Possible for saved to be wrong?

Possible for saved to be wrong?

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Well-known member
OK, lets go a little deeper.
This one may take a little longer to answer because you may have to think about it a little longer.

Could the apostles (the 12 or Paul) have taught/preached a wrong doctrine?
(I'm not talking about the guys that followed them, but just them.)

If Peter caving in front of the Jews counts, then yes


New member
Hall of Fame
No, Jesus Christ spent forty days training them after they received the Holy Spirit.

James, Peter, and John approved Paul's message and extended fellowship to him.

They all preached God's word and Jesus said scripture cannot be broken.

Did you miss where Paul corrected Peter on being wrong about what he was teaching? Galatians 2:11-14


New member
In other words, peter was wrong and teaching unscriptural things .. thanks.

They were all guilty of hypocrisy except Paul.

Galatians 2:13 And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.​


New member
Hall of Fame
They were all guilty of hypocrisy except Paul.

Galatians 2:13 And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.​

yes, glad you can admit that yes indeed its possible for the saved to be wrong about some scriptural things. :)


TOL Subscriber
As long as believers remain in their earthly bodies, the law of sin remains in their members keeping them fallible and subject to error.

However, being subject to error is not the same as being enslaved and held in bondage to serving sinful error.

Holy sanctification worked by the Holy Spirit guides Christians into all Truth, but not necessarily all at once. It is usually the result of a lifetime of faithful study and learning by which believers escape doctrinal and scriptural errors.

Practice of continual and unrepentant error evidences no presence of the Holy Spirit and a dead faith.

patrick jane

As long as believers remain in their earthly bodies, the law of sin remains in their members keeping them fallible and subject to error.

However, being subject to error is not the same as being enslaved and held in bondage to serving sinful error.

Holy sanctification worked by the Holy Spirit guides Christians into all Truth, but not necessarily all at once. It is usually the result of a lifetime of faithful study and learning by which believers escape doctrinal and scriptural errors.

Practice of continual and unrepentant error evidences no presence of the Holy Spirit and a dead faith.
Case in point, Calvinists are saved even though they are in major error -


TOL Subscriber
Case in point, Calvinists are saved even though they are in major error -

You just offered a contradictory opinion. You claim it is a case in point that Calvinists are saved, despite, in your opinion, their unrepentant and major error.

So which is it?

Do you make no distinction between growing out of error from unrepentant practice of error? I John 3:9

And who is the Judge of all this, anyway?

patrick jane

You just offered a contradictory opinion. You claim it is a case in point that Calvinists are saved, despite, in your opinion, their unrepentant and major error.

So which is it?

Do you make no distinction between growing out of error from unrepentant practice of error? I John 3:9

And who is the Judge of all this, anyway?
Doctrinal error


New member
If Peter caving in front of the Jews counts, then yes

Some thoughts on your valid point, and some thoughts as to Tam's question.

Your post rightly shows the Twelve's earlier empowerment was no longer.

And Peter appears to have had issues with simply standing his ground at times.

And then there is the case of Apollos; a man "mighty in Scripture" and yet, at the same time "knowing only" so much, as he had obviously been in need of knowing some things "more perfectly" or, much more fully informed.

There was a brother years ago who had once had a worldwide books and tapes based ministry.

He had had a real zeal to get out his understanding of the Scripture to as many people as possible.

He invested just gobs of his own money towards all that.

One day, he heard a message on the gospel of our salvation.

Completely threw him.

A very humble man; he decided to look into it.

With his same characteristic zeal.

He now sends that all over the world.

Two things stand out...

Despite his great, earlier zeal, he had been wrong.


Where was God that He would allow not only such a waste of time and money, but on preaching a gospel that did not make His Son's FINISHED work the "light on an hill" it is meant to be?

In a silent Heaven; that's where.

Satisfied that Paul finished his coarse; the full revelation of the Mystery in written form and then some.

The above brother was simply in need of someone PROPERLY pointing him to the Scripture.

The other thing that sticks out?

His willingness to be a true Berean when he first heard what at first had appeared radical to him.

His willingness to hear the thing out; not prove himself the enemy so many prove themselves despite their illusions they are anything but.

But his is not how all are...

Even within the so called "Mad" of some...

To point out a thing to such is to find one is now considered their enemy.


New member
So true Danoh, MADs are those that search more diligently and hear a thing out in full -

Yeah, but if you look at the Mad history (Grace History Project) as to what happened with Stam; what happened with him unfortunately did not die with him.

Where he had become so used to pointing out where nonMads were wrong and ever being congragulated by his own as being right on things that when a sharper Mad came along and could not but point out some inconsistencies in Stam's Mad; the next thing said other Mad knew, Stam had pronounced him his enemy :chuckle:

As the old saying rightly goes - the names change, but the game stays the same...


Well-known member
Yeah, but if you look at the Mad history (Grace History Project) as to what happened with Stam; what happened with him unfortunately did not die with him.

Where he had become so used to pointing out where nonMads were wrong and ever being congragulated by his own as being right on things that when a sharper Mad came along and could not but point out some inconsistencies in Stam's Mad; the next thing said other Mad knew, Stam had pronounced him his enemy :chuckle:

As the old saying rightly goes - the names change, but the game stays the same...

If I read you right, the 'victim' you may be hinting at was not without some guilt there, according to first hand testimony personally related to me by some who were present when it all happened. But of course if my guess is correct on who you're referring to, you will never ever believe that's remotely possible


Well-known member
I think I agree.
But I keep my options open on this one.

My present OPINION is that they could not have taught a wrong doctrine
BUT .... I also believe that does not include any of the preachers or teachers that followed them.
My problem is that I don't think I can adequately explain why.
For lack of better way to say it, it is my OPINION that they were a 'specialty team', so to speak.

Which helps support MAD, in an indirect way. Some on TOL insist Peter was in error, bigoted, selfish and wrong when he was very reluctant to go to Cornelius, as were the others who chewed him out for going. What that view implies about those men, and about God, never seems to occur to those holding that view, because Peter et al were none of those things (at least not at that time).


] Not within the Body, He doesn't.
Mal 4:4-6, Mt 24:14

As a reminder musterion is number 59 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).



Do not add back the links. I will put you in time out again of you link to your slanderous blog again.--Sherman
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New member
Of course it's possible for a saved person to be wrong about many things in the Bible. In fact, no one has ever been right about everything in the Bible - far from it. The best example is all of the saved people on TOL who adhere to the MAD fantasy.