Proof that a OSAS person lost their salvation

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They are doing a lot with DNA these days. Maybe serpents will start walking upright. And maybe some real Calvinists will bow down to Hillary. You never know. But so far snakes crawl on their bellies and eat dirt. And only overly obedient and overly servile Calvinists take orders from women.


Now for the proof phase of this thread.

Any Christian who votes for Hillery Clinton is not throwing their vote away. Oh no. What they are doing is placing a woman in a ruler ship position over men. That goes against the express will of God and nature. For a Christian to do that is throwing away their salvation. So don't tell me that your vote is not important. It is more important than you know. Better not vote then to go against God's will.

patrick jane

And besides Grosnic,

OSAS can only produce false and misleading teachings. That is a sure mark of the antichrist. Yes OSAS is an anti Christian cult. It isn't even a church.

Your OSAS consolation is that you can't be mistaken for the Lady in Red as OSAS will never be mistaken for Christianity by the world.

Only YOU can lose your salvation


Each and every person in America owes the Government over $200,000.00 and counting. Abortion is out of control. Illegals are running rampant.

And now what are the voters doing. Thumbing their noises at the Bible.

I for one am sick at my stomach for having to read all the dribble about the Gospel of Paul when he clearly states that women can not rule the affairs of men


Well-known member
Born again Christians who had the Holy Spirit can and do fall from grace. Our focus should always be on Christ and his power to keep all those that belong to him but apostasy is a very real danger to all Christians. Peter believed in eternal security until he denied his Lord three times. After repentance he wasn't so proud anymore.

You're wrong. Peter had not been baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit....the Comforter had not yet come when that happened. So your example is flawed. Those in the body of Christ are new creatures....having passed from death unto life. The only thing we await is the redemption of our body.

Romans 8:23
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.​


Well-known member
Each and every person in America owes the Government over $200,000.00 and counting. Abortion is out of control. Illegals are running rampant.

And now what are the voters doing. Thumbing their noises at the Bible.

I for one am sick at my stomach for having to read all the dribble about the Gospel of Paul when he clearly states that women can not rule the affairs of men

I'm sick of people who claim to read their Bibles and then twist it to their own ends.

Paul said women were not to usurp authority over men IN THE CHURCH.


I'm sick of people who claim to read their Bibles and then twist it to their own ends.

Paul said women were not to usurp authority over men IN THE CHURCH.

:noway: I suffer not that woman to teach or to usurp authority over a man (emphasis mine, 1 Ti 2:12). :dizzy:


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Another thread designed purely for trolling the forum, this time attacking the OSAS folks. This guy has shown enough of himself for me to determine he's a returning troll. He's been here before under another username.
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