President Trump wants Military Parade


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It's being reported that President Trump now wants a military parade: "I want a parade like the one in France."

The drafters of the U.S. Constitution warned of the Executive power that has now become tradition in America. James Madison wrote to Jefferson: "The Constitution supposes what the history of all governments demonstrates that the Executive is the branch of power most interested in war and most prone to it. It has accordingly, with studied care, vested the question of war in the legislature.”

The U.S. legislature has not declared war since World War II. Likewise, the U.S. has not won a major war since World War II.

Madison warned:
"A standing military force with an overgrown executive will not long be safe companions to liberty…Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.”
America has 1000 bases in 80 foreign countries, all kept under the pretext of "defending".
The people of America, who must financially support this apparatus, have been drained of more trillions than one can count.

Ron Paul

The Horn

Patrick Jane, we lost all those troops through spending cuts for the military ? Poppycock !
If they were lost, it wasn't because of spending cuts . Obama did absolutely nothing to "deplete" or "weaken" our military .WE still have the biggest , most powerful, most deadly and technologically advanced military in world history , and enough stuff to destroy the entire planet many times over .
The spending cuts were for safe equipment for the troops, not weapons of mass destruction .
Trump lied about our allegedly "depleted " military and is using this as an excuse to waste billions more every year on unnecessary military expenditures .
Money we need for rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and other things .
It would be a much better idea to use the money for helping our veterans than some stupid , meaningless and wasteful parade . Trump was a five time draft dodger who got out of service in Vietnam because his rich daddy pulled some strings in Washington . "Bone spurs " my foot !
Trump is our hypocrite-in-chief , and even his own staff considers him to be an idiot !


New member
No, dork.
It's to pay homage to our service men and women.

Just what we need. Cadet bone spur is going to honor our military by making them put on a parade that they didn't want from him. It's like how he lets women date him.
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Just what we need. Cadet bone spur is going to honor our military by making them put on a parade that they didn't want from him. It's like how he lets women date him.
You just hate America and anything patriotic.
But you will take up for perversion in a heartbeat.


Hall of Fame
There is nothing patriotic about Donald Trump.

Indeed ... the *parade* isn't about the military but rather drawing more attention to himself. IF this were about the military, he would have written the *tax cuts* in a manner to benefit vets rather than himself and his rich friends. Using government money (and pretending it's about the military) to elevate his own ego is certainly not patriotic.
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New member
Indeed ... the *parade* isn't about the military but rather drawing more attention to himself. IF this were about the military, he would have written the *tax cuts* in a manner to benefit vets rather the himself and his rich friends. Using government money (and pretending it's about the military) to elevate his own ego is certainly not patriotic.

I guarantee there's a prominent role for himself in any military parade he organizes. Because he's earned it. He went to prep school, and that was like his Vietnam.

patrick jane


patrick jane

From what I'm hearing, the dems slid in some classified information to get Trump to pull back so they could go on attack.


New member
Mainstream media attacking Trump's 'dumb' idea for military parade ..

From The Link:
The mainstream media have suddenly taken a drastic stance against parades.
President Trump reportedly ordered the Pentagon and White House staffers to look into holding a military parade in Washington, D.C., and the mainstream media quickly went bananas with scolding and stock video of soldiers from enemy regimes marching alongside tanks and missiles.
“For the most part, U.S. presidents have avoided displays of military power that are often associated with the former Soviet Union’s Red Square celebrations, or more recently, Kim Jong Un’s parades in North Korea,” NBC News’Hans Nichols said on “Today” as fear-inducing footage rolled.
North Korea and the former Soviet Union typically have been referenced when discussing the idea of a military parade in America, but Trump reportedly was inspired when by Bastille Day celebrations in France.


What do you think? Do you want the United States to throw a huge military parade?