Possible for saved to be wrong?

Possible for saved to be wrong?

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Is it possible for a saved person to teach/preach anything contrary to the true meaning of scripture?

That's a very good question. Right off hand, I'd say it's possible for a saved person to misunderstand a verse of Scripture, however, they wouldn't be preaching /teaching something contrary to the Gospel and all its necessary fundamentals. I've found verses in the Old and New Testament that I didn't understand. So, if I didn't have a clear understanding of it, I wouldn't teach my opinion as dogmatic. I'd have to say: "I think it means or it may mean?" It would be totally speculative on my part.

patrick jane

Is it possible for a saved person to teach/preach anything contrary to the true meaning of scripture?
It's absolutely possible. I see it everyday on TOL. No two people seem to agree completely on every word or doctrine, and everybody is wrong about certain things. It's very rare or nearly impossible to see and hear someone that preaches a perfect gospel as the Bible does.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's absolutely possible. I see it everyday on TOL. No two people seem to agree completely on every word or doctrine, and everybody is wrong about certain things. It's very rare or nearly impossible to see and hear someone that preaches a perfect gospel as the Bible does.

I've come across a group of Grace Gospel Believers on TOL. We are pretty much in tune with one another. The author of this thread is one of those amazing posters. I publically and personally admire her.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
OK, lets go a little deeper.
This one may take a little longer to answer because you may have to think about it a little longer.

Could the apostles (the 12 or Paul) have taught/preached a wrong doctrine?
(I'm not talking about the guys that followed them, but just them.)


New member
Is it possible for a saved person to teach/preach anything contrary to the true meaning of scripture?

A person is going to teach what they believe to be the truth whether it is or not.

This why Paul said to prove all things, not by opinion but by scripture.

Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.​

For example, many on TOL acknowledge the pope's authority to rescind God's Sabbath.


New member
Could the apostles (the 12 or Paul) have taught/preached a wrong doctrine?

No, Jesus Christ spent forty days training them after they received the Holy Spirit.

James, Peter, and John approved Paul's message and extended fellowship to him.

They all preached God's word and Jesus said scripture cannot be broken.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
No, Jesus Christ spent forty days training them after they received the Holy Spirit.

James, Peter, and John approved Paul's message and extended fellowship to him.

They all preached God's word and Jesus said scripture cannot be broken.
I think I agree.
But I keep my options open on this one.

My present OPINION is that they could not have taught a wrong doctrine
BUT .... I also believe that does not include any of the preachers or teachers that followed them.
My problem is that I don't think I can adequately explain why.
For lack of better way to say it, it is my OPINION that they were a 'specialty team', so to speak.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I think I agree.
But I keep my options open on this one.

My present OPINION is that they could not have taught a wrong doctrine
BUT .... I also believe that does not include any of the preachers or teachers that followed them.
My problem is that I don't think I can adequately explain why.
For lack of better way to say it, it is my OPINION that they were a 'specialty team', so to speak.



Active member
This was discussed in another thread recently. If a person is truly saved by grace through faith in Christ, then the doctrine is not essential to their salvation. IOW, they were not saved by WHAT they know in their head, but rather by WHO they believe upon in their heart. That doesn't mean that we should not seek better and deeper understanding, but a wrong doctrine cannot result in the loss of their salvation, if in fact that person was ever truly saved. Acts 16:30-31


You are obviously disqualified -

You like the hidden with Christ part just not the
ye are dead part (Col 3:3). :Shimei:

