President Trump: get used to it


New member
About forty years ago.

Now buzz off :wave:

Exactly. He was donating money to Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid like all true conservatives. I'll tell ya, Crucible. These kids today pretend they know what a conservative is, but have they ever been registered Democrats? Have they ever supported the assault weapons ban and single payer healthcare like a real conservative? Nope. Until they've given money to the most liberal senators in history, I really don't want them to pretend that they're conservatives.


Exactly. He was donating money to Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid like all true conservatives. I'll tell ya, Crucible. These kids today pretend they know what a conservative is, but have they ever been registered Democrats? Have they ever supported the assault weapons ban and single payer healthcare like a real conservative? Nope. Until they've given money to the most liberal senators in history, I really don't want them to pretend that they're conservatives.

You all don't have the patent on what a 'true conservative' is.
And quite frankly I'm tired of hearing it.

Trump is a billionaire media mogul from New York, his case is simply different. He's very involved with liberals and while he has come and gone with slight leans to the Left or supporting certain liberals, he is predominantly conservative.

You all need to stop acting like babies, enough is enough :rolleyes:


New member
You all don't have the patent on what a 'true conservative' is.
And quite frankly I'm tired of hearing it.

Trump is a billionaire media mogul from New York, his case is simply different. He's very involved with liberals and while he has come and gone with slight leans to the Left or supporting certain liberals, he is predominantly conservative.

You all need to stop acting like babies, enough is enough :rolleyes:

What are the conservative policies he supports? His support of a national right to carry law is commendable, but besides that, I'm not sure what is conservative about him. It seems like you just have some emotional attachment to Trump like he's your father or something and is always right and can't be criticized.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You voted for a secular humanist candidate in a nation that sadly has gone from being founded upon Judeo-Christian doctrine to secular humanist doctrine. If you're a follower Christ, which you claim to be, you're to be obedient to His Word, which includes voting for God fearing men and women into public office.

There were only two candidates that were running aCW, both were secular humanists so where was this phantom "God fearing candidate" ? You do realize that one of the two were going to be president so, might as well have the candidate that will put forth an agenda that is not overtly evil, even Ted Cruz who was my candidate saw that. I find it interesting that when you take a position you hold it in spite of facts which makes you a demagogue not a person who has ideas that can be taken seriously, you just feel if you say it long enough and load enough you win....sorry doesn't work that way here at TOL, or offline in the real world.

I wasn't aware that having Judeo/Christian based laws (pro life, pro traditional marriage/family) meant that people would be somehow forced to practice the Christian faith.

You cannot force the moral code set forth by the founders any more than you can force someone to accept Christ as Lord & Savior aCW. There is an entire sect of Americans that reject both and the system set forth by the founders has been slowly chipped away at since the constitution was signed. The war rages on but, to posit that allowing the left to continue to degrade the constitution, the courts, and the legislature is suicide on a national level. Judging from the appointments made thus far I am cautiously optimistic. If Trump names Cruz as his pick for SCOTUS, I know that the tide will have turned for the better. The left cannot win at the ballot box so, they always turn to the courts to push their agenda, if they don't have that then their agenda loses ground...what's not to get here aCW? You may not like the man but, if Gods Word is true (and it is) than he is the one that controls who is in office not you or me, the powers that be are ordained of God don't you agree? or do you disagree with scripture as well?

Rom. 13:1 ¶ Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are ordained of God.

Not that this link matters one iota to people like you, but...

The Bible and Government
Biblical Principles: Basis for America's Laws

People like me? You really don't know how to have a conversation without insult or hyperbole do you? It is the best you you got but, it is an epic fail. If you want to discuss than do so if all you have is insult, move on.

I'm sure you'll have me hightailing it for the proverbial hills after a post or two (you are truthsmacker after all). Why get other people involved, you can take as much time as you want to show how much more you know about the founding of our nation then I do.

Debate? when you can define it, much less engage in it, than do so. All you got is a soapbox and a megaphone, certainly not an argument that you could meaningfully propose, or discuss without engaging in personal insults that is why you cannot be taken least not by me.

Let's just say that being an unrepentant adulterer, an accused child rapist and a filthy misogynist degenerate that Donald Trump is, he wouldn't be popular with the Christian founders of this once great nation, many who were elders, deacons and pastors in their respective church's

Hyperbole yet again... you have no idea how the founders would react in this day & age to this man because they were dealing with different people in different times. You act as if the founders were clean & white as the driven snow but, they were human and had human failings just as this man does, and you do for that matter. Outside of a mantra you really got nuthin do you?

As we've learned from the link above, our country's founding documents have very strong biblical roots. That being said: I wasn't aware that in order for government to protects innocent lives and strengthens the nucleus of society (i.e. the family), that it had to be "perfect".

I never proposed that it was perfect, nor have I proposed that people will accept or adhere to the Bible, or the roots of the founding either, you have. I understand (obviously better than you) that God uses fallible people to invoke change and if God has ordained Donald Trump as His change agent in this time than I will stand back and observe whether the man will govern in that way. I remember a Bible story where God used a jackass to speak to a man so, I believe God can use anyone or anything to complete His will, do you agree?

Explain how that works.

I just did...

If "you cannot stop evil from creeping in", why didn't you vote for Hillary Clinton?

Overt corrupt lying felon vs billionaire private citizen that is set to dismantle the left wing progressive agenda :think: Do you have to ask?

A theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. Iran and other Muslim countries are perfect examples. They murder those that don't embrace Islam. There is no such thing as a "Christian theocracy" because you can't force Christ's salvation on anyone (you can encourage it, but not force it).

You forgot to include the San Hedron as a theocracy that played a part in crucifying our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. If you believe that you cannot force Christ's salvation on people than why would you believe you can force Christian morals & values on an ever expanding secular society? How would the felon Hillary or a left wing president promote these morals & values? well you have the past 8 years as a guide if you cannot figure that out.

The prosecution rests it's case.

And a very weak case at that...You never had a case aCW, all you have is personal insults & hyperbole as per usual. I find it fascinating how you cannot discuss things with anybody, (not just me) that is why nobody will ever "Debate" as you say with you, because you don't know what the word means. In the end you are just a demagogue and, if all you ever did was attack ideas than you would be worth the time but, you attack the person not the position, that is why you are just a demagogue that cannot be taken seriously, or least to the extent that any type of meaningful discussion on any topic can happen. I think we are done here...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You voted for a secular humanist candidate in a nation that sadly has gone from being founded upon Judeo-Christian doctrine to secular humanist doctrine. If you're a follower Christ, which you claim to be, you're to be obedient to His Word, which includes voting for God fearing men and women into public office.

There were only two candidates that were running aCW, both were secular humanists so where was this phantom "God fearing candidate" ?

If your ballot didn't have other candidates on it (like Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party), then you should have opted to not vote for either secular humanist candidate running on the Presidential ticket.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I wasn't aware that having Judeo/Christian based laws (pro life, pro traditional marriage/family) meant that people would be somehow forced to practice the Christian faith.

You cannot force the moral code set forth by the founders any more than you can force someone to accept Christ as Lord & Savior aCW.

Did you just compare eternal salvation with human legislation? You did it again below. Unbelievable.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Not that this link matters one iota to people like you, but...

The Bible and Government
Biblical Principles: Basis for America's Laws

People like me? You really don't know how to have a conversation without insult or hyperbole do you? It is the best you got but, it is an epic fail. If you want to discuss than do so if all you have is insult, move on.

As seen through the link that I provided, our founding documents have a very strong biblical basis. That being said:

You voted for a moral degenerate for President, don't expect me to pat you on the back for doing so, especially after you ranted about wanting change.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
A theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. Iran and other Muslim countries are perfect examples. They murder those that don't embrace Islam. There is no such thing as a "Christian theocracy" because you can't force Christ's salvation on anyone (you can encourage it, but not force it).

You forgot to include the San Hedron as a theocracy that played a part in crucifying our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. If you believe that you cannot force Christ's salvation on people than why would you believe you can force Christian morals & values on an ever expanding secular society?

Laws by themselves aren't any good without cultural mores' backing them up. But to say that you shouldn't have righteous laws because not all people will agree with them is out and out anarchy.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Look at my avatar, which was taken 1 week before the election.

The prosecution rests it's case.

And a very weak case at that...You never had a case aCW,...

I never realized how Libertarian leaning you were...until now.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If your ballot didn't have other candidates on it (like Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party), then you should have opted to not vote for either secular humanist candidate running on the Presidential ticket.

Oh one of those phantom candidates that were never going to even see 1% of the vote? No I didn't even make it down that far on the list, no.

I never realized how Libertarian leaning you were...until now.

Libertarian leaning? I never knew it either...:chuckle:

I love the way you cherry picked my post to avoid having to address uncomfortable truths that I put out there for you, how slippery of you... so, I will do the same & cherry pick what I want to answer in your posts. Like I said you are a demagogue, and given you cannot discuss anything outside of your current rant we really are done here.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If your ballot didn't have other candidates on it (like Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party), then you should have opted to not vote for either secular humanist candidate running on the Presidential ticket.

Oh one of those phantom candidates that were never going to even see 1% of the vote? No I didn't even make it down that far on the list, no.

Having strong character doesn't come naturally, it comes from reading and acknowledging the Truth that comes in the Bible.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I never realized how Libertarian leaning you were...until now.

Libertarian leaning? I never knew it either...

Well now you know. You voted for someone who can't even get human sexuality and the right to life correct, yet you think that somehow he'll lead a nation in a righteous way.

How pathetic.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Well now you know. You voted for someone who can't even get human sexuality and the right to life correct, yet you think that somehow he'll lead a nation in a righteous way.

How pathetic.

Well I have always known that your opinion means spit so, there that is...Personally the man's stance on sexuality wasn't even a factor in my vote, and his position on abortion is pro-life by his own public admission, I am good with that. What is pathetic is that now that the election is over you cannot support the man God has ordained to lead this nation, you might want to give that some thought...

Rom. 13:1 ¶ Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are ordained of God.


New member
Well I have always known that your opinion means spit so, there that is...Personally the man's stance on sexuality wasn't even a factor in my vote, and his position on abortion is pro-life by his own public admission, I am good with that. What is pathetic is that now that the election is over you cannot support the man God has ordained to lead this nation, you might want to give that some thought...

Rom. 13:1 ¶ Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but of God; and the powers that be are ordained of God.

Trump didn't support the guy before him who God ordained, and neither did many of his supporters.


Trump didn't support the guy before him who God ordained, and neither did many of his supporters.

Both you and your secular humanist ally rocketman have it all wrong:

God ordained civil government as one of three institutions to govern man, He doesn't personally put civil leaders in their positions, He leaves that up to the people of the respective countries to do so (at least in countries that allow elections).


New member
Both you and your secular humanist ally rocketman have it all wrong:

God ordained civil government as one of three institutions to govern man, He doesn't personally put civil leaders in their positions, He leaves that up to the people of the respective countries to do so (at least in countries that allow elections).

Book, chapter, and verse? Just make up your political ideology as you go, just like you make up your religion as you go.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Well now you know. You voted for someone who can't even get human sexuality and the right to life correct, yet you think that somehow he'll lead a nation in a righteous way.

How pathetic.

Well I have always known that your opinion means spit so, there that is...Personally the man's stance on sexuality wasn't even a factor in my vote, and his position on abortion is pro-life by his own public admission, I am good with that...

If you followed politics you'd know that both the LGBTQueer movement and abortion movement are connected at the proverbial hip.

Surely you must be aware that the (supposed) right to privacy was the basis for not only both Roe v Wade and Obergefell v Hodges, but for every other SCOTUS case that involves sexuality?

As far as God personally ordaining someone who spits in His face like Donald Trump does: you've gone low enough already in your posts, please don't go any lower by mocking Him.


Book, chapter, and verse? Just make up your political ideology as you go, just like you make up your religion as you go.

This is where you tell us that God approves of civil leaders like Donald Trump waving the LGBTQueer flag, a flag that represents everything that God is against.

Come on Danny boy, say it.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Both you and your secular humanist ally rocketman have it all wrong:

God ordained civil government as one of three institutions to govern man, He doesn't personally put civil leaders in their positions, He leaves that up to the people of the respective countries to do so (at least in countries that allow elections).

Really? the book of Romans was written about 56 A.D. dimwit, where were all these elections happening in Rome? Your position is worse than ignorant, the verse is attached to a group of verses which taken in context mean the the civil leaders, rulers, including those put in enforcement of civil society. You might want to inject some sense of time into your rant because it doesn't fit the history of mankind, and it certainly has nothing to do with voting...

Rom. 13:1 ¶ Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Rom. 13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
Rom. 13:3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
Rom. 13:4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
As far as God personally ordaining someone who spits in His face like Donald Trump does: you've gone low enough already in your posts, please don't go any lower by mocking Him.

You are a petty little man who only has his own contrivance of what God is, and is not, you haven't the love in your heart to call yourself a Christian, Christianity is a buzz word to you, a weapon you wield to tear down your opponents on this site, and I am sure many others as well. Who gives a rip what you think about anything, you are just a sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal, it is quite obvious to anyone who has followed your rants that the Love of God is the furthest thing from you, you spit in God's face with the venom that flows freely from your lips daily toward others. You mock God just as you mock his word which don't understand as anything but a weapon to war against people you deem as unworthy of His love...Epic Fail
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As far as God personally ordaining someone who spits in His face like Donald Trump does: you've gone low enough already in your posts, please don't go any lower by mocking Him.

You are a petty little man who only has his own contrivance of what God is, and is not, you haven't the love in your heart to call yourself a Christian, Christianity is a buzz word to you, a weapon you wield to tear down your opponents on this site, and I am sure many others as well. Who gives a rip what you think about anything, you are just a sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal, it is quite obvious to anyone who has followed your rants that the Love of God is the furthest thing from you, you spit in God's face with the venom that flows freely from your lips daily toward others. You mock God just as you mock his word which don't understand as anything but a weapon to war against people you deem as unworthy of His love...Epic Fail

You've already pointed out that you couldn't care less about this:


Donald Trump holds high the flag for gay equality

now explain to me and other God-fearing Americans who believe that God's institution of marriage and the traditional family are sacred, why it shouldn't be important to us as well.


So you can't show me the chapter and verse that tells us to vote. Noted

I've suggested to other Libertarians that have posted on this website over the years that they get deprogrammed from their cult, have you ever thought about doing so? There is professional help out there you know for people like you.