino fossils were found prior to 1800. Chinese people have been using ground "dragon bones" in traditional medicines for many many centuries, probably much longer.

Their bones are, in all likelihood, the inspiration for many dragon legends


New member
They are supposed to have lived in the Jurassic period. Something around 100 million years ago. The ones I found, anyway

Dino fossils were found prior to 1800. Chinese people have been using ground "dragon bones" in traditional medicines for many many centuries, probably much longer.

Their bones are, in all likelihood, the inspiration for many dragon legends
Seeing living "dinosaurs" is the most reasonable explanation for the dragon legends.

Greg Jennings

New member
Seeing living "dinosaurs" is the most reasonable explanation for the dragon legends.

Why? There is no physical evidence. No dragon described fits a dinosaur. They are always coiled and serpent-like. That's not accurate. At all. Not for ANY dinosaur
And there was no animal that ever existed that looks like a stereotypical winged dragon. I won't even go into the fire-breathing part......

Do you believe in unicorns too?

How about mermaids? Nearly all sailors had mermaid stories back before it was proven there are no mermaids


New member
Why? There is no physical evidence. No dragon described fits a dinosaur. They are always coiled and serpent-like. That's not accurate. At all. Not for ANY dinosaur
And there was no animal that ever existed that looks like a stereotypical winged dragon. I won't even go into the fire-breathing part......
It is not unreasonable to figure out that the stereotypical winged dragon is based on mixing up the features of several dinosaurs into a single creature.
If you want to find out more, look into non-creationist cryptozoology:

The Cryptid Zoo: Living Dinosaurs of Cryptozoology

Some scientists working within the field of cryptozoology think that dinosaurs may have coexisted with humans, as in this scene from the movie 'The Valley of Gwangi' by the stop motion animation master Ray Harryhausen. This screenshot is copyrighted by those who own the copyright to the film. According to mainstream science, the dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago. According to cryptozoology and certain other branches of fringe science, a few dinosaurs might have survived much longer, or could even be around today. The most famous dinosaur of cryptozoology is the mokele-mbembe of Africa, but there are many lesser-known examples. Every continent has some legendary creature that has been labeled a living dinosaur by someone, at some point. For example, some people interpret all dragon sightings and legends as being evidence of surviving dinosaurs.
There is not just one species of dinosaur that is supposed to exist. Nearly every imaginable type of dinosaur has found its way into the records of cryptozoology. At one time, the most popular explanation for lake monsters and sea serpents was that these creatures were plesiosaurs (now that idea is out of fashion). Reports of huge flying creatures with leathery wings have often been interpreted as pterosaurs and pterodactyls, though today many of these sightings are now thought to be of giant bats. In addition, there are many things that sound like giant lizards that just might, if they turned out to be real, be living dinosaurs.

In Australia, Aborigines living in the northernmost fringes of the Northern Territories have legends of a supposedly real animal called the burrunjor. It is described as a giant bipedal lizard that looks much like a carnivorous dinosaur. The Chinese have reported a creature like a dinosaur or a new species of rhinoceros, from Sichuan Province. Papua New Guinea, a place with many recent discoveries of new animals, is supposedly home to a gray 10-foot-tall predatory dinosaur. As recently as 2004, this animal was so strongly believed in that police were sent into the forest to kill it. The most remote areas of the South American rainforest are also sources of persistent dinosaur reports, made by many white explorers since the earliest time these areas were penetrated.

Living dinosaurs are also sighted in places that seem quite odd, such as America. In dry, remote regions of the American West, such as Utah, there are persistent reports of animals described as miniature examples of Tyrannosaurus rex that stand about three feet tall. This animal sometimes crosses roads in front of cars, and is generally said to run away from people. Witnesses are quite flabbergasted by the experience and often state that they doubt their own sanity. These reports come from enough people who apparently have no connection to each other and no knowledge of the miniature T-rex myth that some researchers think there must be a real animal behind the legends. Whether such a real animal would prove to be a very odd lizard or an actual dinosaur is impossible to prove unless someone brought in a body.

A larger version of Tyrannosaurus rex is reported from Kasai Valley in Africa. This creature is called the Kasai Rex, and is thought to be a very large lizard by some cryptozoologists.​

Do you believe in unicorns too?
Yes, I do believe in unicorns, do you?

How about mermaids? Nearly all sailors had mermaid stories back before it was proven there are no mermaids
You know there is no such thing as proving a negative in science.
I do have to wonder how much exposure to the sun, poor nutrition, and lack of female companionship fed into the tales of mermaids.

Greg Jennings

New member
It is not unreasonable to figure out that the stereotypical winged dragon is based on mixing up the features of several dinosaurs into a single creature.
If you want to find out more, look into non-creationist cryptozoology:

The Cryptid Zoo: Living Dinosaurs of Cryptozoology

Some scientists working within the field of cryptozoology think that dinosaurs may have coexisted with humans, as in this scene from the movie 'The Valley of Gwangi' by the stop motion animation master Ray Harryhausen. This screenshot is copyrighted by those who own the copyright to the film. According to mainstream science, the dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago. According to cryptozoology and certain other branches of fringe science, a few dinosaurs might have survived much longer, or could even be around today. The most famous dinosaur of cryptozoology is the mokele-mbembe of Africa, but there are many lesser-known examples. Every continent has some legendary creature that has been labeled a living dinosaur by someone, at some point. For example, some people interpret all dragon sightings and legends as being evidence of surviving dinosaurs.
There is not just one species of dinosaur that is supposed to exist. Nearly every imaginable type of dinosaur has found its way into the records of cryptozoology. At one time, the most popular explanation for lake monsters and sea serpents was that these creatures were plesiosaurs (now that idea is out of fashion). Reports of huge flying creatures with leathery wings have often been interpreted as pterosaurs and pterodactyls, though today many of these sightings are now thought to be of giant bats. In addition, there are many things that sound like giant lizards that just might, if they turned out to be real, be living dinosaurs.

In Australia, Aborigines living in the northernmost fringes of the Northern Territories have legends of a supposedly real animal called the burrunjor. It is described as a giant bipedal lizard that looks much like a carnivorous dinosaur. The Chinese have reported a creature like a dinosaur or a new species of rhinoceros, from Sichuan Province. Papua New Guinea, a place with many recent discoveries of new animals, is supposedly home to a gray 10-foot-tall predatory dinosaur. As recently as 2004, this animal was so strongly believed in that police were sent into the forest to kill it. The most remote areas of the South American rainforest are also sources of persistent dinosaur reports, made by many white explorers since the earliest time these areas were penetrated.

Living dinosaurs are also sighted in places that seem quite odd, such as America. In dry, remote regions of the American West, such as Utah, there are persistent reports of animals described as miniature examples of Tyrannosaurus rex that stand about three feet tall. This animal sometimes crosses roads in front of cars, and is generally said to run away from people. Witnesses are quite flabbergasted by the experience and often state that they doubt their own sanity. These reports come from enough people who apparently have no connection to each other and no knowledge of the miniature T-rex myth that some researchers think there must be a real animal behind the legends. Whether such a real animal would prove to be a very odd lizard or an actual dinosaur is impossible to prove unless someone brought in a body.

A larger version of Tyrannosaurus rex is reported from Kasai Valley in Africa. This creature is called the Kasai Rex, and is thought to be a very large lizard by some cryptozoologists.​

Yes, I do believe in unicorns, do you?

You know there is no such thing as proving a negative in science.
I do have to wonder how much exposure to the sun, poor nutrition, and lack of female companionship fed into the tales of mermaids.

Interesting unicorn post. I did not know that a rhino looking like that existed. Still wouldn't call it a unicorn though

Also, I do think it is POSSIBLE that a species or two could still exist in the deep jungle somewhere. But until I have some proof it's just another Bigfoot


New member
Interesting unicorn post. I did not know that a rhino looking like that existed. Still wouldn't call it a unicorn though

Also, I do think it is POSSIBLE that a species or two could still exist in the deep jungle somewhere. But until I have some proof it's just another Bigfoot
I am not sure how many cryptozoological species are still living, but I think that most or all of the dragons mentioned in history became extinct because of humans hunting them.


New member
Do you have a source for that claim?

Where does the word "dinosaur" come from?
The word dinosaur really does not mean “terrible-lizard.” Actually, it was originally defined to mean “fearfully-great lizard” by Richard Owen in 1842.​

by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon
Dragons (Chinese: long) are a potent and prominent symbol in Chinese culture. The origin of the dragon image is unknown because it is so ancient. However, it is not unreasonable to assume that some of the massive fossilized bones encountered in several parts of China, including dinosaur and mammoth bones, were thought by ancient people to be those of huge dragons.​

Where Did Dragons Come From?
Scholars say that belief in dragons probably evolved independently in both Europe and China, and perhaps in the Americas and Australia as well. How could this happen? Many have speculated about which real-life animals inspired the first legends. Here’s our run-down of the likeliest suspects.
Dinosaurs. Ancient people may have discovered dinosaur fossils and understandably misinterpreted them as the remains of dragons.​