President Trump tests positive for COVID-19


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
he'll be 78 next month


it's insane that he's even being considered a viable candidate
I have my doubts that this is even his idea. I can't rule out that there was a conversation with party leaders sometime where they pleaded with him to run, because they literally have nobody else who can carry the ticket. What, Harris would win? Please, what a joke, and Sanders? Pocahontas? Nobody else would have a chance, so I definitely think that if old Joe could have his druthers, he'd be relaxing right now instead of preparing to become president of the United States, where I guess he'd be hoping to run for reelection, when he's, what, 82? To serve through his second term I guess is his goal, by which time he's, what, 86? This is his idea? To be president until he's 86? And this is how he looks today?

But the way that Democrats exploit various blocs of the ignorant for votes, there's unfortunately every possibility that he wins in November, and then we're literally looking at a guy who we're all supposed to think is planning to hold office, the Oval Office no less, until he's 86.


like marbles on glass
I have my doubts that this is even his idea. I can't rule out that there was a conversation with party leaders sometime where they pleaded with him to run, because they literally have nobody else who can carry the ticket. What, Harris would win? Please, what a joke, and Sanders? Pocahontas? Nobody else would have a chance, so I definitely think that if old Joe could have his druthers, he'd be relaxing right now instead of preparing to become president of the United States, where I guess he'd be hoping to run for reelection, when he's, what, 82? To serve through his second term I guess is his goal, by which time he's, what, 86? This is his idea? To be president until he's 86? And this is how he looks today?

But the way that Democrats exploit various blocs of the ignorant for votes, there's unfortunately every possibility that he wins in November, and then we're literally looking at a guy who we're all supposed to think is planning to hold office, the Oval Office no less, until he's 86.

Pope Francis is 83. Ruth Bader Ginsberg was 87. Joe's age won't keep him from winning.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Pope Francis is 83. Ruth Bader Ginsberg was 87. Joe's age won't keep him from winning.
Absolutely correct. And where did I ever say that it would. For that matter, President Trump is 74, well past mandatory retirement age in many contexts. Why can't you just admit that old Joe's taken a decided turn for the worse the last four years, while the president has decidedly not taken a similar turn? And did you just use RBG as a positive example in this discussion? She's the case in point. Nodding off while at work was never a good sign, no matter the reason, and while sometimes youngsters do it due to partying, most people in the prime of their working lives and beyond only do it because they're drunk or on drugs, or they're very, very old.


like marbles on glass
Absolutely correct. And where did I ever say that it would. For that matter, President Trump is 74, well past mandatory retirement age in many contexts. Why can't you just admit that old Joe's taken a decided turn for the worse the last four years, while the president has decidedly not taken a similar turn? And did you just use RBG as a positive example in this discussion? She's the case in point. Nodding off while at work was never a good sign, no matter the reason, and while sometimes youngsters do it due to partying, most people in the prime of their working lives and beyond only do it because they're drunk or on drugs, or they're very, very old.

Because I don't think he's taken a turn for the worse. I think he's doing fine, and I'll be voting for him soon.


like marbles on glass
Neither of them are/were running the most powerful nation on the globe

No, RBG was just one of the nine most powerful justices in the world and Pope Francis is spiritual leader of over a billion Catholics... 🙄

that is so telling

you're more concerned with winning than considering what a dismal failure a Biden presidency is sure to be

Oh I'm SO glad you were perceptive enough to realize I'm concerned that Joe wins and takes the White House back from the man-child! How did you ever manage to do it?! You must've had to overcome so many obstacles!

The Barbarian

You evidently have zero idea what work is for a president.

I'm pretty sure it's not this:

Nearly 60 percent of Trump's schedule is 'Executive Time,' report says
According to the 51 schedules obtained by Axios, Mr Trump doesn’t usually have his first meeting until about 11am.

Overall Mr Trump has spent about 297 hours in “executive time” in the past three months compared to only 77 hours were spent in meetings.

But the schedule doesn’t tell the full story, Axios noted.

“He’s always calling people, talking to people,” one senior White House official told Axios. “He’s always up to something; it’s just not what you would consider typical structure.”

In fact, Axios suggests that Mr Trump sometimes has meetings during executive time because he doesn’t want West Wing staff to know about them and leak the details. These meetings are generally noted in a more detailed schedule only shared with a few people.

“For example, the private schedule we obtained said Trump had a ‘media engagement’ at 4:30pm this past Wednesday. The more detailed schedule revealed it was an interview with the right-wing Daily Caller, according to a source with direct knowledge,” Axios reported.

Mr Trump has also been attacked over his work hours by former ally Ann Coulter, who described him as “lazy” and a “lunatic” during a spray with Yahoo News reporter Mike Isikoff.

“We put this lunatic in the White House for one reason,” the right wing pundit said of Mr Trump.

She also described Mr Trump as “lazy and incompetent” during the scathing interview.

Being able to run and bicycle is pretty good for a man Biden's age. Clearly beyond Trump's ability. But then Biden is a lot younger than Trump, which is probably why he looks so much better, and is able to function so much better.

Trump might do better if he wasn't so obese, but that's not likely to change.

The Barbarian

For that matter, President Trump is 74, well past mandatory retirement age in many contexts.

Wait... Trump looks like that, struggles walking down an incline and wanders off, forgetting what he was going to do, and he's younger than Biden? He looks about a decade older. And he acts like it.

His pal, Howard Stern, was right. Being president has not been good for Donald Trump.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I suppose that Old Joe might win the election and retire in February, and then that's how we'll have our first woman president, not through election, popular or electoral, but by an opportunistic electioneering trick, where you run a guy who basically already retired from public life, you convince him to take one for the team, being that he's the only man or woman in the country who could beat President Trump, he wins, and then retires, so that we can have our first woman president.

I suppose that's a possibility. And maybe that's why more Democrats aren't expressing any conscious concern about this guy's obvious health decline.

The Barbarian

Idolater;n2770021 I suppose that's a possibility. And maybe that's why more Democrats aren't expressing any conscious concern about this guy's obvious health decline.[/QUOTE said:
Either that or they notice how much more more vigorous and alert he is than the current president. One of those.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You evidently have zero idea what work is for a president.

I'm pretty sure it's not this:

Nearly 60 percent of Trump's schedule is 'Executive Time,' report says
According to the 51 schedules obtained by Axios, Mr Trump doesn’t usually have his first meeting until about 11am.

Overall Mr Trump has spent about 297 hours in “executive time” in the past three months compared to only 77 hours were spent in meetings.

But the schedule doesn’t tell the full story, Axios noted.

“He’s always calling people, talking to people,” one senior White House official told Axios. “He’s always up to something; it’s just not what you would consider typical structure.”

In fact, Axios suggests that Mr Trump sometimes has meetings during executive time because he doesn’t want West Wing staff to know about them and leak the details. These meetings are generally noted in a more detailed schedule only shared with a few people.

“For example, the private schedule we obtained said Trump had a ‘media engagement’ at 4:30pm this past Wednesday. The more detailed schedule revealed it was an interview with the right-wing Daily Caller, according to a source with direct knowledge,” Axios reported.

Mr Trump has also been attacked over his work hours by former ally Ann Coulter, who described him as “lazy” and a “lunatic” during a spray with Yahoo News reporter Mike Isikoff.

“We put this lunatic in the White House for one reason,” the right wing pundit said of Mr Trump.

She also described Mr Trump as “lazy and incompetent” during the scathing interview.
Like I was saying.
Being able to run and bicycle is pretty good for a man Biden's age.
Anyone can bicycle, not everyone can run, and thanks for mentioning his age.
Clearly beyond Trump's ability. But then Biden is a lot younger than Trump, which is probably why he looks so much better, and is able to function so much better.
Trolls are as trolls do. If it walks like a troll and talks like a troll, it's probably a troll.
Trump might do better if he wasn't so obese, but that's not likely to change.
The covid is his best chance.


like marbles on glass
An attending physician at Walter Reed Medical Center swiped at President Trump for leaving his hospital room and waving to supporters gathered outside from his motorcade, saying it puts those in the vehicle at risk.

"That Presidential SUV is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed against chemical attack. The risk of COVID19 transmission inside is as high as it gets outside of medical procedures. The irresponsibility is astounding. My thoughts are with the Secret Service forced to play," Dr. James P. Phillips, who is also the Chief of Disaster Medicine at George Washington University Emergency Medicine.

"Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential 'drive-by' just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
An attending physician at Walter Reed Medical Center swiped at President Trump for leaving his hospital room and waving to supporters gathered outside from his motorcade, saying it puts those in the vehicle at risk.

"That Presidential SUV is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed against chemical attack. The risk of COVID19 transmission inside is as high as it gets outside of medical procedures. The irresponsibility is astounding. My thoughts are with the Secret Service forced to play," Dr. James P. Phillips, who is also the Chief of Disaster Medicine at George Washington University Emergency Medicine.

"Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential 'drive-by' just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity"

so, there's no Secret Service personnel with him at the hospital?

all of the doctors and nurses and medical staff providing him with care are quarantining?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Either that or they notice how much more more vigorous and alert he is than the current president.
The president on covid is more "vigorous and alert" than Biden is not on covid. That you're denying this obvious fact is concerning.

The Barbarian

Like I was saying.
Anyone can bicycle, not everyone can run,

Trump seems to be unable to bicycle. He can barely walk down the same ramp that Biden trots up.

and thanks for mentioning his age.

It's been pointed out to me that Biden is actually older than Trump, even though Trump is obviously less physically fit and is confused most of the time. That was kind of a surprise.

Trolls are as trolls do. If it walks like a troll and talks like a troll, it's probably a troll.

I know a secret about trolls that trolls should know, but seem to never do. Never let your intended target get to you.

The covid is his best chance.

Some people suspect that. But given how careless he's been about protecting himself, it seems more likely that he really is sick, and not faking.
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